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“...I think I’m pretty happy with my chances of winning” said Sheila with a confident smile in response to the interviewer.

The busty brown-skinned beauty straightened her back, puffing out her already massive chest forward even more for the camera. As the contestant representing Cafe Pomero at the Miss Cafe pageant, she was feeling pretty good. She’d seen a few of the other girls from different restaurants, and none of the others were as curvy as she was. 

Sheila had purposely put on a bit of weight for this contest too, to inflate her hefty breasts and shapely butt even further. It was no secret that Gingerbreadland folks loved fuller figured girls, with an above-average number of folks straight up liking fat chicks. She could sacrifice putting on a few more pounds if it meant a better chance of winning.

“I’ve been putting on a few pounds lately, to be honest” she smiled, teasing for the camera as she strategically tugged at her too-small bra cups--another purposeful move by her wardrobe team to make her tits look even bigger. “My G-cup bras are getting so tight!” she said with a pretend pout, looking down at her own wobbling cleavage as she exaggerated her tugging a bit. They looked HUGE, and she knew the judges and fans would love that.

“So yeah, I think my chances are pretty good--”

But she was cut off as the entire place started to shake.

The entire entrance of the Miss Cafe pageant burst open, the “ENTRANCE” sign smashed into pieces by a pair of outrageously huge breasts as one very fat, very busty teenage girl bulldozed her way through, and was currently jammed in the demolished front wall of the venue.

Sheila gawked up at the monstrously fat girl, so lewdly overexposed in whatever kind of costume she was wearing. How could anyone get so massive?!

“Urghhh...Yunie...I think I’m stuck!” groaned the now absolutely gargantuan Lauren, so overfed from all those weeks of pageant prep. Wearing a cow-print bra, a headband with cow horns and ears, and even a bell on her wristband, she was supposed to be a cute cow-girl representing Fat Cow Cafe.

Or she would be, if she hadn’t gotten so enormously fat that her shorts were reduced to panties, her bra was more like underboob support, and her FCC top didn’t even stretch over her boobs anymore, which were bulging out in the open fully exposed.

“The bra is still okay, right?” said the enormously busty girl dimly, unable to see the condition of the bra past her own titanic tits. Which, thanks to them being wedged in the front wall, were pushed up against her own face blocking her view of everything.

The front wall was cracking around her as she tried squeezing herself in, each earthshaking push creating more cracks as more bits of wall flew off. 

Naturally, each heave sent her fully exposed tits and belly into massive jiggling, onlookers staring up at all that wobbling blubber.

Yunnie, who was jokingly referred to as this enormous cow’s “handler”, was kind of used to this by now as she faced the Miss Cafe staff member gawking up at all that Lauren.

“She’s...she’s been eating real good lately” said Yunnie with a weak smile, giving the massive girl a pat on her belly, making it jiggle with blubber.

That belly then let out a rumble that sent everything shaking again.

“I’m hungry again Yunnie” whined the now quite spoiled model, pouting as she struggled to fit through the crumbling wall. “Isn’t it time for third lunch yet…?”

Sheila, who had been watching all this in resignation, turned her attention back to the camera.

“...errr...I-I’m...I’m happy finishing second place, actually” she said to the interviewer in a defeated tone.




Do you consider this series finished or is a part 7 something you might do?