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Lauren - Fashion 2


Poor Tara. As Lauren’s stylist, keeping the ever-expanding teenager’s outrageous figure in check--or at the very least contained--was her main job. 

Despite Lauren being a literally growing brand-image problem, Curvy Kat couldn’t let her go. She provided just too much to them thanks to her skyrocketing popularity. Besides, parting ways with her now, after she started getting fat, was definitely not going to be a good look for the company. 

After her appearance on Christy Chats a few weeks ago, Lauren’s popularity exploded even further. Her words of “us curvier girls should know when to let loose once in a while” were applauded by the Gingerbread populace as a message for body positivity, and the hashtag #LetLoose was born. 

Lauren and Curvy Kat received an outpouring of support and praise, fans from all over saying “you go girl!”, “work it!” and telling her to “keep repping curvy girls!” Though she hardly needed the confidence boost, all that positivity only made Lauren even more complacent about her weight.

Tara would see Lauren at various events, not at all ashamed about stuffing her face in front of collaborators, clients, partners. The worst part was, people were actually encouraging her! Once, at an event with a pastry shop, Kat was about to tell Lauren off for eating yet another box of doughnuts when the pastry shop’s manager came over with a fresh batch of eclairs.

“It’s so nice to have a model who actually has an appetite” he said, looking at the emptied boxes and wrappers that had collected around Lauren’s table. “Let me know if you want more, alright?”

“Mmmfff...I will, thanks!” said Lauren through a mouthful of pastry, her gigantic breasts smashing onto the table as she leaned forward to grab some of those eclairs.

Even at work, Tara’s own colleagues weren’t making her job any easier! Officemates bringing her food, taking her out for free meals, some even playing off their gifts as ‘free stuff they got from clients’...but Tara knew better. It seemed like all the guys (and some gals) at work were on a mission to see how much fatter they could make Lauren.

All this support, encouragement, and pampering meant that Lauren was eating almost nonstop. Tara was constantly working to keep up with Lauren’s skyrocketing cup-size and dress-size, and could only watch as her model continued to grow fatter...and fatter...and fatter... 

And today, this is what she had to deal with.


The quakes that were shaking Tara’s office came to a halt, as a massive shadow loomed over her workstation and a fat belly smashed onto her desk, knocking over her things.

“Taraaaa! Do you have these in a bigger size?” said the now gigantic Lauren Smith, struggling to see past her own colossal boobs.

Tara’s eyes went up past that blubbery gut, up to a pair of absolutely monstrous breasts bursting out of a familiar top and bra--those were the ones Tara had just sent out!

She gasped when she realized Lauren’s nipples were actually out in the open, her top riding up and barely covering anything, while the bra cups were stretched to breaking point against those behemoth breasts of hers.

“I think ZZZ++ cups are a bit too small on me now...” Lauren admitted through a mouthful of food. 

Tara sighed. “Laur, you promised me you’d try to cut back and diet, even a little, in preparation for this event…”

Tara couldn’t see it from here, but Lauren’s skirt didn’t fare any better than her top. Like her top, it was reduced to little more than a stretch of cloth straining across a fraction of the things it was supposed to cover--this time Lauren’s humongous ass cheeks. Butt-cleavage poured out the top, the rest of her giant buttocks exposed too, and her now thong-like panties out for all to see as they disappeared between her enormous, wobbling cheeks.

“But I haveee~” insisted the gargantuan girl.

“You can’t tell me that while you’re literally dipping a pastry into a tub of nutella!”

Tara watched as Lauren dunked another cream-filled pastry, shaking off some dripping nutella and causing her belly and tits to jiggle obscenely, making Tara’s entire workstation shake as well. Jeez she was so fat. ‘How could Curvy Kat approve of this!’, she thought as Lauren now shoved the soaked pastry piggishly into her mouth, getting nutella  all over her overflowing cleavage.

“Whatttt... I just got so hungry because of you making me diet. I only had two lunches today, so gimme a break” pouted the enormous spoiled teen through a mouthful, licking her chubby fingers clean. 

She then reached for another pastry, which was stored...in her own cleavage. She couldn’t even lumber over to Tara’s office without needing a snack for the 2-minute walk.

“So uhhh...do you have anything in a bigger size?” she went, looking down at her own monstrous rack and hearing the stitching start to pop again. Whether it was her top or her bra, she didn’t know, since all she saw was cleavage.

“No Laur, I don’t. Those are the biggest clothes we have. I was working on this bra for your next shoot, but it looks like this is too small too” she said, frowning at the gigantic bra that was occupying her entire desk. Each cup was big enough for her to use as a swing, but when she looked up at the state of its sister--bursting at the seams, straps and bands broken by an onslaught of boobage--she knew this one wouldn’t do.

“Errr...well, it’s not that bad is it? Like, I can totally pull off this look” rationalized Lauren with a bite of her lip, when she realized this was the only outfit that still actually fit her. She and Tara simultaneously turned to the large wall mirror in the office next to them. It showed a monstrously fat teenager, stuffing her face with a calorie-bomb of a ‘snack’, her outrageous tits and ass bursting obscenely out of the little clothes she had on, her fat gut bulging over her stylist’s workstation, adding to the overall look of lewd fatness.

“Laur. Your tits and ass are literally out in the open. And then there’s all this” said Tara, using both her hands to try and push her model’s overfed belly off her desk. She struggled, that belly was heavy! All she succeeded in doing was make it wobble with fat, the jiggling rippling through her blubbery hips and giant boobs.

“Okay so I do look a bit chubbier in this outfit...” admitted the monstrously obese girl as she looked down at all her quaking blubber, her stylist’s desk shaking with her fat. 

“...but #LetLoose, am I right?” she giggled as, to Tara’s horror, she tipped the entire container of nutella over her head and proceeded to chug it down.

‘Oh god, no wonder she’s getting so fat’ thought Tara with disgust as nutella trickled down her double-chin and onto her cleavage messily.

“BUUUURRRRRPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!” went the gargantuan teenager, tossing aside the emptied container carelessly as her burp caused all her exposed blubber to quake once again.

She felt a beep, and dug her phone out of her cleavage again (it really was a handy storage compartment, it was so deep). 

“Ooooh Tommy from Accounting says lunch is on him! Third lunch, here I come” said Lauren hungrily, turning around to leave.

Tara could only watch as the gigantic model lumbered out her office, her monstrous ass and thighs wobbling, even her back-fat jiggling. The entire room was shaking, and the floor cracked under the weight of her footsteps. 

‘Yup, definitely Curvy Kat material’ she thought sarcastically with a sigh, as Lauren bulldozed her way out of the demolished doorway.




would to get a better view of the latest Curvy Kat line from behind ;)