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Double Date


I should’ve known asking Lauren Smith to accompany me on a double-date was a bad idea. 

I was used to charming my date with my pleasantly plump figure. My huge boobs. My healthy appetite. Both our dates were into big girls--I had checked--so I was expecting smooth sailing for this date. 

After all, I was Camilla Cocoa, one of the most popular models on Thickness Magazine, the number one publication in Gingerbreadland for plus-sized girls and BBW's. 

My pride as a model wouldn't let me believe that some new-comer teenager would hold more sway than me. That's why I chose her for this double-date. I wanted to show her how a real big-time model did her thing. Some of the other girls were warning me that Lauren had gotten even bigger, even fatter...but really, how bad could it be?

I already had a plan for wooing my cute date. I’d gone with a form fitting dress to hug my curves and chub, low-cut of course, with a push-up bra to give my massive G-cup boobs an extra oomf. I would eat happily, tease him about how I’ve been putting on weight lately, how my boobs were getting enormous from all my eating...FA’s like him tended to love that. He’d tell me how deliciously plump I looked and take me home for a session of feeding and fucking.

At least that was the plan. But all that flew out the window once Lauren bulldozed her way into the restaurant.

“Soooo...I heard you boys...liked...big girls?” she huffed as the entire restaurant shook with here every footstep, the ground cracking, and her massive shadow loomed over our entire booth.

And now here I was, desperately trying to get my date’s attention back as I was pressed against the divider between our booth and the next. 

I was sinking into Lauren’s love handle, pushing against her overfed belly. I was being smothered, pressed down, as one of her gargantuan boobs bulged on top of me, pouring over the cracking divider into the adjacent booth. How the hell was she so damn fat?!

All the attention was on Laur, and why would it not be! Her fat belly was bulging over the table which was breaking under its weight, as the boys (yes, my date included!) ordered plate after plate to stuff it with. Even worse, the fat cow’s outrageous boobs were pretty much fully exposed and looming over us all like a second roof, as her so-called “top” lay uselessly above it, covering nothing. This was lewd, even for me, an adult entertainment star.

“...it’s soooo nice that Gingerbreadland boys don’t mind girls with a bit of chub” said Lauren, using one hand to dump a plateful of porkchops into her mouth and using the other to rub her fat, wobbling gut in front of our dates, causing all her stuffed belly fat and giant boobs to quake. “But I think this place is making me faaaat~” she pretended to pout, while she ironically slurped up a pitcher of gravy, some of the thick stuff rolling down her double-chin. 

“BUUUURRRPPPPPPPPPP!” she went piggishly, her own belch causing her tits and belly fat to wobble even more, which was nothing but a turn on for the two FA boys. Damn she was good.

As I struggled with her blubber and boobage, I watched both our dates looking up at her. They were absolutely mesmerized by all that wobbling fat, not to mention the shamelessness of Lauren--she was literally dumping platefuls of food into her mouth with her tits out for all the world to see! 

(Her bottoms weren’t much better either--behind us, her gigantic ass had crushed our side of the booth completely, her tiny skirt about as useful as her “top”, her panties and entire butt fully exposed.)

I tried to win back my date’s attention throughout the night, but it was pretty hard with the fattest belly and fattest tits in the world dominating his view and quite literally pushing me out of the picture.

“...I swear, my boobs are getting so big lately, I’m already overflowing my G-cup bras…” I went, pushing up my large breasts together. Though it was a bit futile as a nipple bigger than them was sitting just above my head in plain sight. 

“...I wasn’t able to squeeze into the couch-sized bra you got me though. Waaay too small” pouted Lauren, looking down at her own massive boobs and easily drawing both the boys’ attention.

“But at least I got the top to fit!” she said dimly, tugging at the barely-there fabric of the turn top. “Besides, it’s in fashion to go braless nowadays anyway! And this top makes my boobs look great” giggled, kind of missing the fact that those girls were typically skinny with small boobs and didn’t have their tits on full display. 

Lauren continued to eat, and eat, and eat, the plates piling up. 

By the end of it all, the table was absolutely groaning under her overfed gut, bending down the middle.

“You boys were soooo sweet to us” smiled the monstrously obese teen, licking her plump fingers happily.

More like sweet to you, I thought as I was almost fully buried in belly and boobage.

“So...where’s dessert?” she said hungrily, just as the table collapsed under the weight of her belly, causing the entire restaurant to shake and her overflowing blubber to quake.

Earlier that day...

“Oh my god...is that what you’re wearing to your date?!” gasped her best friend Clara, as the entire room shook and a massive shadow loomed over her.

Lauren’s fat belly, fully exposed, came to a halt inches from her friend. But the worst part was Lauren’s breasts were pretty much fully exposed as well. She was wearing some “top” draped uselessly above her giant boobs, the fabric torn and stringy, while her monstrous mams sat out there fully exposed. 

Clara had to give credit to how fat and plump they looked despite her sheer mass though, and chalked it up to Lauren’s good genes. Her breasts always looked great. But still...this was ridiculous!

“Yeah, you know how I let my dates buy me an outfit and I promise to always wear them? My date got me this super cute top. And sure it’s a bit showy, but I don’t want to let him down” winked Lauren, trying to tug the “top” down over her mammoth breasts even a little. That only succeeded in making everything wobble, and the top sprang right back up.

“Laur, your tits are out! Put on a bra!”

“I would, but I broke the couch-sized bra he sent me. You know I haven’t been a couch-size in ages! Honestly, did he really think I’d fit into such a small bra?” giggled Lauren, the only girl who would call couch-sized bra cups “small”.

“Besides, this top is one of those you can wear braless. See?” said the busty behemoth bimbo dimly, showing her bestie a pic of the same top on a thin, rather small-breasted model from the clothing line’s website. Somehow the slim model could pull off the low-cut top braless while not making it look lewd at all. 

Clara looked from the classy look of the model on her phone...up to her obscenely exposed, and monstrously obese friend looming over her.

To add to the image of fatness, Lauren was now also dumping a whole box of doughnuts into her mouth piggishly.

“It’s a bit tighter on me than on her. But this was the biggest size they had! What kind of clothing company only goes up to 20XL?” pouted Lauren through a mouthful of doughnut, looking down at her fully exposed tits and belly.

Clara sighed. “And...your bottoms?”

“I am wearing bottoms! Show her, H-bot!” said Lauren. A hoovering assistant bot flew over and, with difficulty, lifted his master’s enormous belly to show the front of a tiny pair of no floss-like panties. 

“Just panties Laur? This is a bit much, even for you!”

“Ugh no Clara, I’m not a slut!” giggled Lauren. “I’m wearing a 20XL skirt my date sent me as well! Same one that model is wearing.”

She turned with all the grace of an aircraft carrier, her giant ass knocking over some nearby furniture, until it loomed over Clara as well. It was fully exposed, her tiny panties like a thong between her enormous cheeks. And riding up uselessly by the small of her back was a “skirt”, which looked more like a belt of fabric than anything.

“It’s a bit short, but I like the style! Plus, you see girls walking around in their tiny shorts with their cheeks peeking out. So how’s this any different?” said Lauren obliviously, trying to tug the tearing fabric over her enormous, fully-exposed ass.

Clara slapped a hand on her forehead.

“Skinny bitches aren’t the only ones who can pull of the braless, mini-skirt look! Us chubbier girls can do it too!” 

“I think this outfit makes my curves look incredible! I love it!” she giggled, bouncing where she stood and making the entire room shake, her blubber and curvage quaking obscenely. 

“This date of mine is pretty good! Maybe I should get him as a style advisor…” she mused posing like the model in her photo, but with her fat tits, belly, and ass out in the open. 

H-bot then projected Lauren’s reflection into the airspace next to them, which Lauren used as a mirror of sorts.

“Okay, so this outfit makes me look a littleeeee fat” she admitted with a bite of her lip as she admired her reflection, her face and cleavage messy with sugar and crumbs. She was practically nude, and all that fat wobbling everywhere…

She turned to her tiny friend beyond the swell of one of her mammoth boobs.

“Claraaaa! You shouldn’t have had let me have that fifth lunch! That’s why I’m so bloated!” she said, trying to push in her fat gut with her hands as she sucked in.

“It’s alright, it’s a good thing my date likes chubby girls. He wanted a big girl? He got one!” she giggled looking back at her outrageous reflection and stretching her fat, wobbling arms up, thrusting her monstrous boobs forward.

‘A really, really, REALLY big one’ thought Clara as her friend’s massive shadow loomed over her, everything jiggling.



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