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Surprise! This drawing was done by the very talented Hisano-X of his OC Jocelyn meeting up with her ex, Dave. I simply added a story to go with this image. You can read more on Jocelyn here

Jocelyn and Dave

Beth had never liked Dave much--it was just too obvious he was in it with Jocelyn mostly just for the physical aspect. Especially when she started putting on weight, just before they broke it off. Since then he had tried to reach out to her multiple times, trying to make lame apologies and get back together as Jocelyn’s banging curvy body body grew into the BBW realm. This only confirmed Beth’s suspicions that he was both an FA and a dick.

Jocelyn, nice as she was, couldn’t help but be annoyed by her ex. They’d bumped into each other a few times, with Dave asking her how she was, gushing about how good she looked, and making some lame half-jokes about how they should totally get back together. She’d always be nice to him, making friendly conversation and gently changing the topic whenever he suggested they hang out again. Beth suspected these “coincidental” encounters were manufactured, with Dave hanging out in places Jocelyn frequented, just so he could get the chance to talk to her again. During the few that she was with Jocelyn, she’d usually make some kind of comment after the encounter. “Did you see how he kept staring at your boobs the entire time??” she would say, a mix of displeasure and laughter. “The poor boy’s so desperate. You could totally ask for anything from him and he’d offer them for the glory of Pasta and Potato!” 

So, after Jocelyn got her latest message from Dave (“Hey Joce, I got a part-time job at that pastry shop you liked nearby. I work the night shift. You should totally swing by, I know how you love nighttime snacks--I’ll give you some, on the house! Just like old times. Ha ha ha”), 

Beth convinced Jocelyn to have a little fun and tease her poor ex. She would take him up on his invite, appear at the store in barely-fitting clothes, and show him all that he was missing out on. 

Giggling, Beth had grabbed Jocelyn’s phone and responded in her place: “Awesome, I’ll be there tonight! I’ll see if I can find my blue dress, to keep with the “just like old times” theme lol”. Jocelyn, giggling herself, grabbed her phone back and exclaimed “Beth! I doubt I’m going to be able to get that dress over my boobs anymore, let alone fit into it!”

“That’s the point” winked her best friend.

On Dave’s side, he almost had a nosebleed at the mention of the blue dress. It was his favorite of hers, and she had worn it a lot when she first began putting on weight towards the tail end of their relationship. In that short period he had watched it grow tighter and tighter around Joce’s ballooning breasts, buttocks, belly… he wondered what it looked like now?

Back with the girls, Beth was doing her usual thing of helping pick out Jocelyn’s outfit. She wanted Beth to look as “outrageously fat as possible” were her words, to really flaunt it in Dave’s face. “It’s not like it will take much effort to do that anymore” laughed Jocelyn. She had a point.

Finally, Jocelyn emerged in her “dress”, if it could even be called that, and Beth’s jaw fell. 

“What do you think? A bit revealing, no?” joked Jocelyn, one hand trying to tug the fabric of the dress even a little bit over her giant, fully exposed breasts. While the other adjusted her only remaining bra cups that fit. “I do want to look decent for her ex, after all! ;)” she went, already getting into character which elicited a laugh from Beth.

“Oh my god Joce...he’ll probably faint at the sight of you” said Beth, who found even herself gawking up at her gigantic bestie in awe. “I think the Seductress is ready.”

A little later, at the pastry shop Dave worked at... 

Dave’s mouth fell open. How. What. Whaaa…? Whatever feeling of regret he had from missing out and letting Jocelyn go were multiplied many times now...much like the weight of his now absolutely gargantuan ex. This was crazy! He had seen Jocelyn not more than a few months ago! Sure she had gotten fat then--fatter, bustier, curvier than he had ever imagined she would--but this was...this was just ridiculous. 

“Heyyyy Daveee long time no see!” said the mammoth girl who had just bulldozed her way through his store’s front doorway, breaking it and taking bits of the wall with her. Now so massive, Jocelyn towered well over a regular person’s height. Her every footstep caused the entire store to shake, and the store’s floor actually cracked under her weight. He was going to have to explain that to the manager...but taking it out of his pay was worth it for all this.

Jocelyn knew right away the plan was going great, and she couldn’t help but grin inwardly while maintaining her casual facade. That was part of Beth’s plan too--to treat the whole thing like it was another regular encounter, nothing different or special, despite the fact Jocelyn was now monstrously obese (“Heyyy I’m not monstrously obese!” she had giggled in protest). 

Dave, meanwhile, was doing his part to keep cool without mentioning his ex’s extremely arousing new figure. It was a good thing the store was empty--he would get in major trouble if other customers saw this much blubber on display, not to mention Jocelyn’s literally exposed nipples that were popping out of her gigantic but still too-small bra. And was she even wearing bottoms? 

The store continued to shake as she lumbered over, and she finally arrived at the counter, her massive shadow looming over him. Her gigantic belly bulged over the counter, knocking over items and eating up space like an all-consuming blob, providing the extra support for her giant breasts that her poor bra cups could no longer do.

“Heyyyy, helloooo? Earth to Dave?” she grinned down at him with difficulty past her earthshaking tits. “Anyone homeee?” She raised one fat arm and waved it, making her upper arm fat wobble while sending her giant boobs and belly into quakes as well. That caused one of the many reinforcement straps holding her industrial scale bra together to snap, even more of her left boob spilling out over her tiny ex.

“J-Joce! Sorry. H-hey...wow...you look…” he stammered, waving meekly, a bit lost for words.  “...you look really good!” he gulped, staring at all that still-wobbling blubber, his eyes going up to his ex’s exposed breasts, before he forced them up to her noticeably fatter face smiling down at him.

She could tell he was doing all he could to not stare at all her fat bulging everywhere (which, to his credit, must have been hard to do considering how much of his field of vision she now occupied). She hadn’t been fully onboard this plan at first, but she had to admit Beth was right--this was kind of fun! 

“Thanks Dave, I knew you’d appreciate how it fits on me now!”

“What fits…?”

“My blue dress silly! I told you I’d find it. Just like old times huh?” she smiled, tugging at the blue fabric uselessly rolled up above her chest, not managing to even make it halfway over her breasts anymore.

That’s the dress?!” he gasped, thinking she had been wearing some terribly undersized crop top.

“Yup. I know, I know, it’s gotten a bit tighter on me…” she began, turning at an angle so he could see more of her, particularly her ginormous ass that stuck out several feet behind her, fully exposed and her red panties barely visible against those massive cheeks. “...but doesn’t it show off my figure better?” For good measure she did a pose as instructed by Beth, folding her fat arms behind her head like a pin-up model, thrusting out her boobs and butt which took out a couple of nearby displays on either side of her. She was just too much woman for the store.

“I-it looks great on you Joce, even better than I remembered!” he gasped, as his ex’s bulging flesh wobbled on after toppling those displays with ease. “Y-your...I think you’re busting out a bit though…?” he went, finally pointing out her very exposed nipples. 

Jocelyn rolled her eyes and grinned inwardly. That was such a Dave move, thinking that would win him some “gentleman points” when all he wanted was an excuse to talk about her breasts. Well, he wanted it, he’d get it. More teasing that is.

“Oh, you’re right! Thanks Dave. I swear, finding bras nowadays is so hard” she smiled down at him, making a show of trying to adjust her enormous creaking bra cups, making everything bounce. 

“I can imagine...so...what cup size are you nowadays Joce?” he asked, unable to control himself.

But Jocelyn indulged him, as was part of the plan. “Now? Ummm I’m not sure to be honest. But this bra I’m wearing is a ZZZ++ cup. And as you can see, it’s a bit on the snug side…” she admitted with a grin, just as another strap snapped and more boobage flooded out. One of her nipples came dangerously close to Dave’s face, but she let him gawk as her slowly escaping boobs wobbled on. “...so if you know any stores that make bigger sizes, hit me up!” she laughed, patting the tops of her mammoth mams.

“S-sure Joce—”

“Anyway, I’m starving! I only had two...three...four dinners tonight...” she said casually ticking fingers off, playing up the gluttonous fat girl image even more, which was driving Dave crazy. 

As expected, he offered to feed her even more. “Actually, we’ve uhhh...we’ve got a midnight special for customers who come in at this hour. You can...errr...help yourself to as much as you want for only a few dollars!” 

Jocelyn knew he was totally making up that special offer, but who was she to look a gift horse in the mouth?

“Really? Oh that is awesome! Alright, let’s start with…”

Jocelyn spent quite a bit of time there, totally helping herself to boxes and boxes of pastries of all kinds, really putting her appetite on display. Dave could barely contain himself as he watched his mammoth ex stuffing her face happily, her gigantic body wobbling with even the slightest motion of reaching for more food. Slowly the displays at the store began to empty, all of it making their way into Jocelyn’s massive belly, and later find their way onto her enormous boobs, ass, thighs, arms…

By the time she returned home to Beth, she was looking very satisfied indeed.

“Holy crap, Joce. Looks like your little reunion with your ex went really well!” gasped Beth with a surprised smile.

An incredibly stuffed Jocelyn took a step towards her, the floor cracking and the room shaking as usual. Her face and cleavage was messy with cream and sugar, and both her hands on a very full belly, noticeably bigger than when she had left earlier that night.

“Oooooffff...you could say that” moaned Jocelyn with a satisfied smile. 

“And how’s Dave? Did he survive the night?”

“Well, he was having a nosebleed by the time I left so...”

“I’m not surprised. I am surprised though that poor bra of yours is still holding on…”

It was, barely. Jocelyn’s breasts might as well have been fully out now, with the last few reinforcement straps quivering, and the cups barely visible, buckling under all that boobage.

She smiled down at her twins happily. Her boobs had always been big since she started gaining, and she thought as her weight climbed they’d be less greedy in terms of calories. She was wrong--they kept growing along with her, and were absolutely ridiculous now.

“Good job, Pasta and Potato! You girls stayed behaved and contained...well sort of” she chuckled, tugging at the last remaining, breaking strap.

“You’d have been proud of me, Beth” went Jocelyn, looking down at her friend past one of her mammoth tits. “When I was saying goodbye, I told him “It’s a good thing we aren’t together anymore. Imagine if you fed me this much every night--I’d be as big as a house!” and left him with that” she winked.

“That’s my girl!” laughed Beth. “Mission accomplished, I think!” she said giving her friend a high-five, which sent Jocelyn’s fat wobbling again. “And to celebrate...how about some pizza or two?” she went, holding up the delivery menu.

“Or seven?” giggled Jocelyn hungrily, just as her bra finally snapped, and her two colossal boobs tumbled out fully.  



John FD Lobrano

Omg, I LOVE Hisano-X's art. XD