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Hello everyone, I apologize for the delay. This post was supposed to be published last week, but I wanted to add some extra things before sharing it, which is why it took me an additional week. I'm very sorry for the delay, but now let's get to the main point and talk about the progress I've made over the past few weeks❤️

First of all, we have a new look for the options menu. It still performs the same functions as before, but now looks much more... EXCITING...❤️ (You'll understand what I mean once you play the game for now I will keep it secret). Additionally, I've added a new option to choose the language you want to play the game in. Currently, English and Spanish are the only available languages as they are the ones I'm most proficient in. However, if any translators want to add another language such as Portuguese, German, Chinese, French, Italian, or Russian, they can easily do so, saving players the tedious task of searching for a language patch.

Now, let's talk about the game interface. As you can see, I tried to make it much more minimalistic this time, ensuring that it doesn't interfere with the map view:

  • In the top left corner, you'll find the day indicator, with the current day and the cycle of the day below it. A bit to the right, you'll find a button to advance time to the next cycle of the day.
  • In the bottom left corner, there will be the navigation menu, allowing you to move to different maps related to the area you're in. (this button can be toggle and untoggle, by that I mean you can hide it)
  • In the bottom center, you'll find the quick access buttons or the generic buttons typically found in visual novels, such as rollback, skip, save, quick save, quick load, configuration, and main menu.
  • Finally, in the top right corner, you'll find the buttons related to the game map, inventory, and the MC's smartphone.

I've worked hard to ensure that the interface is intuitive and user-friendly, providing easy access to important features without obstructing the gameplay experience.

Regarding the smartphone interface, there are still some final touches to be added, but it's already at an advanced stage. I've introduced some new functions, such as:

  • Messaging app: You'll be able to chat with various characters through this app.
  • Slurpstagram app: This app will showcase city-related posts and serve as a bio for characters, as well as a locator to know where each character is located.
  • HornyHub app: This app will serve as an NSFW scene gallery and will include a follower count. Depending on the number of followers you have, some characters will react differently, and you'll receive weekly payments based on your follower count. I'll explain these two apps in more detail in the future.
  • There will also be a smartphone settings app, where you can view the changelog for the current update and change the phone's wallpaper. I have prepared various wallpapers with my new models, some of which are animated and other are just static but colorful❤️ These wallpapers can be obtained by completing quests or discovering hidden QR codes hidden around all Slurpytown's map as easter eggs.
  • I've added my social media apps for easy access to my pages.
  • Lastly, I've included certain gadgets. The gadget in the top-right corner will display MC's stats, such as strength, endurance, agility, and intelligence. From now on, you'll need to reach a certain score in these stats to unlock quests or interact with specific characters. For example, if a quest requires sex with three villains, and MC has low endurance or less than the required amount, there's a high chance of failure and having to repeat the quest over again. For those that might be scared of grinding, I've made sure that these scenes, which help you increase the stats, are both enjoyable and visually appealing. For example, if you want to increase strength, one option is to go exercise in Julia's GYM , and these training sessions will have Funny moments or NSFW scenes, with different text or scenes for each stat point gained, and also will be a motive to increase Julia relationship points, that means that in some occasions Julia might give you ehem* a proper reward... for completing her training session...❤️ I'll explain this in more detail in the future.
  • The gadget in the bottom-left corner is not yet finished, but it will display your bank account details, including your current balance, the amount owed to the bank, and the sperm bank debt. I'll provide a more info of this feature in the future.

There are many more apps that I haven't added yet, as I'm still working on them. Once I finish implementing all the functions, I'll create another post to explain the smartphone with more detail.

The inventory menu won't be as necessary until Episode 1 of the game, but to provide some details, you'll be able to store items that are necessary for selling or progressing in certain quests. Currently, the items that will be available are:

  • A bottle of whiskey
  • Used and new condoms (I'll explain this in more detail in the future)
  • A drill
  • Lubricant
  • Unknown pills
  • Zip ties

These items will play a role in the game's progression and interactions with various characters. Their usage and significance will be revealed as the story unfolds.

Regarding the maps and characters you'll encounter, keeping in mind that the first update of the Twisted World Rework (The Prologue) will focus on the MC's stay in the hospital, the only explorable map for now will be the SlurpyTown General Hospital, and the different areas you'll find within it are:

  • Tomoe's office, where she attends to her patients, including you, especially for those recovery therapy sessions❤️ In this place, you can interact with Tomoe as much as you want, as long as she's not occupied with another patient.

You will also have access to the shared patient room in the hospital, where you will encounter several NPCs with whom you can interact❤️these NPCs you see around all the maps, will have a lot of functions, such as:

- Ask you for help on certain task, after helping them you will obtain a reward, sometimes this can be information for another quest or something lewd❤️
-Sometimes If you are lucky, you will find these NPCs, doing something lewd, you can fuck them up if you catch them on the spot❤️

There are a lot more functions of what these NPCs can do but I will leave that for the future❤️

The player will also have access to the patient rooms, where throughout the prologue, they will encounter various characters related to the game's story. These characters may ask for your help with certain tasks, and you have the option to interact with them and rise your relationship too❤️

Also you can access some maps during the midnight hours, but be cautious! If Lars catches you outside your room wandering around, he will automatically escort you back to sleep. Furthermore, be aware that there are dangerous individuals doing guard on certain patient rooms, so I hope you won't attempt anything stupid (or naughty) your live could be in danger...👀

And that's all I have for now. I'll continue working hard to bring this beautiful rework as quickly as possible!

Next week, I will be introducing the final DemonKing characters, and possibly, I'm not entirely sure yet, I will also be presenting the main characters of the game! Such as:

  • Jaiden
  • Jazmin
  • Nora
  • Jill
  • Jeanne
  • Julia (Jazmin's younger sister)
  • Joseph (Jazmin's ex-husband)

Please for those who wants to join the Demon King event be aware on tomorrow post, there are only 15 open slots for it, and they are the LAST ONES, after those spots are taken there wont be another Demon King event till my next project(For which there is still a LONG time to go.)





The work you've done is incredible, it's like a brand new game and I can't wait to play it


Happy and excited, so the first version of the remake isn't too far away, is it? I'm already looking forward to it


Will you eventually unlock app that will allow you to use your demonic powers, like telekinetic grabbing, lust enhancement, invisibility etc.

Profe MacKnight

Joseph (Jazmin's ex-husband) *Readying the chainsaw and a shovel*


Jesus Snats, even the prologue is a new game. Looking foward to start a new adventure with all the new stuff :)


This is incredible, but make sure you take care of your health.


i can't wait to test the rework, if you don't mind saying an approximate date?


With all of this going on the rework the rendering news things including animations I say close to October or December