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Hello everyone, today I come to present another room. For today, we have Nora's hideout!

In this room, I made sure to preserve some of the elements from the previous room, so it looks almost identical to the one we have right now in the present.

I added a few distinct elements, such as a military-style bed, and some items that were already in the room before Nora arrived, like boxes, paint, and other miscellaneous objects.

I also added some power generators, which will be useful in the future of the story. These generators will play a significant role in providing power and energy for various purposes(Like ACs, making all the AC turn off and making everyone in the building wear less clothes❤️ or turning off the security cams.) .

The biggest change is the location of this hideout. It is no longer in the same place as before. You will have to discover and find the hideout when you play the remake. Make sure to explore the surroundings thoroughly to uncover its new location.

And that's all for now! Later on, I will make another post with more content. See you soon!❤️




Yaaaa she has a bed... thought it was rough her not having one lol.


The game is looking very good, you are putting a lot of effort in it, hope the story and character will be more develope, and more twisted stuff will be added in the new update !!!


Yeah!! the story is the main purpose of all this rework, I know by fact that I leave a lot of story holes on the current one, in the rework I plan to make the story shine way more❤️


Love this, Can't wait for the realse


This is much better for our crazy girl


Tho the way she rides the MC, that bed's base will probably break, and there'll only be the mattress on the floor again.