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Hello everyone! I apologize for the delay, I've been busy with some matters these past few days, but I come with full enthusiasm to present another room today!

Today, we have the room of our beloved Tomboy Jill!❤️ I made sure to highlight her best aspects and details that reflect her strong and tough personality, as well as her remarkable achievements as an athlete. She is a sports prodigy, with trophies and awards in nearly every category and sport. But Jill's talents don't stop there; she has also excelled in her studies, earning recognition for her exceptional skills in mathematics. This leads us to the question of why such a brilliant person as her waste he life on the streets.

We can also see her guitar collection, and even though you may not know it, Jill was a part of the metal band Erniedriger, where she kept a memento from each of the concerts she performed with them. There are also photos (censored) showcasing her involvement during her military service. Equally evident is her love for anime, particularly Josei genre (similar to Shonen but targeted towards women in this type of world).

And of course, how could we forget the famous poster of the marvelous movie RONDA! (a reference to RAMBO in an inverse world). I want to express my gratitude to everyone who helped me decide on the name for this poster❤️ I also added a laptop for her personal and work-related tasks, along with her protein shake for when she's doing her weightlifting sessions.

I also included a poster of DBZ but in the reverse world! Hehe, I put a lot of effort into these well-defined posters, especially considering Jill's tough and strong personality. You can also see her training on her punching bag and her famous Pussycats helmet, showcasing her fearless spirit.

And lastly for those who read all this post, I have a reward for you!❤️ I wanted to give you a little taste of Jill's training session, so you could enjoy her beautiful and thick thighs, for this Rework I am planning to make Jill's trainings  WAY more sweaty, sexier and naughty than before❤

With all that explain! Now I go back to hit the bed a little bit, will come back tomorrow with another Room! cya tomorrow!!!❤️




Are all these room remodels coming before an actual story update? And there's been a shitload of new character models. It seems like a massive update, but if rooms are a priority, I guess we shouldn't expect anything soon. I want to be positive, but it seems like you're focused on cosmetics.


Sorry but I didnt understood your question pretty well, from what I seem you probably think that all these changes are a continuation of the current TW, but it is actually a total rework of everything❤️better and more prepared story, characters, maps, animations, programing, and also trying to fill all the things I lack or fail, like a better file size I am not planning to surpass the 2GB cap this time for sure this time, in the current size it is complicated to make a phone App. And you probably might be new around here, but on the time I was developing this game 2 years ago the HDD that had all the data and tools that I prepared to develop the whole game crashed, making me lose literally a whole year of development (everything haha), those were rough times, but yeah it is a total rework, it will be a total new game, with a lot of different stuff but with the same plot and different story order, and a lot more things to do❤️ I hope I answered correctly, if I didn't please ask me again anytime❤️


Is there a time estimate when you think it’s going to be ready ?


man looking forward to the rework with those snipbits of animation


I am new and loved the game so far but didn't realize you were in the middle of a reworking of it. I apologize if I sounded like an asshole.


most of his updates come every 6 months, the last up date was in dec...he has been working on rework for a bit, but dont expect anyting for 2 or 3 months i would not be suprised if he took a whole year for this rework, but it is what it is.


i like the story a lot tho......call me crazy but im a sucker for stories even tho this is a porn game, im willing to wait a while


Please make Jill's hair short