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Helloooo guys!!❤  I am here today to bring you guys this last week Dev-Note:

Things Done:

  • - You can now assault Jazmin while she is asleep
  • - You can now assault Jaiden while he is asleep
  • - Jazmin Event
  • - Leandro event
  • - Sky event

Working on:

  • - Building a mini-map for Ms.Torres Tower
  • - Add music to maps
  • - Ismael event
  • - Nora event
  • - Marianna event
  • - Henrietta event
  • - Jeanne event
  • - Ms.Torres event
  • - Nora assaults you at midnight
  • - Fixing a few features

And that's all for this last week i wished i could do more, but lately my family members keep spending time in my room while i am trying my best hiding all the lewd stuff on my working PC(sob*)

Oh, and before I forget, I have been working hard in some additions to those who doesn't like see Trap or Futa content and avoid them, now anytime you choose to avoid trap or futa sex events on the main story, it will lead you to a non futa-Trap sex event with another character, so make sure to see every path this time!(I will still leave the sex animations on the Peachphone) I will try this only on main stories decisions(I know for sure that you will watch them all anyway, but don't worry I wont tell anyone that you love trap content secretly❤)

Well time to go, i hope you got a really nice rest of the day❤ (Btw I will upload some NSFW on my Twitter/Discord so keep an eye there)



tHe ApIx

Sleep event yaaaaay, I'm glad to see how much you've done keep up the amazing work


Will you eventually see said snenes some other way if you choose to watch the F/T scenes


Snats, you're the man. I wish the best of luck in keeping everything hidden!


sorry by chance you are going to release a spanish version of this latest version


Ahora mismo me estoy solamente enfocando en traer la version 0.6 el mes que viene, hasta el momento aun no he iniciado con la traduccion a español, PERO hay algunos fans de la comunidad hispana en el discord que me estan dando una mano con eso, asi que estara posiblemente pronto❤


Ok gracias 😍😘

Sieg Warheidt

Thank you for not telling people about my trap fetish. Jks Jks xD looking forward to more content from you! :D


Que buena noticia entonces la version 0.6 cualquier momento lo va publicar 👍👍😁😁😁😁


I think he means that if you choose to see the futa/trap scenes will you still be able to the the alternative scenes at some point.


damn soooooon


I swear im just gonna get a cheap laptop because of how limiting having just a phone is