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Merry Christmas!!!!!!❤ yeah, I know, I am late... my family prepared a trip for Christmas so I have been busy with my family this last weekend, I just came back home yesterday with full batteries to resume my work!❤ and today, I am here to bring you this last days update!

Things done:

  • All the Main story Text has been proofreader and tested.
  • New Map(MC building) works perfectly.
  • New Characters(Leandro, Ismael and Laura).
  • More NPC interactions on the building.

Working on:

  • Events triggers.
  • Sync up music and sex sounds.
  • Taking care of any bug or glitch.
  • Android version.
  • Testing the game completely.

That's all I have, the game is literally done already, I am just making sure that there is no fatal errors that will make me have a hard time after handing it to Angels haha, that's means i have to play the game completely again and again looking for every bug glitch and also making sure every event trigger works perfectly❤ I have been sending on discord some In-Game pictures I might be uploading more on a few minutes❤ in short the game might be out for angels on 29-30Dec and for lovers on the 1st year anniversary!❤ (January 1) so make sure to save that day only for you, your lotion, and your hand❤ i also want to announce that the Demon Tier is coming back! it will be also open on January 1 of 2022, for those who Doesn't know what this Tier do, it is simple, is a tier for you to give me your idea on a character so i could create it for you and add it to the game! this tier is gonna be limited so be sure to take your seat before it is full!❤ 

With all that explained, I will now go back to work❤ I wish you had an awesome Christmas with your friends and family!❤ my present is a little bit delay but I know you will love it❤

see you guys in a couples days, love u!❤




TBH I was worried about you Snats when there wasn't an update for a little while, glad you're doing ok and hope you had a good Christmas


Glad you're back, and im still amazed at how much you're able to get done. We love your work man, dont burn yourself out. Looking forward to playing the new update!

Sieg Warheidt

I was worried as well. Been seeing all these snow warnings and even where I live it’s basically 15 inches of snow minimum. Glad you’re doing alright!


Don’t sweat being late! Family first. Hope you have a great New Years


feliz navidad igualmente y disfruta el tiempo con la familia!


Espero que salga hoy y si no toca esperar hasta mañana


been looking forward to this for months, just one day left and I cant wait lol