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A bug where the link who was ok send you to the 0.8 and not the 0.8.1 (it's corrected and you can try it now :) Thanks to Zakary.


 I make an update 0.8 --> 0.8.1 one day after the update because a part of the new content was not accessible and I also correct an other part that was not showing up since the 0.4 update.  So I think it was really urgent to :)

The link below was changed to directly acces to the 0.8.1. You can find all the information to acces cnew content in the spoiler part. (Thanks again to all people who are provide me feedback on the game.


And the update is finaly here with the biggest marathon that I have never done I strart to work today sunday 2 pm to now monday 8am to finish it :) So if it's post it not clear it's because Ihav'nt sleep at all ^^ and I take my promise I think somewhere in the world it's sunday :)

You can find the game it in the link below :


Some riminder :

- It only windows compatible for now (I'm working on create the android version) Mac user can use some app to emulate window exe. (But I never try it since I don't have a mac, but we add some positive feed bacl on the Discord, If someone test and have a mac software who work don't hesitate to PM me so I can mention you and recommend it)

- it's a rar files thta you have to unzip (If you have the bug that says it's a corupted files use the last winrar version (trial version have unlimited period of time so it's pretty cool)

- You can use the skip buton to pass all the scene that you have already do if you have difficulties to acces to new content you can read the Spoiler part :)

-Don't hesitate too use the Discord if you see bugs or want to find differents stuff or comment or that you want to say that you like the game we have a channel for that.

It's the one of my favourite update so far with a double chapter + a reconstruction of an other one  and a lot of conection so if you go for a single run there will be less credits block

Some of you ask to have in the baby path when Sofia taking care of you the possibilities to don't have sex times with Sofia (It's possible now for the Shower and the new baby path chapter

A really big thanks to Panik who wrote completly the Chapter of Claire (I made some modification to better suit the global story but he made 90% of the writing so thank you very much too him.

A realy big thansk to the helper team without you all will be really hard to read :) We have two new recruits that I will present you next time, One is reworking the Magician game and the other one the entire Sofia's Secret :) That amazing So big thanks too them.

Of course A big thanks to all of you because without you it will be imposible, I'm doing one of the most things that I want in ABL a full visual novel just focus on that theme so thank, thank ^^

For tomorrow, sorry today depending on my state I will see what I can do but for now I know that I need to sleep :)  But be sure that for this week we will have the mega pack f the month in the early of the week if it's not today it will be tmorrow after that or before I will doa caption comics and after all of this we will go all reward of the month :) Youhou!!

So see you really soon and thank you againf or your support :)




What can you find in the update and spoiler :

- 1 new chapter with Sofia taking care of you, a new CG with variations and a lot of choices it will be a difficult path to come back of it (How to acces accept to take the Shower with Sofia)

 - As I explain before, now I rework the shower chapter and add a new path where Sofia is not obligatory give you something sexuak but really treat you as a baby :) I hope you will enjoy 

-  1 new chapter who invoving Claire : She is upset of what you have done and want to chalenge you (See if you like Sofia or go for who is the best dom. (Here in the future you can use your dominant point that you gain in the game to see if Sofia continue to play and chalenge Claire) for now it's an unique road with no fail and at the end we can own a new character. Also it introduce the new chapter of the School with Sofia. 

- This new chapter is connected with a lot of other chapter I have to make an elipse after the kitchen chapter but I solved the bug that freeze the game and you can continue to ply with Sofia and go for the Claire chapter :)

I know that i forget stuff, so I will add it there If I remember something tomorrow now I'm just dead :)

Thank you again to read this too much long post :)

*Edit 0.8.1*

Correct loop when you chooseno sexual play with Sofia in the Shower scenario you can now acces to the new text with the CG of the Shower :)

Correct an accient loop When Sofia takecare of you for the first time and you fight back now when you decide to change directly her diaper the game don't roll back and you have acces to the CG of changing her and the Story continue with the Claire game chapter.



Frank Leo

Thank You


A bug in the chapter Shower where you select no sexual play with Sofia create a loop and you miss all the alternate story that I create. I'm working on it and you can expect a patch for tomorrow :) Thanks to Taggerung and LittleAri :)


Excellent work!


It was fun. Hope it gets longer


I'm trying to run this on my mac through wineskin and its not accepting it, by any chance is this available in a 32-bit format or do you know of another way I could run this? thanks!


As I'm not a mac user, I can't test the nly software that we discuss on the Discord was wine. I know that I have one user who run the game with an emulator tool but I don't have much information. Aslo for the version I can't choose 32 bits or 64-bits format. Tyrano is not a really good software for that. I don't know if it will help you but I'm working on a Android version that I want to finish it for April month. Sorry again about that, I will relaunch information on the Discord and if I find a way to run it I will give it to you.