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ACS S2E2.mp4


Vonnie Stewart

Thanks for continuing! It’s told backwards as the episodes mix now and go back to what led to things so the pointless car scene is showing how effing depraved he is to be singing and happy after doing heinous things. Andrew is what is called a spree killer not a serial because he just snapped and went on a killing spree not a calculated serial killer style. I know some things seem like filler but its to show how GONE this mofo is by that time and will be explained as it goes backwards into his past. This thing with the cops and fbi was because the victims/killer were gay and cops did NOT care or take it seriously until a celeb was killed so you saw all the flyers that didnt go out and the pawn shop owner wasnt taken seriously. This case changed how lgbt cases were handled because they shouldve cared and caught Andrew way before he got to Versace; homie was chilling in broad daylight and didnt even try to hide as you saw. Just some crazy gay sex stuff they figured…thats why the dude with the duct tape didnt report and it bolstered Andrew to know no one would come after him so he was emboldened to kill Versace.