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Sorry for the bad news guys but my wrist started to hurt again so Im gonna take a break till July 1. I already posted 2 anims this month so that should be enough... 

Really sorry again, I hope you guys understand. I wanna keep working but if I push it I might cause permanent damage to my wrist.



Take it easy man, dont push yourself too much. Take some time to rest and recover your wrist! It is totally understandable.


I should be able to speak for everyone when I say that we understand. Two projects in a month is more than enough. Thank you Araw, and recover well. ❤️


Stop jerking off so much 😂!! No problem. Just rest and hopefully you’ll get better real soon. Thanks for letting us know ❤️

Ryan Kern

Take a load off brother! You do this because you enjoy it, as an artist. If youre in pain its no longer any fun... take as much time as you need and dont regret taking care of yourself.


For now, REST THAT WRIST. For future mouse use, try getting a vertical mouse and swapping back and forth between that and a regular one every now and then. It takes a little getting used to, but it ends up helping to fend off the pain. Former grease monkey turned keyboard warrior here.