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Guys my whole right arm just felt real tingly. I think I have to take a break from using my PC or arms in general for a whole week.

I hate this so much



Of course, wishing fast recovery 👍


Dude, it's not the first time with this. Take your time and even when it's more than a week, recover. I guess you know the stories of League players etc. ruining their wrists in their early twenties for their lifetime. Not worth to do something similar. And since it keeps coming, it also tells you you should reduce your PC time in general. And maybe look at environment and stuff. Maybe your desk isn't right configured or something similar?


Thanks. I'm gonna just rest a lot then after that yes reduce my time using the pc and be more efficient with my time. Maybe I'll try physical therapy aswell just to be sure


I've had it before. TAKE THE TIME. If you're not allergic, plenty of Ibuprofen or other NSAID. It's the starting sign on tendonitis. The best thing you can do is stop as soon as you notice it, and give it a good week or two of rest.