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I think this is one of my anims where i put the most effort in and I may have pushed myself too far and now parts of my left hand feels numb. I have to take this seriously and rest for a couple of weeks so this might be my last animation of the year. This month poll will be a VR conversion where u guys will vote on what existing anim will be converted. I will provide maybe 6 to 10 options in it.

"Araw Araw" Patrons and above can access the animation now. Sound will be added on General release. General Release will likely be Dec 8 to 10.

Quick Access to archives: Araw Araw: patreon.com/posts/araw-araw-link-51908132




Well thanks for the numb hand too 😂 great job ❤️


Parts of my right hand is also gonna feel numb after you release this 😆


Be sure to take care of yourself. A proper posture and making sure to not hurt yourself. Not sure what you are using, but using a Wacom Tablet helped me a lot in not overworking my right hand when creating 3D.