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Hey guys! This months commissions are open as of right now.

If I left any past commission request unanswered or wasn't able to finish your piece, send me a DM here on patreon explaining the situation and I'll address it ASAP.

Also, this time I want to test a new way to organize:

-Commissions will be ordered based on complexity (the more complex your idea, the further down I'll have to move it on the schedule). This is because I don't have a lot of free time and I want to make the most of it.

-The ONLY exceptions to the rule above are pre-ordered commissions (such as continuations of past projects or previously requested ideas that I haven't been able to tackle yet), as these will have priority. These commissions will the also be sorted by complexity.


-Previously requested/unfinished comms
-Patreon comms
-Social media comms 

ALL ordered by complexity in their respective categories.

Feel free to send me DMs here or on Discord, I'll answer them all tomorrow morning!

See you tomorrow, guys!


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