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Hey guys. So, I first wanted to thank everybody that sticked around. Been a bit of a rough patch, but I'm still here and doing more art, thanks to all of you. I can't thank you all enough.

Also, thank you to everyone who helped over at Ko-Fi. We didn't hit the goal, but it still means the world to me that you guys were kind enough to help as much as you did! Thank you!

Now, the great news part: I've talked to TMGF a bunch over the past month, and we settled on something really nice: He authorized me to finish some of his sketches in my style! I, for one, really like working with other people, be it commissions, collabs or anything, really, and this is huge on that front!

I plan to have something around one or two pictures like the one above every month, and it helps a lot because I'm a huge fan of his art and I sometimes have trouble starting projects, especially sketching them, so doing stuff like this, where the work is already started, helps me a lot around this barrier I have!

I'm thrilled to do more works like this. Also, I'll be opening commissions sooner next month and have a final page for a comic (yes, I did mean final as in actually finishing a comic for the first time, you didn't read it wrong) around the first two weeks of march.

I'm super pumped for March. Thank you all for sticking around and I hope to see you next month!




Awesome, can't wait to see