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Hey everyone. 

I am feeling a little burnt out. I love making art, and I want to make more comics, but they are quite demanding and I had a stressful couple of weeks. I have issues in my life that I don't want to let interfere in my schedule, but I also believe that quality should be a priority in any and all art I produce. So I made a few plans to prevent this from happening again:

- New pages will be finished and posted in the first half of each month

- Comic pages will have certain aspects voted for each month on polls

That way I won't miss the month's pages and you guys can help me when I feel stuck on a specific idea or page.

Also, since I probably won't be able to finish this page in time for tomorrow, I took a screenshot of all patrons that should have access to it and will send you guys a sta.sh link when it's done, probably around Sunday.




Looking good