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So, quick update for those without time:
I will not be working on anything new until probably the middle of the week. And I will open commissions on the day I get back.

For those with a little more time, here's what's going on.

My girlfriend got sick, and we found out it was because of a fungus somewhere in our apartment. She didn't have an issue with it before, but the doctor thinks it has to do with covid. When I had it, she obviously had it too, and although her case was a lot weaker than mine the virus still weakens your lungs, and that might be what weakened them and set of her reaction. I don't know, I'm not a doctor, but I think his logic kinda makes sense and I trust him.
Either way, her sister was kind enough to let us move in to her apartment while she's studying abroad, and tomorrow we'll move in. I'll keep an eye on her and I can't really promise to do any work until she gets better. The doctor said the case is simple and not really dangerous, she's supposed to get better in a couple of days at most, but still, I can't focus on work or anything while she's like that.
So, in summary, I'll take a break to move in and look after her until I'm sure she's okay. If that's earlier than I predicted, great. But I'm just warning you all in any case. Thank you for reading all this and I'll be back as soon as I can.


The Nothing Nobody

Thanks for letting us know. Take your time, we're not going anywhere after all.


Good luck with everything