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Hey everyone. Thank you all for staying for another month. 

After these past few months, I have not created as much art as I had hoped. And I know that I let many of the people that like my art down with the lack of contet on the page. I am trying my best to bounce back faster from the beatings, and I'm sorry it's taking me so long. My art is my only income in these horrible times, especially in my country, and it's not an exaggeration to say that I can only keep living reasonably well thanks to all of you.

So I just wanted to say thank you all for staying, for helping me continue. I will make it worth your while.

Also, if you like what you see here or on my twitter account, I ask that you help me by sharing some of my art. I'm not a very organized person, but I planned to post pictures from here on social media after a month, I just never get around to doing it. If you guys wanna share with friends these pictures, go ahead! 

As of this post, pictures from the beginning of last month and all previous posts are free for you guys to share. I trust you all.

And if you'd like to commission some of my work, I will be opening slots soon.

Thank you all again.



No problem, love your work