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Guys, I have to be honest. After this next batch of (late) exclusive rewards, I will change how the rewards work.

As of right now, I can't make as much content as I wanted to. I have been trying, and I even forced a couple of posts out, but I can't do it. And it wouldn't be fair to resume charging on the page without any changes to the system or, more importantly, consulting what you guys think.

I'm surely gonna cut down on the exclusive reward tiers. I can barely work on what I feel inspired, let alone what I have to create on someone else's vision. 

I'm not saying I don't enjoy doing your ideas, I have so many tiers with rewards like this for a reason. I love helping people get their ideas into media. It's really fun and I end up outside my comfort zone sometimes, which I consider a good thing for an artist. The thing is, I can't do it right now.

I'm sorry, I feel like a coward, retreating back to his comfort zone. But it's either that or I don't make content at all, I feel. And even though that will cut down a lot of what I currently earn (and money is a big incentive, I'd be lying if I didn't take it into consideration), I can't give back content that feels like it deserves what I currently charge.

So, all that was to say: I want your opinion on which of the two models you'd like better.

(By the way, the 20 tier would have access to pages of comics when they are done)


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