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  • What do you want, Waller?

Amanda took another sip of her whiskey before answering the voice.

  • I received a report from one of Cadmus’ research facilities. There was a... complication.
  • What was the project?
  • Something the government wouldn’t like me to tell you.
  • I have already jammed the surveillance system.
  • I figured you would. My problem is not about telling you about it, as much as who was in charge. - Waller pulled out a file from her desk and tossed it towards the shadowy figure. The black gloved hand took and started reading.
  • So you deliberately ignored my advice.
  • Of course I did. You knew I would, and I’m sure you had a plan for him. But I did not expect her to use the serum herself. Lieutenant McKenzie was her lover, after all.
  • What happened to him?
  • We found him. Ground into a paste at the lab.
  • Where is her research?
  • Destroyed. She erased all the files and somehow managed to erase our own copies on our private mainframe. We don’t know yet if she had any help or if we underestimated her genius.
  • Probably both.
  • I want you to look into this personally. I know you will, even if I wanted otherwise. I say this only to show you I will cooperate in this matter.
  • But you want a report in return.
  • Yes. I want to know what is going on.

The figure touched his earpiece for a second.

  • You might have your answers sooner than you thought.
  • What’s happening?
  • Turn on the TV.

Amanda rushed to her remote and clicked it.

“--JUST IN: Green Lantern, the Flash and Martian Manhunter and other JLA members are currently battling an unknown assailant within Central City. Initial reports of the unknown metahuman say it’s an unknown female woman, blonde, with incredible strength and powers. The city is being evacuated and citizens are---”

  • It’s her. We need to---

The figure had already gone, leaving only her study’s window open.

  • Goddamn it, Bruce.


  • Can someone stop that building?? It’s not a programmed demolition!
  • Shut up and concentrate, Flash! - Yelled Green Lantern, concentrating and creating a giant box around the falling building, containing it’s fall and damage.
  • We got the last of the civilians out! - Shouted Stargirl, leaving the next building. - We’ll be on our way to help shortly!
  • Concentrate on the evacuation, we’ll help Jon!
  • We?? - Barry said, before following John towards downtown.
  • Jon, how’s the situation over there?
  • We are --- AAGH!
  • Jon?? JON!

The duo looked at their destination and saw an explosion and an enormous burst of concrete and debris.

  • Let’s GO!

More than a few JLA members were already there. Shazam, Jon, Red Tornado, Dr. Fate and Green Arrow were battling against a woman. She was tall, blonde, and wore only a tank top and jeans, which covered little of her huge muscles, breasts and the huge bulge under her pants. Lightning, magic, explosive arrows and straight punches hit the girl, but nothing even fazed her. She merely stood there, taking it all and laughing. Occasionally she would grab a car or truck (or Captain Marvel or Jon) and toss it towards a random direction, but her casual toss was enough to destroy anything in the projectile’s path.

  • JOHN! - Yelled Shazam, flying in after being tossed a few miles away. - Can you put a force field around her??
  • I’m gonna try to. Stay on your guard!

A green bubble enveloped the blonde woman. She paused, giggling, and looked at the heroes around her.

  • Why are you doing this?? Who are you?? -  Green Arrow yelled at her.
  • Well, thank you for asking. - The woman answered, smiling. - My name is Dr. Livia Taylor, but you will call me Empress. My Queen will suffice if I’m feeling merciful.
  • She’s a scientist from Cadmus. - Said Batman over the comms. - She injected a super-serum on herself. She has a superiority complex and is extremely dangerous.
  • I heard that, little bat. - Livia said, chuckling. - And you’re one to talk about psychological complexes.
  • Why are you destroying things? What do you want? - Asked Shazam.
  • Is it that hard to understand, little boy? I want to rule. - She said, smiling devilishly. - I want to rule everything.
  • Then why are you destroying everything? - Barry asked.
  • Bah, I never liked this city. And I figured it was the fastest and most fun way to get your attention. Clearly it worked.
  • I’m going silent, she appears to have access to our comms. Set a neuro-link, Jon. - Batman said. - Jon, I’m going to the cave to figure out how to revert her state. Keep her occupied, I’ve already alerted Clark and the others. - Bruce said, telepathically.
  • Understood.

There was a second of silence, and then the powerhouse sighed.

  • I guess it’s still not enough destruction, though. Not nearly enough of you are here. So, if you’ll excuse me, Green Lantern...

Livia started to walk again, and John focused even more energy to contain her in, but the girl simply walked through the energy construct like it wasn’t there, causing a sharp, quick pain on John’s arm.

  • Okay, now how’s about I try some bigger toys?
  • Not yet! - John said, more determined than ever. He focused on creating another sphere, but this one followed Livia as she walked and was twice as thick.
  • Oooh, clever. You want to contain me in a single space. But what happens if I need more space?

Livia stopped and brought up her massive left arm, and slowly raised her fist. Her bicep, already the size of a basketball, started to grow exponentially. In a couple of seconds, it was as large as a building, but the green energy stretched with it, and kept her inside.

  • I don’t know what you expect to accomplish with this, John, except annoy me. - Livia said, using his name to show that she knew more about them then they expected. - I know you can only create constructs that you can imagine, and maintain them due to your willpower. SO…

Livia stopped flexing, and then flexed again. Only this time, her bicep grew even more, even faster, exploding the energy ball. Her bicep was so immense that it covered the entire east side of town in it’s shadow.

  • So you didn’t imagine I could grow so big? I’m offended. - Livia said, flying behind Green Lantern. She moved so fast that only after she spoke they realized she had already moved. - Now how’s about you go get some reinforcements back in Oa, huh?

The blonde moved her hand and flicked John’s chin, and the hero disappeared, flying into space at blinding speed.

  • Oh boy… - Said The Flash, dashing away.
  • Always liked that silly man. - Livia said to herself.
  • ALRIGHT, ROUND TWO! - Shazam yelled, flying towards her. Dr. Taylor sighed.
  • This one, on the other hand… Such a brat.

Shazam’s punch landed straight on her face. The shockwave was really impressive, and the buildings around them shook a bunch, but Livia didn’t move at all.

  • Ok, you need to learn some manners.
  • Wha--- AGGH!

Dr. Taylor grabbed Shazam by the throat and lifted him. She sat in the air and laid the hero across her leg. Then, with a swift move, the blonde goddess slapped Shazam’s butt with enough force that everything in their immediate vicinity flew several yards away, including the buildings.

  • In my world, Billy Batson… - She slapped him again. - Brats… - Slap! - get… - SLAP - Punished!

With a last slap, what remained of their surroundings either crumbled or flew away further with the shockwave, including the heroes that resisted the first few slaps. This last one, however, was so strong that it exploded the front half of Shazam’s “invulnerable” body, leaving Dr. Taylor with only his legs on top of her legs and his head and neck firmly held by her feminine hand.

  • Whoops. - She said, chuckling. - Guess that was a bit much. Ah, he was weak anyway. - She casually tossed his head backwards, and it flew through Red Tornado’s chest, the buildings behind him the mountain miles away from the city and into space.

The heroes that were recovering froze in terror as they say Shazam’s remains fall from the hovering goddess’ lap, and she let them take that in before ignoring the rest of them and moving towards city hall.

  • Okay, we need help. - Said Green Arrow through their telepathic connection. - Where the hell is our backup?
  • On the way. - Jon answered. - The crisis on New Genesis will have to wait. They’re almost in range of the teleporter.
  • Then we must hold fast. - Said Dr. Fate, creating an enormous Ankh in front of Dr. Taylor.
  • Oh, Dr. Fate. I wonder what will you do to stop me from destroying this city.
  • You shall see, fiend.

The Ankh quickly enlarged and moved towards Dr. Taylor. She could have easily dodged, but she stood still. In a flash, she was engulfed, and then disappeared.

  • Woah, what happened? - Green Arrow asked.
  • I banished that villain to a pocket dimension where I myself reside. I believe she’s powerful enough to find a her way out eventually, but I can confuse and contain her enough time for us to… - Doctor Fate stopped, and stood very still.
  • To… what?

Crack. A crack formed at the bottom of Nabu’s helmet. And another. And another.

  • I… She… How... - Dr. Fate kneeled, grabbing his head. - AAAAAAAAAAAAGH! - He yelled in anguish, and then another flash of blinding light.

An explosion. Light so powerful it would have vaporized the remaining heroes, had The Flash and Kid Flash not returned at the last second and pulled them to safety, miles away.

  • KENT! - Yelled Wally, looking at the fading enormous flash of light.
  • What happened?? - Barry asked, shivering.
  • I don’t know… He… - Oliver tried to answer, but he was too stunned.
  • I happened.

With a strange, almost metallic sound, the very fabric of reality was ripped open near them by Dr. Livia Taylor’s muscular and extremely powerful arm. She walked back into the universe and let go, with the warp closing back behind her.

  • Wha…
  • I met Nabu. He was weak. “Lord of Order”, pah. He didn’t have the balls nor the power to ever enforce true order. So I showed him - She flexed her incredible biceps to several feet high. - MY way of bringing order. He couldn’t take it.
  • You… - Jon said, reading her mind.
  • Yes, Jon. I did.
  • He was eternal. Immortal.
  • Apparently neither was enough to resist me. Not even in his own dimension. What a weakling. NOW. - Livia’s voice shook everything in the US. - WHERE ARE THE KRYPTONIANS?


So this is a new story that will possibly be made into comic pages at times. My idea is do a text chapter and some images/pages to show certain points of the story. What do you guys think?

Also, if you are reading this, it means things are really bad. I left to help when my father-in-law got hospitalized for the second time in a few short days. He's really important for me and my girlfriend, and if I'm not back yet, it's probably worst case scenario. I might be gone for a little while. I'm sorry to everyone, I promise I'll make it up to you when I get back, even if I have to refund your pledges.

In any case, I hope to be back soon and that things get back to normal. Thanks for the support, everyone. I can't begin to measure how much this patreon has helped us for the last few months. Thank you all, truly. See you soon, I hope.




Fantastic story for sure, and I wish the best for your father-in-law.


I like it!