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The ground shook. Boruto and Mitsuki were instantly on guard, but dropped it as soon as they saw her. Sarada, massive and confident, as she walked towards them.

-Hey. - She said, stopping and flexing her righ arm. Her massive bicep rose, scaring Boruto and doing... something else... to Mitsuki.

-SARADA, WHAT THE HECK!! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU??? - Boruto yelled, incredulous.

-Oh, nothing really. I just learned a new workout routine and a new jutsu, both from my mom. SO - She flexed her leg menacingly, exploding the bandages around it. - What was that about my dream being "stupid"?

- I- I d-din't-t m-mean it, I...

-How strong are you? - Mitsuki asked promtly. Sarada smiled.

-I'm so glad you asked. Here, check this out.

She vanished, moving as if she could teleport with the speed of her powerful legs alone. The boys stood there, but in a few seconds felt an earthquake, and soon one of the mountains in the distance rose a bit, and before they could react started moving towards them. In a split second, Sarada was back, holding the mountain and an almost equally huge chunk of rock under it on a single arm.

-This isn't even enough for a warm-up, but should answer your question, Mitsuki--

She stopped and giggled. Both were on the ground, Boruto passed out with fear and Mitsuki had just a huge smear of blood on his nostrils.

-Boys. - She said, as she effortlessy tossed the mountain precisely back to it's place, 10 miles away.


Quick sort of spin-off drawing to cut from the sequences of drawings for the comic. This was a cute idea I had, and I'm pretty proud of this drawing. What do you giys think of it?
