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Hello everyone.

I had some issues to solve, and that got me thinking about the future of the page.

So, I will make this short and sweet: I'm changing the page next month. That means: everything will change: schedule, rewards, tiers, everything. 

That, of course, means I'll stop the billing cycle for next month while I rework the page. I don't know how long this will take, but I feel I must do this, otherwise I will burn myself out and not deliver good, REGULAR content for you guys.

So, if you choose to keep supporting me, I thank you. But if you see the new rewards and tiers and decide it's too much for you, again, I understand and thank you all the same. You have been extremely kind to me, and this month's idea is to just thank you all with a single picture for each.

On that note, monday I will post the model poses and ask everyone which character do they want made. All characters will be posted here on the page, so two people don't ask for the same character and everyone gets their unique choice.

Thank you all and see you monday!



I'll certainly keep supporting, no worries. I'm curious what your new system will be like.


Hope everything turns alright