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Hey everyone! First, I want to thank all of you for your continued support, and thank you to yagokoro, Tophe, Bob Roberts, poipoipoihuru, simon freeman, up2nogd1, Pitohui and Ron (can I call you Ron, sugar? Lol) for deciding to pledge here! Welcome all and I hope you enjoy the content and stick around.

Now, as I mentioned last week, I'm on a short break and planned to return to the usual schedule next week. Thing is, I made a small mistake of programming a post for today... Without the story '-.-

Since I'm not home, I can't take the chapter and post it now. And rewriting it on my phone... I don't think is the best idea.

So I ask for your forgiveness and that you hold on just a bit longer. I'll be home by monday and upload the new chapter asap.


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