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At first she seduced Jafar, since Aladdin was defeated. And before he could realize, she snatched the lamp and wished for Genie to make her the most powerful goddess in existence. And Genie did so. Jafar was terrified as Jasmine overpowered his magical abilites, not even acnowledging his attempts to resist her.

As punishment for taking over her kingdom, Jasmine created a universe inside a cristal ball,  similar to how Jafar once trapped her in an hourglass, and entered it. Within it, he was powerless to even move, or breathe, without her permission. He couldn't even die unless she wanted so. 

Jasmine grew insanely powerful muscles, and punched his chin once. The blow shook the entire universe as he flew at millions of times the speed of light and destroyed entire galaxies from the dislocation of reality that he caused, only to be caught by Jasmine on the other end. Then she grew a huge cock, bigger than entire stars, and fucked him so hard that gravity shifted across the universe.

She repeated it for the equivalent of eons, and to anyone looking from the outside, they would see that Jasmine herself was both inside the sphere and outside, holding the sphere.  She snapped her fingers and turned genie into a normal human, without even using a wish, just because she could. After that, she returned Aladdin to life and married him, and now he's the sultan of Aggrabah... And she's the ruler of everything.




Aladdin’s a lucky dude!