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The file names of these 3D models are getting out of hand. Oh well.

So this week I asked ImpishCyndia from Twitter if they could help me with Renamon's neck fluff, so they made me a sculpt of the fur and I baked that on to a lower fidelity model and now it looks tremendously better. I traded this for an Illustration of their OC, Cyndia.

In other news, my second attempt at the Takke 3D model is coming along great, and I'm much further along with it without hating what I've created, so that's a good sign!

I've also started putting the joints in to the Renamon model, and I'm hoping the momentum of which will get me past the fear I have of rigging models.




Impressive. You're really putting a lot of work into those 3D models. I suspect most other artists would have given up by now.


Well hopefully I have something to show for the effort. It can be hard to finish a Model and Rig when I'm not very happy with how the model looks, but as is the case with practice, I'm getting better at making them look nice.


Impishcyndia is still around? Dang i havent seen their art in a while. Good job on their oc


Yeah they're fine, they do other creative stuff currently, but I stay in touch.