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As you can see I am very creative with naming my characters.

So this is an idea that's been swimming around my mind for years now, as I've often had an interest in ladies of the slime variety, also becuase of some very old Asura art that had this exact concept. Anyway I guess this is an OC of mine now and I will be using her as a "model" for various illustrations and also as a stand-in in case I need a non-descript partner for someone.

Shading her was an adventure. You can probably imagine why it's taken me years to get around to this.




Looking forward to see her in future artworks :D


The name suits her. With all the wacky experiments Asura get into it's not hard to imagine some of them mutating into different forms. Or creating them.


Very nice, and a backstory I'd love to hear


Slime.. That could brings interesting xray views!