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Oh look, more sketches!

It's perhaps a little problematic that I've spoiled the next three months of finished Illustrations but uh... That's fine, right? I've actually now started to ink these sketches. Hopefully they turn out well and are impressive enough!

I'm also now like, free from my shackles and able to get better. There's a limit to how well I can actually get, you see I've had underlying problems since before I even started this Patreon, but considering how reliable I was with the uploads, that should give you an idea of my potential.




To be faaaair, with some artists not all sketches turn into finished pieces and sometimes ideas can shift and change major parts of the picture resulting in quite a different image at the end result. But otherwise, it's great to see that your health has improved enough too, although don't go overworking yourself as a result and end up back at square one. :P