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OK, so I disappeared on the 1st of February. I had a good reason, I went for a check-up at my local Hospital about a pain I'd been feeling and they admitted me immediately. I've been in Hospital for the last 12 days.

I'm home now, as I've been deemed well enough to leave the Hospital and continue my recovery at home, but this isn't to say I'm actually better yet. Suffice to say, I probably have a few weeks left before I'm back to normal.

I'm not going to make some sort of promise of "catching up" with what I missed because sadly I just can't, but after two weeks of not drawing I'm pretty psyched to draw some things. Presumably my usual cadence of a drawing every Saturday will remain broken for the time being, and I'll post what I have when I have it. Will probably do a bit more 3D for now as it's a little easier to work on, due to not having to set up a massive tablet just to draw some cute pussy.

Anyway! I'm doing well, I feel well. Like not 100%, maybe like 55%, but I will get better, and I will return to what I love doing.

Thanks for sticking with me when I went silent, I really do appreciate the support. 🧡



Please take your time to recover! I hope you can soon return to your drawings. I really look forward to each and every single one of them :)


Glad to hear you're alright. Don't be in too much of a hurry to return to work, we'd all prefer to see your art when you're at your best.