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So this is the Illustration I mentioned a few weeks ago that I couldn't show yet. Obviously there was going to be an alternate version for you all. Hope you also enjoyed the calendar it was from: > Calendar < 

> Link to this Month's Posts < 




Have you ever uploaded a timelapse of one of your drawings?

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-01 16:52:13 Yeah, this calendar really turned out amazing. Thanks for participating in it &lt;3 And for the nice alt! Have a great New year!
2022-12-31 18:03:41 Yeah, this calendar really turned out amazing. Thanks for participating in it <3 And for the nice alt! Have a great New year!

Yeah, this calendar really turned out amazing. Thanks for participating in it <3 And for the nice alt! Have a great New year!


I have not. I don't record them for one, also I'm generally self-conscious about my process. I'd enjoy trying to, but I guess I don't know how it would go. I'll look in to it.


I'm glad you liked it! I was really happy to be invited for both iterations of the Calendar, despite my less than noble intentions for drawing Asura. I hope you have a great New Year too!


THIS is how you recruit for the Inquest.