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So.. that was a ride.

Anyway, I finally got around to animating a climax scene. As shown above, it certainly takes a lot of planning to get it to work, but it was interesting and probably fun.

I've been thinking about these animations over the last few days due to the poll and the completion of this animation, and it has occured to me that there might be a clever solution to two problems I've identified.

One: Coming up with new animations every month can be tricky, albeit possible.

Two: Giving myself one week to add a Climax scene to an animation isn't really enough time.

So.. what if I also add older animations to my Monthly Polls, with the stipulation that I add something more to them, whether that's an alternate loop, or a climax scene, or anything really. These can be alongside completely new animations, and hopefully I can get a feel for what people would like me to put my time towards based on the total votes.

Aside from all that, the .PNG's are below, with a version excluding my poor attempt at animating tentacle fluid.




Now this has to be a fun fractal to be stuck in


I'd love to see some of the older animations you've done extended or even redone in a different way. Pyriax's Director's Cut animation specials would be cool. Love the animation here. Yokko looks like she's really enjoying herself.


There's several animations I've done in the past that I was a bit sad to part with, feeling there was more I could have done. I suppose I'm curious what could be made with some clever recycling and additional frames.


Y e s


Quality animation, well done Py!


Absolutely not a concept I've spent time pondering in the past, no sirree


happy asura