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  • paya_test_turnaround.mp4



I spent this week working pretty full-time on this 3D model of Paya. The main aim was to get it to this point by today so I could show you folks my progress. 

The good news is that it's practically done in terms of it being ready to animate, though I do need to go back and tidy up some things. I still need to actually give her all her animatable joints before I can actually animate her, which I suppose is the bad news, but hey, progress is progress.

I attached the video of her slowly spinning below. Enjoy.




Very lovely progress!


Now that's a pretty model. uwu Do take yer time when you're making sure the model is ready, we'll all be waiting patiently to see what kind of shenanigans she'll get into afterwards. Keep up the good work!


She is so cute, I look forward to seeing her more.


please share the model :3


I'm not sure I'd share this exact model as it's still a bit rough around the edges, but I want to be able to make my other Kobold too using this model as a base, and I could perhaps make a more generic Kobold model during the process which I'd be OK to share.