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Update (2020-11-05)

OK, so it looks like we have a winner! Though seeing as this was an eight way race, I think it would be fair to select a few of the candidates and declare them all winners, and being as there's a very clear top three, it will in fact be Yokko, Tristana, and Akli!

I had been wondering what to do with the results of this poll, and I didn't want to commit to anything until I'd had a week to think about it, but I'd like to make some short animations of the winners here. Naturally this will take a while to get done, and I'll be working on them one at a time over the next month or so.

I'll likely continue to run polls as usual even during this time, as most of these choices were of my own characters anyway, so they don't really interfere with the way I schedule things to include the Poll winners.

Anyway, look forward to some animations! They'll likely be in a bit of a random order, depending on what ideas I settle on first.

Original Post

A positive smorgasbord of choices this month. This coincides somewhat with my Twitter Poll on which small ladies are popular, but I'd like a more focused idea of what you folk may like to see me draw from those options. Presumably I'll draw the winner as usual, but I'm still open to this informing things I should draw in the near future too.

Character Reference

Netto | Yokko | Flixle | Kelseh | Paya | Akli | Poppy | Tristana 

I mean I kind of expect the Yordles to win but I could be surprised.

Also, fair warning, Saturday's Illustration is of Akli and Paya, so there will already be imminent Kobolds. But hey, maybe you folk still want more of them?



Come on and let the tiger striped kobold get some lewds. Vote Akli