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I finally had some time to work on the 3D models I had hinted at a while ago, and I've been making decent progress on my first proper project.

Realistically I want to make quite a few different models, but I'm pretty nervous about the actual modelling of the character, so whilst I want to get around to a 3D Asura eventually, and actually have tried to make a few Asura models before, I need to ease myself in a bit.

To that end, as you can see above, I'm starting with my Vulpera, Tiskka, as most of the work is already done and I can just adapt it a bit for some lewd animations. The only real work I had to do to the model was giving her nipples and some extra holes down below. Which... was a lot more work that it would seem but it's done now. Hooray.

I'm currently going through the tedious busy-work of tidying up the joints and properly attaching her body to them, but it's going very well. Once I've properly "skinned" her, which sounds awful for a furred character but I promise that's the correct term for this, I can move on to creating the Rig that will be used to puppet her for some animations.

And really if this goes smoothly I could adapt this rig to get a Warcraft Goblin up and running pretty fast because they're basically identical in a technical sense.


In other news, I look forward to drawing Hornet. That'll be ready for Saturday the 25th. The new Poll will go up the following Tuesday.



Felix Drake

Very exciting stuff!

Just Like a Metaphor (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-11 18:50:54 Nice, 3D modeling and animation are challenging stuff. If you're interested, Warlord Rexx used to do great work with Warcraft Goblins until Blizzard gave him a Cease & Desist, and he still does good stuff with the Yordle crew. Might have tips if you need em.
2020-04-16 02:07:08 Nice, 3D modeling and animation are challenging stuff. If you're interested, Warlord Rexx used to do great work with Warcraft Goblins until Blizzard gave him a Cease & Desist, and he still does good stuff with the Yordle crew. Might have tips if you need em.

Nice, 3D modeling and animation are challenging stuff. If you're interested, Warlord Rexx used to do great work with Warcraft Goblins until Blizzard gave him a Cease & Desist, and he still does good stuff with the Yordle crew. Might have tips if you need em.


If only GW2 used the same common model format that can be extracted straight from the game as WoW does.


It's actually possible to extract the models from GW2, I've done it successfully many times, but the problem is the models are not what I would describe as usable. A lot of work has to be done in order to get them back to a reasonable state, and at that point I think it would be smarter to just make my own models from scratch with any small tweaks I'd want from the start.


I suppose I'll have to keep the WoW stuff to a minimum then, still, hopefully I can do some Vulpera stuff without ruffling any feathers. Really, my goal is to move on to my own custom models anyway, likely some Asura, Kobolds, etc. And I mean, I doubt Arenanet could give me a hard time about my own custom Asura sculpt without accidentally admitting I'm right about them having breasts? Hehe

Just Like a Metaphor

It's hard to say. There's still plenty of artists and animators doing WoW stuff, same as there is League, Overwatch, you name it. Who gets the wrist slap is anyone's guess, but you're probably safe enough. And oh, Pyriax. Anet -did- say you're right about that. Sorry to rant, but I've got a bone to pick here. That interview from 2011 where Eric Flannum says Asura have breasts is definitive and the first and last word Anet will ever give on the subject. It's amazing it was addressed at all, but it was. It doesn't really matter, people can draw or RP what they like, but a lot of the Asura RP community are weirdly aggressive about pushing this head-canon idea that Asura don't. Despite the only support of that being the ken-doll game model, which yeah, they all are.


Yeah, I still intend to finish up the Tiskka model, I've just been busy with various drawings this month, and then things like Insomniac showing us a new Lombax that I feel compelled to draw happen and I have yet more to do, hehe. Still, I suppose I'm not really popular enough to have to worry about any impending wrath from Blizzard for using their model. Also, I do recall that little remark in the old interview, I should have it printed off, embossed, and framed, hehe. I don't tend to mind much about the debate on whether they do or not, I just enjoy drawing them that way. Truth be told, the only thing that ever upset me was when Anet changed the Light Precursor Chest armour from the female version to the male version because people moaned about the Asura wearing a bra. But hey, that's what emboldened me to start drawing, so there's that.

Just Like a Metaphor

Oh no pressure there, I just hadn't caught your reply here til the other day. You're doing great! Yeah, I don't mind the debate either, just when people get aggro about it. I remember that whole thing with the precursor armor, they did the same for Charr.