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Hey guys! Okay, I realize that I'm WAY overdue for giving you guys an update, but life has been a special flavor of crazy for some time, and today is the first time I think I've been able to draw a complete breath (Metaphorically speaking, not literally! I don't have Covid.) for a long while, so let's recap.

First, I've been working on projects that often don't have much new or interesting content to share. I've made great progress on Executioner's Gambit, but much of this has been editing existing scenes. Even a revamped scene is going to look much the same as the first pass if you're not comparing them side-by-side. I'm shooting for getting this book released in the spring, but I have a tendency to be overly optimistic, so we'll see how that prediction pans out.

I've also put a lot of work into getting the audiobook version of the anthology out. Though it seems like this should all be on Rafe's capable shoulders, I'm such a control freak about releasing great content that I must take charge of the process.

This has been tremendously successful, I think. The resulting book is wonderful, and I was absolutely floored when the new audiobook became a #1 New Release.

Oh, did I not mention that? Why yes, I got my first orange flag this morning! You can find it here: https://www.audible.com/pd/Tales-of-Hayven-Celestia-Audiobook/B0BNZN7DJ3?source_code=AUDFPWS0223189MWT-BK-ACX0-331422&ref=acx_bty_BK_ACX0_331422_rh_us

I've also got Rafe going on replacing the crappy version of my Reaper's Lottery audiobook. Again, tons of work, but I've listened to the samples for the main characters and I really think he's hitting this one right out of the park! You're just going to love it.

Next up is the talk I promised to give for Midwest FurFest (MFF). Despite some hardcore motivational problems, I gave that on Friday and it went very well. If anyone recorded it, I wasn't able to find it on YouTube.

Then, there's the work situation. As I mentioned, I lost my job at the end of October. Despite how I thought that I'd get lots of writing done while I didn't have to work, job hunting really has a way of eating all your time and motivation. Fortunately, I found a new job a week ago, right before I left for MFF. I don't start until January, so that should give me some time to write new content and finish Executioner's Gambit!

MFF was a tremendous amount of fun. I got to see so many people, and sales were strong.

Then, on the way home, I had a... I hesitate to call it a romantic interlude with a kangaroo, but let's just say that a kangaroo had some lusty ideas about me despite me saying that I just wanted to be friends. Ky was there, and did she try to unhook the fuzzy Casanova's claws from my sweatshirt? No, of course not. She was far too busy laughing and taking photos.

You can find her gallery of kangaroo pix here, though be warned, some are naughty: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Hq0Dc4FoLbSJn8fdLF45gDIlCA6qFiTH

And I think that brings us more or less to the present. I've finished all the accounting and taxes from the trip, I've asked my investment gal to re-calculate my retirement plans based on the new job, and now I'm ready to write.

As always, thank you guys for bearing with me. You're all too awesome, and I love each and every one of you!

UPDATE: The anthology reached #1 new release for anthologies. HUGE upgrade!

And that's #21 on the best-seller list for anthologies!

UPDATE 2: (I'll stop sending new e-mails now) It's up to #11 on the best-seller list?


Geo Holms

Congrats on the new job. Yeah, unemployment and job searching can really mess with any creative endeavors, that's for sure. Hoping everything smooths out. (And, wow, that kangaroo certainly got enthusiastic about treats.)


Congrats on landing the new job. Best of luck. And thanks for the roo pics ^^

Diego P



Glad job hunting was a success reasonably quickly, but ya it’s a huge drag :( Also glad to hear you had a good MFF and congratulations to you Rick and all the other anthology writers. Hopefully you shared news with Rafe too