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Thanks for being so patient with me this month. I've been beating my head on restarting Brick and Mortar and so far I'm just not pleased with any of the attempts.

So, in the meantime, I've taken a suggestion from @Geo Holms and written some more on Freaky Fiveday.

When we last left off, Gormat was about to be seduced by the next door neighbor.

This isn't a terribly graphic episode but I do think it's worth flagging as NSFW! NSFW! NSFW!


She hauled Gormat into the bedroom and didn’t let go of his wrist until he was standing before her bed. She didn’t say anything, so he looked around and blinked a couple times, uncertain.

“Yes?” he asked. “You wanted to show me something?”

Ujaoyrenja grinned wide, her mouth curling up at both ends. “The bed, silly!” she laughed. “I wanted you to see my bed.”

Unsure, he turned back and considered the bed a second time. The thing was huge! Although tricky to judge any sizes from his new vantage point, the mattress had easily twice as much area as the apartment he’d shared with his mate and daughter. True, he was smaller back then, but he’d never even imagined that a bed could be so large.

Slowly, he turned his head back to her, hoping that she would make it clear what he was supposed to notice and clearly didn’t. When he felt he could delay no longer, he cleared his throat. “Wow,” he said, “what a bed!”

“I know, right?” she asked. “The thing is so tiny! But I like to think of it as cozy instead. I never have any guests over, so it’s never really mattered, but look…”

Then, she climbed on top of the covers. Without letting go of his wrist, she urged him to follow. Soon, they were lying next to each other with only a scant few meters in between. “It’s so cozy that you and I will need to cling to one another to avoid toppling over onto the floor!”

This was clearly not the case, but from the playful tone in Ujaoyrenja’s voice, he doubted it was supposed to be sincere. So instead, he played along. He raised one arm overhead and pinwheeled it around as if trying to catch his balance. “Uh… Uh… Oh…” he cried, “I’m falling!”

She grabbed his arm and pulled him close, their lips almost touching. “Oh, thank goodness you were there to save me,” he whispered. His smile widened as he thought about the day. “No, really. I mean that. It’s just, I’ve felt so—”

“So very alone for so very long,” she finished for him. “Yeah, I get that. It’s like you could completely cease to exist and no one … would even…”

And then they were kissing—long, tender, sensual kisses without any sense of urgency. And wow, was that nice!

Kissing her was very different from what he was accustomed to, certainly, but no less fun than it had been back when he’d worn a geroo body. Krakun tongues were big thick things rather than the long and slender tongues of geroo. But krakun lips were not only tremendously sensitive, they were also quite nimble and dexterous! Gormat put one claw to either side of her face and then spent many long minutes nibbling on her lips. He started at one edge of the top lip and worked his way across until switching to her lower lip and working his way back.

Ujaoyrenja got a terrible case of the giggles as he completed his first pass around her lips and gave him a gentle push to clear a little breathing room.

“Oh no no no!” he laughed. “You’ll push me over the side!”

“I can’t have that,” she said, cupping his cheek in one of her palms and pulling him closer with her other arm.

“No, that would be no fun,” he agreed. They kissed harder now, tongues seeking deep, exploring each other’s mouths. Krakun teeth were bigger, dull spikes set slightly apart instead of a geroo’s smaller, sharper teeth set one next to another. So, he explored each with his kisses, running the tip of his tongue between them until she got the shivers.

“Goodness, Yutarenga!” she laughed, pulling slightly away. “Your kisses are so exciting. I’ve never kissed anyone so adventurous.”

At that, he had to grin. “Oh, you have no idea…”

With one claw, he reached down to her belly, with the other, around between her shoulders. Now, he came up disappointed. Ujaoyrenja had no pouch to play with. She had no scruff for him to grip. He tried to hide his discouragement by kissing her neck while he caressed the two areas, pretending that they felt the way they would on a geroo gal.

“Oh my,” she whispered, “I’ve never been touched like this before.”

“You don’t like it?”

“I didn’t say that,” said the orange scaled krakun. “We all have our favorite body parts, and I’m happy so long you like something I’ve got to offer.”

He looked her in the eyes. “You mean that? You don’t think it’s … weird?”

She smiled. “Absolutely not!” Then, she rolled on her back and patted her belly scales with both palms. “I’m in zero rush. Play all you want.”

He gave her a shy smile and whispered, “Thanks.”

Gormat put his lips to her belly and spent a full five minutes kissing and licking her belly scales. It made him sad that there was no pouch to explore, no teats to kiss and suckle, but still, he found the act tremendously satisfying. It had been so long since he’d kissed a gal’s tummy, and he hadn’t even realized how much he’d missed it.

He loved that she didn’t rush him. She just touched him gently and stroked his scales while he kissed her. Once, she even whispered, “This is actually quite nice. I kinda wish more lovers gave me so much attention.”

At long last, he sat up and wiped his mouth on the back of his wrist. He was so embarrassed that he couldn’t even look her in the eye. “Thanks,” he whispered. “It was kind of you to … indulge me.”

“Ah ah ah!” she said, shaking a finger at him. Then, she flipped over onto her stomach. “It’s obvious you like shoulders too.”

He could barely manage the words. “No, you’ve already—”

“I insist,” said Ujaoyrenja. She looked up at him. “Please?”

“Oh, okay,” he said.

He kissed her neck and between her shoulder blades. He nipped at the skin, and she even moved her arms to the sides to loosen the scales the best she could, allowing him to gather a little of her hide between his teeth. Again, it wasn’t the same, but it was still nice.

He nibbled and played for several minutes before realizing what was really missing. Despite being more turned on than he had been in ages, he wasn’t sporting any sort of erection. He glanced down at his belly scales until his eyes spotted the slit in his ruby red scales.

“Oh, yeah,” he whispered as he recalled that he was now inside a female body.

“Is everything okay?” asked Ujaoyrenja, rolling onto one hip.

“Uh… Uh… Uh…” he whimpered. This was awkward. He’d been making the moves on this gal, and he was a gal too? She obviously knew and was okay with that, but he hadn’t even paused to think about how many barriers he was pushing aside.

Did he mind? Gormat wasn’t certain. He’d often fantasized about sharing a bed with two geroo gals—who hadn’t?—but in his imaginations, the two were all over him … not each other.

“No, nothing wrong,” he whispered.

The orange krakun sat up farther. “Did you get your fill of my shoulders?” she asked. “Did you satisfy your craving?”

Gormat nodded, not certain if he should trust his voice. “Yeah. That was very nice,” he whispered. “And … uh … maybe I should…”

“So, it’s my turn now?”

His eyes opened wider, and despite his size, his voice turned tiny, “What?”

“Well,” she said, “I indulged you. And like I said, we all have our favorite body parts… Certainly you wouldn’t mind indulging me for a bit, right?”

“No! Of course, not,” he nearly gasped. “I mean, that would only be fair.”

“Thank you,” said Ujaoyrenja. And with that, she repositioned herself and slipped her tongue inside his slit.

Gormat gasped and froze. This was … very different from what he was used to, but then again, it felt just as wonderful. Before he knew it, his eyes were rolling back in his head and his tongue was starting to loll from the side of his snout.

He had almost laid completely back on the bed before he scrambled back up. “Wait! Wait! Wait!” he cried. “Stop!”

Ujaoyrenja looked up at him in surprise, then took a moment to wipe her mouth. “You … didn’t like that?” Her voice had lost all of the confidence it had held all evening.

“No! I… I did!” he insisted.

“Then … why…?”

“Um… Um…” Gormat gasped. He felt so light-headed, like he couldn’t get enough air.

“Are you feeling okay?” she asked.

“Yes!” He covered his mouth with a claw. “Yes, I’m okay.”

“Then why,” she asked, sitting slowly up, “were you so insistent that I stop?”

She stared at him, and the seconds stretched by like hours. He wasn’t sure what to say. “Well, um…” he finally managed, “I didn’t want to say anything before, but that…” He couldn’t say it, he could just barely manage to point at the slit between his legs, the wet lips still slightly parted from her licks.

She turned her head, following where he was pointing with her eyes. Then, she turned back to him, a curious expression on her face. “Yes?”

“Well, um, you see, that … that … that…”


“That that that…”


He took a breath and let it out slowly. Blood was pounding in his throat. “That’s one of my favorite body parts too!” he finally managed.

A grin crept slowly across Ujaoyrenja’s face. “Oh, is it?” she asked, barely stifling a laugh.

“Yes!” He licked his lips. “And since we’re both obviously so fond of that particular part…”

Words failed him.

“Maybe…” she filled in, “we should both enjoy them at the same time?”

With both claws, he snapped his fingers, then pointed at her. He nodded. “Yes. That.”

Ujaoyrenja smiled wide. “I love that idea.”


Reviewer's link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1knOVqefRTpnfEXWvRwfg2RM72qKtA9IE3yvyd_rZALk/edit?usp=sharing



Geo Holms

Wow. This certainly did lead to some interesting places this time around. I do love the mental calculus he's doing attempting to keep up with the situation and figuring out what to do. A really fun addition to this tale. Thanks continuing forth with this.


The detail throughout the kissing scene was lovely, the sensuality of dragons and the like is too-oft neglected in literature. Worth the 2-month wait!


Well that’s definitely a fun little instalment!


Oh I'm loving this little series! Just subbed to your patreon this evening (and thank you for having that pinned post with an index to all the stories. Patreon's navigation is jank, lol).