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Happy New Year, Folks! I hope that 2022 treats us all better than 2021 has.

I felt like my last scene of 2021 should be more of my estranged ringel, Py. I'm still setting up the porn scene you all know is coming, but I had fun doing some unintentional double-entendres in this one.

Py doesn't get any, but it's still NSFW! NSFW! NSFW!

Oh, also, Rick drew a great drawing tonight, so I can't wait until next year (tomorrow) when I can write a scene to go with it as my first scene of 2022. Whee!


As Py’s parents had promised, the get-together was very small, only two families came over. He thought they said that the families were next-door neighbors living on either side, but with everyone speaking so quickly, Py found it hard to translate everything he heard. He didn’t even try to remember the names of the adults, but he paid much closer attention when the three teens were introduced.

Clepedys was probably a couple years older than Py and was trying to fit in with the adults, trying to distance herself from the younger teens. Py didn’t mind that. Within seconds he had pegged her type. She was one of the “pretty gals” that was in the “popular crowd”. Popular gals were always the worst. They said the meanest things just to look cool. Py had never been popular, and he doubted that moving to a new world would change that.

Uxyhuu was the pretty gal’s younger brother. Py guessed him to be a little younger than he was, but not by much. He was a quiet type, the sort that went along with whatever the crowd was doing. Py figured that he could easily be Uxyhuu’s friend, but that it wouldn’t be up to Uxyhuu—it would be up to his friends.

The third teen was Ziagruqo. Outgoing and popular, Py could tell that becoming Ziagruqo’s friend would be the priority. If he could manage that, then he’d be home free. A friendship with Ziagruqo would surely net him a few free friends without even trying!

“So, how did it even happen?” asked the pretty gal’s father. “How did you even lose your son in the first place?”

Py’s parents looked up from where they had snuggled together on an oversized chair, his mother leaning her ear on his father’s shoulder. “Well,” Syxilie said, “this was before we moved here, back thirteen years ago when we lived on Station Alpha-two-nine.”

Clepedys’s father raised his ears. “Station Alpha-two-nine? Never heard of it.”

“That’s not too surprising,” said Py’s mom. “It was way out on the outer spiral, and it doesn’t exist anymore.”

“It doesn’t…?”

“Apparently, there was some sort of dispute,” explained Py’s dad. “Some organized crime group or something was demanding protection money from the station’s administration. The administrators refused to pay, so the mob blew up the station.”

“They blew it up?” the neighbor nearly shouted in surprise.

Syxilie nodded. “Not all at once, you see. They flew in with fighters and started shooting holes in the station. There was hysteria and panic, a mad crush to evacuate. Pyzuemzijootz was in daycare. He was just three.” His father sniffled, and tears began to wet his eyes. “I tried to get back to my kit, but I just couldn’t. Everyone was running the same direction and I could force my way through the crowd. I begged, trying to get back to him, but before I knew it, the hatches were sealed, and we were racing away from Alpha-two-nine.”

“So many people died!” sighed Nahiarreaske. “As luck would have it, Syxilie and I ended up on the same ship. We scoured the records after the catastrophe, but they were a mess. All the escaping ships headed in different directions, and no one knew who got out alive.”

“Everyone said that he was lost,” Syxilie cried, “that no one made it out from the daycare. I was devastated. When we finally gave up searching, I didn’t want to try again. I told the doctor to take my womb out, that I never wanted to lose a part of me like that.”

Py’s eyes opened wide. He knew he was missing large chunks of the story, but he was fairly certain he’d heard that part correctly. My father … used to be my mother?

“Well, I never gave up hope,” said Nahiarreaske. Then she reached down between her mate’s legs and started stroking him.

Py’s ears fell low in horror.

“No, you didn’t,” Syxilie agreed as an erection emerged from his sheath. “Over the years, Nahiarreaske managed to track down every last survivor from the catastrophe.”

“Somehow, Pyzuemzijootz ended up with geroo refugees and his name got listed as ‘Py’ but spelled with geroo glyphs.”

“It’s a miracle you ever found him,” agreed Syxilie. “He could have lived his entire life thinking we were dead. We could have never found him.”

Nearly spilling his drink, Py finally pulled his eyes from his father—mother?—getting jerked off in front of the next-door neighbors. “I… I… I think I need to go to my room!” he spurted.

“Of course, hon,” said Nahiarreaske, looking up from what she was doing, but her paw never slowed, “you go right ahead.”

“Poor kit,” Syxilie said softly. “It’s a lot to adjust to, only knowing geroo parents all your life and then suddenly having two pairs. He’ll need some time.”

Ziagruqo stood. “I’ll come with you,” he said. Uxyhuu stood as well, expecting to go wherever his friend did.

“Yeah, that would be great,” said Py. “I need… I think I need…” He wasn’t sure what word he was searching for, neither in Geroo or Ringel.

Back in his room, Py flopped down on the bed and crushed his palms into his face. He was so mortified! How could his parents do this to him? Parents were always embarrassing, but they were supposed to be the sort of embarrassing that brought up stupid shit you did when you were a toddler, not masturbating in the middle of a party!

Ziagruqo took a seat on the bed and rested a paw on Py’s knee. “Tough day, huh?”

Py groaned without uncovering his face. “Ugh! This is so awful.”

He had been hoping that at some point, the guys would ditch their folks and have a chance to become friends. That sort of thing was impossible while adults were in the same room. He had been hoping that he’d have a chance to talk about what a wild day he was having, about the beautiful janitor at the space station. Not to brag … well, maybe to brag a little. He wouldn’t show them the photos or anything unless they didn’t believe him, then he’d have proof, but now?

Now, the last thing he wanted to think about was a blowjob from a stranger. What he wanted was some brain bleach that could dissolve away his memories of the past five minutes. How could he ever make friends with these guys now that they’d seen what freaks his parents were?

“It must be a bitch learning a new language, huh?” Ziagruqo said.

Py pulled his paws from his eyes and stared at the teen. You just saw my mother—who used to be my father—publicly jerking off my father—mother—and you’re wondering about being bilingual? he thought. Or are you purposefully asking about this so we can forget that shit-show in the living room ever happened?

“Uh, yeah,” Py muttered. “I need a lot more practice.”

“I’ve never even heard geroo,” said Uxyhuu. “What’s it even sound like?”

Py sat up, finally starting to smile for the first time since he bailed on his family. “Well, it sounds like this,” he said in geroo. “This was the only language I knew until I started learning Ringel a few months back.”

“Wow! Weird!” the two males said in unison.

“It’s so cool that you speak another language,” said Uxyhuu. “I wish I did.”

“Yeah, well, I guess I’m the only one around here who does,” said Py back in Ringel. “Not very useful until I go back.”

Ziagruqo blinked. “You’re going to go back?”

Py shrugged. “Maybe? I don’t know. I haven’t even been here a day. I haven’t thought that far.”

“I heard that geroo are huge!” said Uxyhuu.

“They are,” Py agreed. “Not like krakun big, but still really big. Back at the colony, everything made me feel small.” He laughed and shook his head. “I had to stand on a box to brush my teeth because the sink was way up here!”

Ziagruqo nodded. “Is it true that geroo are all weird-shaped?”

“Uh,” said Py. “I guess they would probably look weird to you. I grew up around them since I was three.”

“Oh,” said Uxyhuu.

Py got up on his knees and slapped his thighs. “Geroo are really big on the bottom and kinda scrawny up top,” said Py.

Ziagruqo made a strange face that Py didn’t know how to interpret, but at least they were all talking together, so he continued. “I have a couple guy friends back at the colony, and they’re both huge. If they get a running start, they can totally jump like eight meters.”

The two ringel squinted at him in disbelief, then Ziagruqo shook his head. “No fucking way,” he said. “Now, I know you’re fucking with me.”

Py blinked. He wasn’t used to anyone using words like that! These guys were so cool. Py raised a paw, giving a solemn geroo vow, “I swear to the ancestors, they can! But in the other paw, they can’t climb anything just using their arms.”

“No?” asked Uxyhuu.

“Nope,” said Py. With a grin, he explained, “My buddies and I spent a lot of time exploring. I was the one climbing over and into stuff, finding a way in. Then I’d go back and unlock a door so they could come.”

“Geroo don’t climb?” asked Ziagruqo.

Py shook his head. “Geroo couldn’t climb over a crease in the sheets.”


Reviewer's link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SImspfRp_8mQrJFVkVfyvqMmSO17RI36N8_TmyYOmGA/edit?usp=sharing




I can’t even imagine the shame Py is feeling. Probably thinks his parents are degenerates. I’m not sure why he hasn’t gotten a cultural briefing so to say. Feels like that should be one of the first things explained to him.


I think the doctor was TRYING to explain it to him, but he was so nappy after the cleaning gal helped him out, that he missed it.


Well that’s a shame. I guess he’ll have to find out the hard way...

Rick Griffin

Well hopefully SOMEONE notices that the culture shock is a bit more than he's able to handle at the moment. Of course, they're not necessarily gonna know WHAT they should explain to him... or how...