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I felt inspired to continue Py's story.

This episode is NSFW! NSFW! NSFW!

You're welcome.


Py sulked in silence while the doctor typed up her notes. He was starting to wonder if coming to Ringeltec had been a mistake all along. He thought about his group of friends back home and tried to imagine what it would be like if he woke up one day to find one of them was now a “he” instead of a “she” or vice-versa.

If one of his guy friends suddenly became a gal… He tried to imagine it, thought through each of his male friends and tried to imagine swapping them out for a female. This didn’t feel like something than any of them would want, but if they did … he guessed he could be supportive of their decision. If they wanted to be a gal, then perhaps that would be best. But he doubted things would ever be the same between them and Py afterward.

Guy friends were buddies. Guy friends knew all your secrets, all the stupid things you did when you were a cub. He was completely open with his guy friends. Gal friends were different. Gals were people you cared for differently, friends you wanted to protect, to impress, people who you’d never let see you at your worst!

But if a guy friend became a gal friend… That would be so confusing. Would they make fun of him because of that time he got so frightened that he wet himself? He had been five at the time, and still it remained one of his most embarrassing memories. A guy would never say anything about it, but what about a gal?

And what if he felt attracted to one of his guy friends now that they were female? Would that make him gay? He didn’t know what to think about that.

Weirder still would be one of his female friends becoming male! Though they were just friends, Py felt a degree of attraction to each of his female friends. Would he still feel that residually after they became guys? He really didn’t like that idea and wasn’t certain that he even could be a friend for them if it happened.

But this sort of thing happened all the time here? Was he going to need to be guarded all the time now so that it didn’t mess things up when his friends changed genders? How was he expected to do that?

Someone was tapping on the glass. When Py looked up, he spotted his parents in the other room, their faces pressed up to the glass. “Pyzuemzijootz?” called his mother, her voice amplified by some sort of intercom system built into the wall. “Is that really you?” she called in Ringel.

Py leapt from his seat with such force that he sent his chair flying. Within a moment, he pressed up against the glass too, his eyes overflowing with tears. “Mom? Dad? Is that you?” he shouted in Geroo, fogging the glass so hard he had to wipe the condensation away with his fist just to see them once more.

“Oh, son!” his father openly wept. “I can’t believe you’re finally here. Nahiarreaske and I have been counting down the days. I didn’t think today would ever come!”

Py pounded on the glass in frustration. He wanted to hug his parents. He needed to feel their arms around him.

His mother tapped on the glass some more, her eyes focused on the doctor. “Doctor?” she called, raising her voice. “They said you have some paperwork we have to fill out so we can take our son home? Can we please do that now?”

Dr. Awyybrys stood without any of the urgency the other three ringel obviously shared. “Nahiarreaske? Syxilie? It’s so nice to finally meet you! I’ve been reading about Py’s case since it hit the news all those months ago. Did you have a safe drive up from Zyynnuence?”

Py thought he was going to explode. He hopped in place like a cub with a full bladder, wishing for the adults to stop wasting time.

“Well, there’s still some things I’d still like to cover with Py today, but I can get you started on the paperwork,” Awyybrys said. She pointed beyond the windows at a door in the adjacent room. “Meet me in the immigration office, and I’ll get both of you set up.”

“No!” Py cried as he pressed his face to the glass. “Don’t go.”

Without even hesitating, Py’s mother stooped down and planted a big kiss on the glass right where his forehead rested. “We’ll be right back, hon. We’re going to handle that paperwork faster than anyone has ever filled out paperwork before!”

He looked up and stared at the imprint of her lips, stunned and blinking. Wow! he thought. She misses me so much that she doesn’t even care whose grimy fingers have touched the glass. She cares more about how she misses me then she worries about germs and whatever!

Py stared at the smudge so long, only vaguely aware of the sounds of ringel shuffling out, doors opening and closing, a heavy plastic trash cart bumping carelessly against the walls.

“Hey, are you okay?” asked a sweet, feminine voice in Ringel.

Py looked up and spotted her, a cleaning gal who was leaning her mop against the wall so she could come check on him. “Yes,” he said quietly in Ringel as he wiped his eyes with the back of his paw. “I am fine.”

She was … surprisingly cute. Her pelt was stunning, the greys so rich that they shined almost purple in the light. She had a slender waist, larger hips… After growing up around geroo, Py had acquired a taste for plump females. Geroo society considered scrawny builds—like ringel tend to have—unattractive. “No, seriously. What’s the matter?”

Py gasped, trying to fit his feelings into a language that had yet to feel comfortable. “No let me see parents. Been away ten plus three years.”

“You haven’t seen your folks in thirteen years?” she gasped. “You poor thing!” Then without any warning, this stranger—cute stranger, sure, but stranger nonetheless—took him in her arms and squeezed him to her chest.

Py froze, his muscles going rigid, but the cleaning gal just held him, waiting until his body finally softened. This was … nice, really nice! Oh sure, he was still upset that they hadn’t allowed him to hug his own parents yet, but this was great too. He didn’t even know this gal’s name, but she felt so soft, so warm. And her scent! She smelled so unlike the musky geroo gals he had hugged in the past. She smelled of perfumes, a little sweat, and some cleaning solvents. And he … rather enjoyed the mix.

Blinking a few times, Py realized that she held his cheek against her breast. That was weird, of course, but her boobs were … actually a really nice shape. Despite his apprehension about seeing mammaries on a gal’s chest instead of in a pouch where they belonged, he thought, Maybe I could get used to this.

When she finally pulled away, he felt almost boneless, limp and bendy like a rag doll. She held him upright by the shoulders for a moment, looking at his face and smiling. He wondered how old she was. She couldn’t have been more than a couple years older than him. Was that too much of a difference? Should he ask her out? But was there a point, really? A pretty gal like this … surely, she already had a steady boyfriend!

Then she pulled him close and pressed her lips to his. She tilted her head and slid her tongue inside his muzzle.

Suddenly, Py didn’t feel so boneless anymore. His arms flailed in all directions for a moment, not so much pushing her away as just surprised and unsure how to react. He grabbed her by the breasts, and she didn’t even try to stop him. She just tilted her head the other way and continued to work her soft tongue around the inside of his mouth.


Seriously, WTF?

She kissed him at length as if they were long-separated lovers, not strangers who didn’t even know each other’s name. Eventually, he could feel himself relaxing into the kiss. It was strange and very wet but also … kinda wonderful. Ever so gingerly, he extended his own tongue into her mouth, and she sealed her lips around it, sucking, urging him to stick it all the way in.

So, he did. And they kissed some more.

When she finally pulled away, she squeezed his long tongue between her lips, almost squeegeeing it, wiping it clean of her flavors.

Py felt boneless once more and she continued to hold him by his shoulders, supporting him. His eyes glazed, mouth still open slightly, tongue hanging out … he looked a bit like someone who’d just emerged from a coma.

The cleaning gal smiled wide. “Wow, look at you!” she whispered. “I guess you … liked my kiss? Most guys don’t appreciate how I kiss. Did you really…?”

“I… I…” he sputtered, not sure how words even worked anymore. “Never kiss anyone.”

She covered her muzzle with both paws, her eyes going wide. “You…? I was your first kiss?” she gasped. “And you liked it?”

Py tried to nod, but his head just bounced around at the end of his neck like a plastic toy floating in the sink.

The gal was nearly bouncing in place. She ripped a strand from the belt she wore askew over one hip and started madly bashing the keys with her thumbs. “I gotta tell my best friend! I can’t believe that I got to be someone’s first kiss—and that you liked it!”

“It was… Was… Wow,” was all Py could manage.

Hitting send, she hooked the strand back on her belt, smiling wide and shaking her head. “Well, I’m so honored that I got to be your first!” she laughed. “Though it’s a shame that I wasn’t your first blowjob instead. Honestly? I’ve always been tons better at sucking dick than sucking face.”

“What?” he whispered, not sure he had understood correctly. Py really wished he had paid more attention when he studied his Ringel lessons these past few months. But despite that, he really doubted such words would have been in even the advanced chapters of the guide.

“You…?” she whispered back. Then she glanced down at Py’s dick—which was harder than it ever had been before, sticking straight out the end of his sheath, ready and standing at attention. “Don’t tell me you’ve never had a blowjob before.”

“I… I … don’t … think…”

“No. Fucking. Way!” she laughed as she got down on her knees.

And then she was sucking his dick.

This gal, this stranger, was literally doing all the things she’d just done to his tongue … to his dick. And he thought, It’s impossible for anything to ever feel any better than this.

She bobbed her head, running her lips up and down his length. She paused to swallow the spit in her mouth. She kissed him here and there. She ran licks up and down his length. She even swirled her mouth around him, so her tongue did loops around and around and around him.

Py nearly lost his balance. He grabbed her by the shoulders as she worked, and he groaned, barely able to control himself. “Gah!”

Her attention felt way too good, and unsurprisingly, he couldn’t last long. The excitement inside him built quickly to a peak until it finally burst forth. She quickly pulled away and held her mouth open while she stroked his length vigorously with two of her fingers, encouraging him to release all of his load. Some she caught in her mouth, some splashed across her face, a little dripped from her chin, the sparkling little pearls coming to rest on her furry breasts.

As soon as he finished, she snatched the strand from her belt and snapped a quick selfie, her mouth opened wide so the photo could capture all his semen glistening on her tongue. Then she moved to the side and held the strand a little farther away to get his dick—cum dripping from the end as his azimuth slowly lowered from its zenith—into the picture.

When she finished, she swallowed down his seed and checked the pictures over. “Oh, yeah,” she burped. “These came out great! I’m totally keeping this one in my scrapbook.”

While looking at the selfie where his dick obscured most of her face, she made an exaggerated kissing gesture, and the photo editor emitted a kissing sound. On the photo, it overlaid a pair of lip-prints in the corner. Then with a quick scribble of her index finger, she signed the picture.

Grinning up at him, she asked, “Pretty good, huh? Much better than my kisses, at least!”

“That was … amazing!” he gasped.

“Yeah, it’s a talent,” she said as she gathered the two photos together. Then she flicked a copy over to the strand on his shoulder. “There ya go, Buddy,” she said. “Now, whenever you’re thinking about how great your first time was, you can look back on these.”

The door clicked open and Py looked up at the elderly doctor. She was glaring down at the cleaning gal who knelt before him. Py eeped an embarrassed shout as he covered himself up with both paws. “I… I…” he gasped in Geroo.

“Seriously?” Doctor Awyybrys groaned. “He’s not even been on planet for an hour! I’m still giving Py his orientation!”

“Oh!” the cleaning gal said as she climbed to her paws. Then she pecked a kiss onto Py’s lips, coating them with a little cummy residue. “Welcome to Ringeltec.” Then she grabbed a cleaning rag from her cart and started wiping the semen out of her fur.


Reviewer's link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fTuCE7Z0Tt7aVDRDJdAiUZxjmtxjx-1zbFmavgDlLuM/edit?usp=sharing



Rick Griffin

Seems like a reasonable welcome to me!

J. N. Squire

Looks like some instincts kicked in him? Hope he'll survive to the culture shock xd

Diego P

Oh, Py is going to have such a wonderful time!


Can you imagine the culture shock of going back to the colony for a visit?


This is where the fun begins!

Diego P

Can't wait to read what happens when he gets his first piercing


Totally not what I expected, but totally expected I hope the pictures include contact info :)


I'm so proud to surprise you by not surprising you!


Well I totally expected to ringel to do what ringel do, but was expecting that to be after the dr doing some basic orientation :p


Not to worry, she's helping with his orientation too! It's part of a true Ringel Welcome Home, after all! Complete with photos to remember the occasion by.


Nice. Usually when you get off the ride, that's when they try to sell you a photo to commemorate it. Nice that this ride came with a freebie.


I imagine Ringel amusement parks have the best ridecam booths. Trying to time the money shot just right so it gets caught in that snapshot right at the final plummet... Alternative joke: "I'm here for his orientation too. It looks like he leans a little to the right."

Charlie Hart

It was very encouraging, that at least the doctor, didn't try to do this part of his orientation! LOL


She's had enough training to know that would upset Py. I'm sure he's very thankful for this.