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Hey guys! I'm sorry this has been an unproductive month for writing. I've been very busy preparing a talk I will give at MFF in a few days.

Thanks for your patience, and as always, I appreciate your support.

With that said, I had an urge to continue on with Karkachan and Sanuel. It's a short one, but I hope you enjoy it!

They talk about sex in this one, but there isn't any. It should be SFW.


Karkachan looked up when Sanuel kissed him on the cheek, but his ears didn’t smile, his arms remained crossed. The mysa scooted over next to the tiny lio’s knees and spent a moment brushing Karkachan’s mane back, so he could better see his golden eyes. “Hey, why so glum?” Sanuel whispered.

The lio groaned, thudding his head lightly against the wall behind him. “It’s nothing. Roommate just pissed me off.”

“Are you kidding me? The two of you were bangin’ like crazy last night!” the mysa laughed. He made a crude up-and-down gesture with his fist and grinned. “I was trying to keep up with you two, but eventually, I needed a nap. When I woke up, I saw you two were still at it! How the heck did she drag herself out of bed, leave for work, and manage to piss you off? I figured she’d be too worn out—”

The lio grinned. “No, not Mai. Honestly, she’s a saint for putting up with all this crap. I meant one of our other roommates—a gal named Gras. She’s a real thorn between my pads.”

Sanuel grinned wider. “Give her a taste of what you did to Mai last night. That’ll shut her up.”

Karkachan snorted. “I did,” he sighed. “We screw on odd mornings, but I swear, two minutes after, and she’s back to her usual pissy self.”

“Oh yeah?” The mysa glanced toward his window. “Which … uh, which window is hers?”

The lio put a big paw on Sanuel’s face and gave it a playful shove. “She’s got an interior room—no windows. Sorry, no peep show for you.”

“Oh well,” he sighed, taking a moment to scratch at his cheek. “Would ya mind fucking her in Mai’s bed?”

“No! Oh, jeez, Mai would be so pissed at me for that.”

“Oh well,” said Sanuel. “At least I get to watch you and Mai bone.”

Karkachan lowered his ears when they started to blush, but that just made Sanuel tease him harder. “I really appreciate you lifting your tail up last night. It was awesome watching you spank her with your nuts. She must be bruised today—”

Karkachan grabbed his friend’s muzzle and held it closed a moment. “Okay, you’re welcome. Can we stop talking about my sex life?”

“All right, whatever,” Sanuel said, pushing the big tawny paw away. “So, what was Gras jumping your case about?”

“Plumbing, of all things,” the lio grunted in frustration. “Okay, yeah, I’ve got long hair, so maybe that’s contributing to the shower draining slow, but why is it my job to fix the sink? I don’t know how to do that!”

“Not a do-it-yourselfer, eh?” With a finger, he traced the lio’s eyebrow ridges.

“Nah,” said Karkachan. “The super at my last apartment was great. “I just called him when something was broken, and it’d be fixed by the time I got home. Never messed with it myself.”

Sanuel nodded. “What was your job before you shacked up with Mai?”

Karkachan started to respond, but then hesitated, not sure how much he should say. His friend accepted that he was mysa-sized, but it felt unwise to admit that he worked at the laboratory. He licked his lips a moment. “I was … a scientist.”

“Ah, something impractical,” the mysa said. “So, what’s wrong with the sink? Is it leaking on the floor? Dripping faucet?”

“It’s leaking … around the … not dripping from the faucet, but from inside—” Karkachan fumbled, trying to explain.

“Oh, that’s easy. Just remove the housing and tighten down the nut that holds the cartridge in place.”

He blinked twice. “You know how to fix it?”

The mysa nodded. “Yeah, that takes like two seconds.”

Karkachan raised his paws in prayer. “Could you please come over? If you could fix it, that’d get Gras off my tail. I’d really appreciate it!”

Sanuel stood up on the bare mattress and straddled the lio’s thighs with his paws, shoving his crotch right into Karkachan’s face. “Suck my dick. That’d be thanks enough,” he laughed.

“Ew!” Karkachan groaned. With his muscular arms, he grabbed the mysa’ hips. “Dude! That shit stinks. When was the last time you took a shower?”

Stepping off the bed, Sanuel frowned. “Meh. I hate showers.”

The lio’s rounded ears perked. “What? You gotta be kidding. Nothing beats a shower.”

Sanuel’s ears pulled back in distaste. “Bleah,” he said. “Line’s way too long, and I hate being cold. I’ve been relying on … sorta ‘spot cleaning’.”

Karkachan was tempted to ask his friend to clean bigger spots, but he was more confused about the rest of what he’d said. “Line? Cold? Haven’t you ever had a hot shower, San?”

At that, the mysa’s ears fell in disgust, and he raised his palms as if to keep the lio away. “You are not pissing on me, dude. I mean, I’ll piss on you if that’s your thing, but we’re doing it outside, away from my window.”

“Ew, gross, no, not that!” Karkachan laughed. “I mean with warm water and everything.”

Sanuel looked highly skeptical, but Karkachan got to his paws, finally smiling after feeling pissy all morning. “Well, you are in for such a treat today!”

The mysa frowned, looking even more skeptical. “I am?”

“Yes!” Karkachan laughed. “I’m gonna sneak you over to the apartment, wash you down slowly with warm, soapy water, and scrub each one of your crevices until they’re as clean as they can be.”

Sanuel crossed his arms, and he held his ears low.

“Then, I’m gonna towel you off until your fur is dry and fluffy.”

The mysa frowned harder.

“Then, I’m gonna suck your dick.”

At that, Sanuel’s ears perked slightly. “Yeah, okay. I’ll give this a try.”

Karkachan clapped his paws together once in excitement. “And while you’re over, you can fix the sink!”

The mysa scowled slightly, and he crossed his arms. “Hey man, I dunno,” he said. “I’m sorry your roommate is all over your case, but I’m feeling a little used.”

“Don’t,” the lio laughed, putting his long arm around his pal’s shoulders. “All four of us would appreciate your help. We can all kick in some money and pay you for your effort. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

Now, Sanuel was starting to smile. “Yeah?”

Karkachan pecked his lips with a kiss. “Absolutely.”


Reviewer's link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Vyfbq9zLoqKy5BDtkPnXk4WtmQW7ecNSJSksE7DSa3I/edit?usp=sharing




These stories are all really cute, but there's this sorta sad underpinning to TRG that all the sex is transactional in nature. Favors, repayments, blackmail, etc. I'm wondering if that's ever gonna come to a head where Karkachan just feels emotionally empty and distant from all the people he bangs.


And so we march slowly on from Karkachan feeling stuck and frustrated to being the center of a harem/found family.


I think the story has to eventually head to a conclusion with true love where they're humping just because they want to. But who will Karkachan end up with?


Yeah, but a dysfunctional family for now. I hope it improves!


I'm imagining this as some kind of exceptionally lewd "Bachelor"-style dating show. Karkachan talking to the camera as he ponders it: "Well, on the one hand Mai's always been there for me and she was the first person to show me kindness. Sanuel was an unexpected sweetheart, too, and he showed me a lot of neat things. But then there's Yonnet, and let me tell you, it's hard to forget a night with someone whose dick is as big as your whole body."


Well I guess it’s some sort of barder :p Several parts made me giggle even if I was having the same reaction as Karkachan. Nice to see him making a friend of sorts. Really hope things don’t go sideways some how.


I don’t know, to me it seems like Mia and Karkachan have some sort of emotional relationship, I feel like they care about each other on levels but there’s definitely some cultural and personal differences too. I’m not sure if I want or don’t want him to keep a personal log/ journal… fun in some ways my be less so in others :p


Right now the only things going sideways are Karkachan and his bedmates!

Diego P

Somehow I missed this post! I like Sanuel and Karkachan's dynamic, I think there should be signs of the long term being shrunk though