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I received a private request for some smutty pairings, specifically Kanti and Suni, and Kanti and Chendra. I gotta admit, I do like both of these, even if they are a bit deviant. Suni is eighteen and Kanti is twenty-five, so that's not too bad, but Kanti's love for Tish certainly makes these two scenes a little more interesting.

Also, this is not canon. It never happened. This is just a what-if!

Note: Slightly NSFW for adult conversation.


Suni wrung her paws nervously, and Tish put a big, consoling paw on her back. “Well, of course,” her friend whispered in the darkened barracks. “After all you’ve been through, it’s perfectly natural that you don’t want to be scruffed. That’s giving up your autonomy to a guy. It could take a very long time before you’re comfortable enough with anyone for that—if ever.”

Suni sighed, feeling completely broken. “But it’s not just that. I really don’t want to get pregnant.”

“Absolutely!” Tish whispered, squeezing Suni a little closer. “If you let a guy scruff you—and it’s a great feeling, I won’t lie—then all your muscles go stiff, you get all dreamy, and you’ll probably just go along with whatever he wants.”

“Right. And I might want a cub someday, but so not today,” said Suni. “I still kinda feel like I ran away from home, like I’m still a cub myself. I’m not ready to be responsible for someone else just yet.”

Tish nodded. She put a paw to the side of Suni’s face and used her thumb to stroke back the smaller female’s brow.

“But guys—” Suni let out a growl of exasperation.

“Yes, they are,” Tish agreed with a little chuckle. “So many hormones! But honestly, that’s why it’s such a good thing for you that the whole barracks is adopting oral sex so completely.”

“Tish…” she whined, her ears reddening and flattening against her head. Even though Suni talked to her patients about oral sex on a regular basis, it still felt weird to broach the subject with her close friends—especially with them sharing a sleeping mat each night.

“Oh, stop,” laughed Tish. “We’re grown-ups, and we’re friends, and we can talk about anything together. And with everyone living in the same room, there’s no reason to be embarrassed about anything.”

Suni pouted and reluctantly nodded. She wished she could be like Tish. Tish wasn’t afraid of anything!

“But I swear to the ancestors, Suni, sucking a guy’s dick is the exact opposite of being scruffed. And that’s why I think you’ll find it so—I hope you’ll excuse the term—therapeutic,” Tish whispered. Suni cringed more, but Tish plowed ahead without letting it stop her. “Not to be crude, but sucking a guy off is taking back your sexual power. It’s forcing him to cede his autonomy.”

“Oh, I don’t think—” Suni started to say.

“But it is,” Tish insisted. “Guys are the biggest idiots in the galaxy when it comes to sex. If you screw a guy, they think the two of you are just having fun. They don’t realize how much trust you’re giving them by letting them scruff you. But going down on a guy is nothing emotionally, and yet they act like you’ve given them your heart by doing it. They literally think, ‘She cares so much for me that she would do this for me!’ without realizing how trivial it is.”

“They do? It isn’t?” Suni squirmed uncomfortably, just wishing there was a graceful way to exit the conversation, a way to run away—again. She gripped her stomach, muttering, “I’ve not— I’ve never—”

“I know, you’ve been cheating by coming here,” Tish sighed. “Every gal should learn this stuff from her girlfriends, and if we were back home, I’d drag you over to my apartment and break out my favorite dildos—”

“Your favorites…? How many—?”

“But that’s just not an option here on Krakuntec.” Tish tapped her chin in thought a moment while looking out over all the sleeping couples—or not sleeping, as it wasn’t very late just yet. Then she grinned and turned back to the food prep table, and with a chef’s knife, she started hacking off a big slab of the daucus her crew had hauled in earlier.

Suni stood beside her, blushing furiously while the bigger geroo carved the crudest representation of male genitalia from the orange vegetable. At last, she picked it up from the cutting board and studied her creation. It looked a bit like cubist art, like the sort of things that teenage males made with their little brother’s stacking blocks—a big blocky “knot” and a “penis” that looked more like it came out of the manufacturing bay than from a guy’s sheath.

Tish looked at Suni’s face, how her ears hung low with dread and apprehension. She looked back at the prop and nodded. “Yeah, you’re right. I wish they were that big,” the muscular geroo sighed. She put it back on the cutting board, and with a deft chop that made Suni wince, she lopped another few centimeters off the length. “There we go—more realistic, less wish fulfillment.”

Suni covered her face with her paws and Tish brushed them aside. “The first and absolutely most important thing for you to remember is that you did this, you took control, you took away their autonomy. They didn’t talk you into anything, they didn’t make you, they didn’t stick their dick in your muzzle and cum down your throat.”

“Ew, Tish, please stop,” she begged.

“No, I’m serious. A dick is no grosser than a guy’s tongue in your mouth, and semen is no nastier than someone else’s saliva.”

“But the smell—”

“It doesn’t taste like anything,” Tish assured her. “You assert your dominance over them, and a guy’s poor little brain is gonna just lock up with the potential for what he thinks of as true dedication.”

And then Tish kissed her. And not just the friendly peck that she might laugh off, but the sort of kiss she’d expect to share with a horny boyfriend. Suni froze, not resisting—not kissing back but certainly not pushing Tish away either.

With Tish’s paw supporting Suni’s lower back, the little geroo swooned back slightly—hesitant to grab Tish with her paws and supporting a little of her weight on her tail. They kissed for what seemed like minutes—though it was probably merely seconds—and then Tish pulled away to begin trailing kisses down Suni’s neck and chest.

Wow! Suni’s heart raced in her chest, pounding so hard that she could feel her pulse in her temples. This was … quite an experience! She had made out with assertive partners before, but this was different! When she kissed guys in the past, they were trying to get up under her tail. They were trying to take something from her while Tish was acting like she wanted to give her something. She felt hot, a little dizzy, and strangely aroused. She felt wanted more than needed.

When Tish reached Suni’s pouch, she slipped a little lick inside—sending a chill down Suni’s spine—before stopping and standing up straight once more. “See what I mean?” Tish asked. “See how different that is?”

Suni swallowed hard, not trusting her voice. She nodded.

Then Tish knelt so she could face her friend without stooping. “Use your tongue to cover your bottom teeth,” Tish said with a quick demonstration. “Then you’ll use your tongue, your top lip, and the roof of your mouth to grip his dick. Be careful of the angle. You don’t want your top teeth to graze his skin—well, unless he’s some kinda freak who’s into that, I guess.”

She held the daucus still and then bobbed her head down on it, so it slid in and out. “Remember,” she said, “your muzzle is fucking his dick, not the other way around. You don’t let him thrust. If any guy won’t let you take charge, then that’s a guy you don’t want.”

“Tish,” Suni whined, but the big geroo just stared until Suni gave in. “I mean, I don’t want to gag on this.”

“You won’t,” Tish assured her, stroking her face with a finger. “You’ve got a nice long muzzle and most guys have short dicks. It won’t touch your throat unless that’s what you’re trying to do. You’d have to actually put his knot inside your mouth to get most dicks all the way to your throat.”

Suni made a sour face, and Tish put the daucus back in her mouth, chomping it off so only a few centimeters remained above the blocky “knot”. Tish’s eyes popped open wide, and she stared in horror at what remained after her careless amputation. She covered her mouth with her other paw, ears hanging low. Ever so slowly, she crunched the snack once with her molars and then once again. “Crap,” she muttered around a mouthful of daucus. “Don’t do that.”

“No,” Suni giggled past the paw covering her own mouth. “I doubt there’s any guys freakish enough to dig that.”


Reviewer's link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LsbGfOemfKdG88PNxKa1rXoZNBGjOIoj087QhJYygHc/edit?usp=sharing



Dhaka Yeena

Well, you have my attention

Diego P

Oh wow this is going to be awesome!


I definitely want to see some scruffing. I’m sure a female can do it to another female?


Mmmmmm. What if two gals scruffed each other simultaneously and just kinda zoned out for an hour?


Except that the canon reaction is that their muscles go rigid, not lax!


Hey I’m not going to complain if a girl that wants to build confidence or that wants to be the one in control scruffs a guy :) any of these options sound very fun :) Also ouchies, you know what you did :p I honestly thought there was going to be a different demonstration, but I’m not complaining about being surprised just, …. .. . ouch … .. :s all in good fun though:) well maybe not for that ‘guy’