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This month, I received a request for more Sloshed Fox, but the requester specifically wanted my writing to be more consistent with the word choice and dialogue used in the Zootopia movie. I thought about this a lot this month.

I did want to continue the story, but I have my own style that I choose to use, and I've never been a fan of trying to emulate anyone else's. Presumably, you guys like how I write, and that's what keeps you subscribed, helping to support my writing. Trying to write like someone else feels too much like homework or punishment, so nah, I'm just not gonna do it.

Please enjoy the NSFW! NSFW! NSFW! conclusion of Sloshed Fox, written in my own style.


Having finally agreed to get naked, Judy stood and stared at Nick a moment. He just smiled encouragingly without saying a word. She turned away, then unbuttoned her shirt from the top, finally hanging it off the back of her chair to let it dry a bit. Then, without turning back toward him, she grabbed the last dry towel from the closet and ran it over her damp fur, soaking up a little more rain and fluffing herself back up.

When she finished, she wrapped the towel around herself and tucked in the end so it would stay in place. Only then did she turn back toward Nick. With a little care, she peeled her wet panties away from beneath the towel and tossed them in the hamper without ever giving the fox a chance to see anything.

Then she took a seat beside him on the bed with her back toward him.

Nick sighed. “Okay,” he said quietly, “as a con man, I appreciate what you’ve done here. You’re a sly bunny. A towel isn’t technically clothes, so you haven’t cheated, but the whole locker-room thing isn’t exactly my fantasy either. So, if you weren’t serious about this, then I should really just go—”

Having made herself comfortable, Judy peeled the towel from around her body and set it beside her. “Satisfied?” she asked without looking at him.

Nick didn’t say a word for the longest while, but when he finally did, he sighed, “Oh, Judy, if I could just say—”

With gritted teeth, she raised her palms. Still facing directly away from him, she growled, “I’d really rather you didn’t. You promised that you wouldn’t make this weird.”

“...It would be that God Judy, you’re gorgeous.”

The bunny froze, not certain how to react. Then, ever so slowly, she turned her head just far enough that she could see his face from over her shoulder. “’Scuse me?”

“I said,” he repeated with a smile, “that you’re absolutely gorgeous.”

“Yeah, right!” she snorted, turning back away.

“No, I’m serious,” said Nick, sitting up slightly. “I know I have a reputation for being a bit of a deceiver—”

“You’re a liar, Nick.”

“Okay, that I haven’t always been completely truthful to you in the past,” he admitted. “But I’m being absolutely serious, Judy, when I say that … you’re really stunning, gorgeous.”

She sat still a long moment before she chuckled, then she laughed. “Whatever.”

“No, I’m serious!”

Over her shoulder once more, she stared at him. “Yeah, right,” she huffed. “I’ve seen plenty of vixens since moving to Zootopia. They’re all shiny, and curvy, and slinky. Bunnies are just drab. We’re just round balls of fluff.”

“You’re wrong,” said Nick.

She wanted to say something, say anything. Instead, she just stared at him.

“If I wanted a vixen, I’d have dated a vixen,” he explained. “Despite your low opinion of me, I am perfectly capable of getting and going out on a date.”


“But I dated you,” he reminded her. “Drab or not, round or not, you’re the gal I find attractive. That’s why I went out with you.”

Judy scowled harder. “But—”

“I’ve always found you attractive—even back when I hated you,” he chuckled. “You have a lovely face, an inspiring personality, and a figure…” Nick shrugged. “You can’t see much through that uniform you always wear, but I’ve always found your shape pleasing. I’ve always wondered, always hoped that perhaps someday I’d get to see more.”

“Yeah?” she asked, lowering her head slightly in embarrassment.

“Yeah,” he repeated, “this is already living up to…”

Nick’s words trailed off as she started stroking him once more. “You don’t sound so drunk now,” she whispered, leaning her ear closer to his chest.

“I don’t … feel so drunk either,” he admitted. “I feel … oh jeez, Judy, that feels amazing!”

Judy chuckled as she explored him with her soft fingers. “I’m glad you like.”

“Like?” he moaned softly. “Like isn’t nearly the word.”

Nick put a hand on her back, and she froze. It had been such a long time since he’d touched her, and she wasn’t certain how she felt about it. Eventually, her muscles loosened, and she went back to giving him attention.

“Oh, Judy Judy,” he said, “oh, this is so much better than I could have hoped for.”

He ran his fingers through her fur, and she smiled. There was something unexpectedly fun about doing this solely on her own terms—well, as close to her own terms as she could manage. If he felt good, it was her doing, she was the one in control. He wasn’t some dumb teenage bunny in the backseat of her parents’ car, trying to get inside her pants. She was the one deciding how things would go.

Nick was breathing harder now, running his claws through her fur as she stroked him. It didn’t hurt, but in a way, it was unexpectedly exciting. She could feel his need mixed with a tiny hint of danger, and she felt a thrill in it.

Judy’s right hand was starting to get sore from the odd angle. She tried switching hands, but that was just annoying. Her left felt dumb and clumsy in comparison to the right.

Nick sat up farther, his hands on her shoulders. He whispered, his lips touching her long velvety ear, “Perhaps, turn around a little, so the angle won’t be so—”

She shrugged his hands off of her shoulders. Despite his kind words, she didn’t want to face him, didn’t want to be on display for him. She wasn’t doing this for him, she was doing what she wanted. And if he enjoyed it, then so much the better, but this was her home, her bed, her rules, and she certainly didn’t owe him anything.

He put a hand gently on her back, and he laid back down. “Or don’t,” he whispered. “Whatever works.”

With another growl of frustration, she slowed, then lifted her elbow and scooted closer, leaning over him before starting once more. “Ah!” he moaned. Then gasped, “That better?”

“Oh yeah, much better!” said Judy with a grin. She was staring right down his dick now, her face closer than she had ever imagined it being. She picked up the pace now that the angle wasn’t so awful. “Good for you?”

“Oh, Judy! Oh, Judy!” Nick gasped without even trying to respond to her question.

“I guess that’s a yes!” she laughed.

From next door, Pronk beat on the wall, griping, but they ignored him.

She angled Nick up, stroked him harder and faster while his claws sought out the flesh beneath her fur. She was enjoying that too, feeling his need, feeling his beasty side shining through.

His dick was even harder now than when she began, and she started to worry. “Just warn me when—” she started to say. His muscles clenched tight, his back arched, and Nick gasped a breath like a drowning man finally reaching the surface.

She closed her mouth immediately, but she could taste it, feel the warm remnants of his first shot glistening on her lips. She scowled, furious, but Nick’s dick was doing what dicks do, spurting blast after bleachy smelling blast on her nose, on her cheek, on her eyelid.

After three or four spurts, his orgasm finally died down, and the pearly white drops began to drip from him, rather than squirt.

“Oh, Judy,” Nick whispered. “Oh, jeez Judy.” His grip on her back softened, and eventually his hands slipped from her entirely to rest atop the blanket.

She just glared at his quickly softening manhood. This mess on her face, in her mouth, wasn’t truly his fault. She was the one who had put herself in the line of fire. Any good cop should know better than that, right?

But the anger was still there. She had been planning to wrap herself back in the towel when she got up to deny Nick the chance to ogle her nudity, but at the moment, she didn’t care. Her long fuzzy feet stamped their way into the bathroom, and she scrubbed the semen from her fur until her entire face was soaking wet once more.

She blew her nose over and over. She wanted to retch but his cum had no flavor per se. So, she just spit over and over into the sink, and then brushed her teeth for twice as long as usual just to make sure it was all gone.

When at last she returned, Nick was still in the same spot, snoring softly with dick vanished back inside his sheath. For a moment, she considered just letting him lay there. Let him wake up to a crusty mess, she told herself, but the longer she stood there in the nude, staring down at him, the more her conscience ate at her. She had promised to clean him up when she finished, and so she did.

He didn’t wake as the warm washcloth ran over him, as she wiped away the goo that had missed her face. The intimate touches didn’t even arouse him again.

She threw the filthy terrycloth in the hamper atop her panties. Then she put on a clean pair and the pink pajamas that her mother had bought for her.

At last, she snuggled up beside him, draping her arm across his chest.

She wasn’t nearly as angry now, merely a little frustrated. It had been an interesting night, certainly, and she wondered just what would happen in the morning.

Judy clicked off the light, taking a moment to mutter, “Sly fox,” in Nick’s ear.

He just groaned a small, happy sound. “Dumb bunny,” he whispered back.


Reviewer's link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fiaQUKYqbarywcEqNv2hSv11H92b_xAUy2U3LElFKLM/edit?usp=sharing



Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

Well, just speaking to the "writer's voice" issue... I've read a number of Zootopia fanfics, both erotic and non, and I think yours so far are the best actual *writing*.... even if Nick doesn't really sound like Nick. That said, I can see Nick sounding like this if he ever dropped his 'sarcastic smooth-talker' and was being honest for once. I don't think we really saw that in Zootopia, with one exception... when Judy was in danger and he called her by name. For a brief instant he was expressing his real feelings. It was brief, but very different from 'normal Nick'


Thanks. The piece is what it is, be it true Zootopia fanfic or just a scene about a bunny cop and a conman fox who happen to be named Nick and Judy. :)

J. N. Squire

Apologies if my challenge was frustrating! I was under the assumption that it would be fine to be closer to the movie since you already did fanfiction. ^^; It was a nice touch that you mentioned in this chapter the "downsides" of fellatio after climax, since it something that most NSFW works tend to brush off. Judy is still a little in denial about how much she wants to be sexual though, probably due to her past bad experiences. Nice that she's beginning to warm up to the idea. ^^ I noticed it's the conclusion to The Slothed Fox, but you wrote something about the "morning after". Any potential sequel next month? 👀


Glad you liked the result. Who knows? Perhaps more will yet be requested.

Diego P

ooooh they facking


Very nice!


I don’t know in my mind I think her neighbour’s would be yelling encouragement…. Well maybe if it’s before midnight or something :p Very fun story, I guess Nick is always the sly fox :) :p I wonder what else Judy would get up to being the one in control, but of course you can leave that as an exercise for the reader ;p Far as writing personally just want you to write as you feel. When when borrowing chars/universes can be faithful or not or just your own take. Who’s to say what’s best? I have no idea!


Perhaps someone will request more, and we'll find out!