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@Leinglo wanted some ringel romance. I kinda picked an odd place to start, but the ringel are an odd people, so why not?

Although not what I'd consider sexy, this scene is about the ringel so it's NSFW! NSFW! NSFW!


“Cheese sandwich,” said Anziegrie before returning to his task.

Xiri, neck craned back and tongue lolling, paused, then looked up with a confused expression. She studied the striped male who was licking between her legs. “What?”

Anzie’s ears perked. He looked up but didn’t pause, trying not to compromise his steady pace. “She made me a cheese sandwich,” he spurted quickly before nestling back against her inner thigh, slowly dragging his soft tongue over and over across her clit.

Xiri blinked, clearly waiting for more. “Wait, wait, wait. She made you a cheese sandwich, and now you want her to be your mate? You want to have kits with her because of cheese and bread?”

Anzie nodded as he worked, clicking the silver loops in his lips against her golden barbells before he settled back into his licks.

She closed her eyes and slowly exhaled. “Little higher,” she said, then nodded as he raised his chin. “Yeah, there. Well, that must’a been one motherfucker of a sandwich. What did she put on it?”

Anziegrie switched seamlessly over to rubbing her with his thumb. Then he wiped his mouth on the back of his free wrist. “Uh. It was Pournelle.”

Xiri stared at him. “Pournelle? Pournelle! That squishy orange shit that tastes like the plastic each slice is wrapped in?” Her ears dropped low and angry. “Did she put some spices on it or something? Or some kinda brain-washing drug that made you out of your gods-damned mind?” she nearly shouted.

He started to shake his head but then stopped. “She put a little butter in the pan, so the bread got really oily. Oh, wait. I think it was margarine.”

Xiri groaned, but not in ecstasy. “Why don’t you ask Vuxue? If cheese sandwiches are so important to you, then ask him to be your mate. He’s a chef and gods-damned artist in the kitchen. He’d fix you up something a million times better than Pournelle on greasy toast.”

Anziegrie rolled his eyes. He slid his dick up inside her but didn’t stop rubbing her with his thumb until he’d gotten his rhythm going. “You just don’t understand.”

“No, you’re absolutely fucking one hundred percent correct on that,” she grunted. She grabbed him with her toes and started grinding her pelvis against his every upstroke. “I mean, big fucking deal. It’s a cheese sandwich. So what?”

“Never mind.” Grabbing her right leg, he turned her sideways, taking a moment to step over her left. He pulled her leg up straight, so her ankle rested beside his temple.

“Aw, c’mon,” Xiri growled. “Yzejy fucks you and then makes you a sandwich. What’s the big deal? Anyone could do the same.”

Anzie stared at her a long while as he thrust in and out. “Have you ever made me a cheese sandwich?”

“I don’t want to be your mate!” she huffed. “Go make your own fucking sandwich.”

He lowered his eyes and tried not to pout. His pace slowed somewhat.

Xiri covered her face with both paws, and she growled in frustration. “I’m sorry. You had this … I dunno, some kinda religious experience with Yzejy, and now you want to be her mate. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing. I just don’t get it. Can you please stop being a whiny little kit about it and explain?”

The two switched around again so she was kneeling before him. She cupped his scrotum with her left, gripped the base of his dick with her right, and began bobbing her head, sliding his dick in and out of her muzzle.

“I’ll try,” Anziegrie sighed. He gripped her by the shoulders a moment, running his short claws down the fur on her back. “It’s just… It’s just that I’m really into Yzejy, y’know? I take one look at her, and my heart beats faster. So, when I finally bedded her, I was … I guess I was pulling out all the stops. I was using every trick I knew. I even made up a few for good measure. I really wanted her to enjoy it, so I was giving her everything. Got it?”

Xiri stroked him with her right paw, gripping his dick so hard that only the end slid against her tongue. “Uh huh,” she said as best she could.

“Right, so I’m working her for like … I dunno … an hour.”

She snorted so hard that she let go completely, his prick bouncing against her nose a few times before she got her laughter under control and managed to start sucking him off again.

“Okay, so half an hour,” Anzie corrected himself. “But I’m working it, big time, like aerobics level. I don’t let up until she’s cumming so hard that there’s tears streaming down her face. When I shoot my last wad, I thought I was having a heart attack. I flopped across the kitchen counter with my tail in the sink, just sitting there on top of her dirty dishes. I’m helpless, just sucking in air and trying to get my heart to stop racing.”

Xiri turned about, raised her tail, and let him mount her. “So, was she appreciative?”

He was silent a moment. “Honestly? I dunno. At this point, I’m so dead that I’m barely still conscious.”

“Nice!” said Xiri as she rocked into him, her breasts swaying like fuzzy pendulums.

“And she kisses my face. She says, ‘You look so worn out, baby. Lemme make you a cheese sandwich.’ Even though I’m too tired to move, I’m all, “No way. Lemme make you a cheese sandwich.’ But she doesn’t even wait to see if I can get out of her sink. Yzejy just laughs and kisses me again. Then she goes to the fridge and starts making me a sandwich.”

Xiri groaned as she climaxed. “And that’s when you knew you were in love?”

“Yeah,” he said, “that was the mo-mo-moment,” he moaned, steadying himself, cumming deep inside her. He stood there a moment longer before crumpling to his knees and resting his face against a semen-slicked ass cheek. “Pretty stupid, huh?” he asked.

She rested her chin on the backs of her paws while she thought. “Maybe… Maybe it’s kinda sweet.”

“Yeah?” He looked around Xiri’s butt so he could see her eyes. “You think so?”

She recovered a bit of her usual indifference. “I dunno.”

The two remained motionless a moment longer, then Anziegrie laid back against the tile floor, resting his head in his palms. Xiri laid on her side.

“Y’know…” she said at last, “I … fucked her last night.”

“You did?” Anzie said, excitement in his voice. He sat up slightly. “You fucked Yzejy?” When she nodded, he asked, “Isn’t she amazing?”

She shrugged and ran a pad aimlessly back and forth across the base of the toilet. “I dunno, Anzie. She was … clumsy … but enthusiastic.”

He sighed. “I really dig her enthusiasm.”

“Well,” she said, “maybe she is the one for you.” Xiri got up and took a seat down on the toilet. She leaned far forward and scrunched up her face, trying to squeeze some of the excess goo out. “Maybe you should ask her.”

“Oh, I don’t know,” he sighed, running a fingertip around his belly, using the stickiness to curl the wet fur into a little twist. “If she said no, I don’t think I’d ever recover. I’d be destroyed.”

Xiri rested there a moment before grabbing some toilet paper. “I think she’d have you.”

Anziegrie sat bolt-upright, his eyes wide. His mouth opened and his lips formed the question, “What?” but no sound escaped.

“Yeah, probably,” Xiri said as she wiped. “I mean, you’d have to ask her, but I think she might say, ‘Yes.’”

“You do?”

Xiri shrugged. She flushed the toilet and straddled his knees so she could reach the sink.

“Did she … say something?”

She glanced his way a moment before lathering up her paws. “Well,” she said, “Yzejy didn’t offer to make me a cheese sandwich.”

“No?” He scrambled up and knelt beside her. “So, you think that means something?”

Xiri shut off the water and flicked some of the excess moisture in his face. “I dunno.” She stood there a moment, leaning her round hip against the sink. “Go make me a cheese sandwich, okay?” she said, her tone softening.

“Go make your own fucking sandwich,” he grunted. “I gotta go talk to her.”

She laughed. “You’re such a shit, Anzie.”

He stopped halfway out her bathroom door, then turned back to smile at her. “Thanks, Xiri,” he said before rushing away.

“Yeah, I love you too,” she sighed.


Reviewer's link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11u9d-XYl1C60FpSrSSd5dqc7wNszp0gXZbDojxYtpfY/edit?usp=sharing



Rick Griffin

It's not what you consider sexy but it's definitely in MY wheelhouse. I would certainly write two ringel carrying on a conversation while banging each other like this. Love it.


Nice story! I love views into the lives of characters that don't play a role in the over-arching epic story.


In Ringel mindset, I could totally see this conversation going on. Let’s face it, the thought of a society sex crazed as portrayed, casual sex between friends while talking about their love interests is great. Loved it, great short story.


A nice slice-of-life scene! Seeing the kind of stuff ringel would consider genuinely romantic is definitely a side of them that should be explored more.


Yep this seems totally a normal thing for them. Had me laughing and somehow paying ore attention to the conversation than what just happened to be going on :p

Diego P

I Love this so much! And yes I agree with Rick this is very much my thing

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

Well, I can completely see what Anzie is on about. If she loves you enough to make you a (metaphorical) cheese sandwich, it's gotta be special. God knows I made enough of them.


Yzejy is a keeper (even if not an accomplished cook)!