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Have a little ringel sex to brighten your weekend.

And thanks again to everyone who managed to stop by for my talk!


My room was pleasant enough—as jail cells went. Instead of keeping me in the courthouse’s damp basement, Governor E’e moved me to a room at city hall. It had once been a small disused meeting room, but it now held a comfortable bed, sink, toilet, and a table large enough for me to meet with up to three geroo simultaneously.

The bed was a luxury I certainly hadn’t expected. It was sized for a geroo, so I felt like I could get lost in the sheets if I ducked beneath the soft covers. The room even sported a window that I could open to let in a breeze on nice days. I loved the window most of all, and I gazed out endlessly at the fluffy white clouds that drifted across New Gerootec’s azure skies.

True, the maintenance guys had welded bars over the outside, and the bolt had been moved to the outside of the door instead of the inside to prevent my escape, but where would I go? My only true home had been in space, and I couldn’t exactly return to that without a ship and a crew.

That left me stuck here, bored out of my wits.

I checked the clock for the millionth time—almost 1500 hours now.

Admittedly, it wasn’t much of a clock, just the stem of an avium berry that I’d carefully positioned at the edge of the windowsill. It couldn’t do much, but when the shadow fell exactly across its length, then I knew it was 1500 hours.

My ears perked and I heard a shuffling beyond the door before the bolt clanged open. I turned and stood up straight, greeting the face that peeked in. “Governor,” I said in my most polite voice.

“Pirate,” he grunted before entering fully and closing the door behind him.

Governor E’e wasn’t the kindest, wasn’t the most forgiving soul I’d met, but at least he was punctual. I leapt from the bed to the wooden stool sitting beside the table and the governor took the chair opposite. The chairs were too low for me, and the stool was too tall, but I didn’t mind it. I idly wrapped my tail around one of the legs and grabbed the table’s rim with my toes.

The governor slid a manilla folder across the table and opened it for me, exposing the paperwork inside. “Here’s our current status in the defense projects. Review it and give me whatever additional information you have.”

My eyes flitted across the page but then stopped in the corner. A shiny metal paperclip held the sheets together. Had that always been there? I can’t recall seeing it before.

Adjusting the grip I had with my tail, I leaned far forward so I could rest my palms on the page. I scanned the text, running a finger across the Geroo runes. I flipped to the next page without moving my left paw, so the paper laid over it, concealing it. Then, I casually palmed the clip when I suspected that the governor was paying the least attention.

I stacked the papers neatly and closed the folder around them. Then, I looked up, bracing myself for the confrontation that would inevitably follow.

New Gerootec had prioritized this work and was making progress at a frenzied rate, but even then, the project status didn’t change much week-over-week—even rarer was seeing changes day-over-day. But still, the governor insisted on meeting with me every single weekday.

Today’s paperwork was identical to what he had shown me yesterday, and that had been the same as the day before that and the week before that.

“Looks like you guys are making great progress,” I said as optimistically as I could manage. “I’m glad you’re getting that turek cannon disassembled. Once you can duplicate that, you’ll be able to ramp up your own production line—”

“What can you add to this report?” he interrupted.

My ears drooped. For the first few weeks, I’d had plenty to discuss. I’d told them everything I knew and then everything I’d heard. After that, I’d moved to conjecture and analysis, but now I was running dry.

I looked the heavy geroo in the eye. “Sir, I’ve been locked in this room for weeks. I don’t have any new information. Where would I get it? I’m trying to be helpful—and I’m sure that I can continue to be—but I just don’t have—”

Governor E’e pressed his palms to the table and stood, looming over me. “Need I remind you,” he began, “that my office has only granted you a stay of execution. You will only avoid the death penalty so long as you remain useful!”

I stared up at him and swallowed, waiting to see what he would do next. The moment seemed to drag on for eternity.

At long last, E’e scooted his chair back slightly before sitting back down and taking a seat on the edge.

I released the breath that I hadn’t even realized I’d been holding. Ugh. Damn it, E’e! Why does he have to toy with me each day? Was seeing me squirm, seeing me worry about whether I was about to die some sort of fetish for him? If so, that was a weird one.

“Well, Governor,” I said, climbing down off the table, “I’m not worried about remaining useful.” I ducked below the table and with a touch, I spread his legs. The geroo wasn’t erect just yet, but I knew he wouldn’t take much coaxing—he never did. I hooked a finger into the funny little notch that geroo have behind their sheathes, the short length at the end where it wasn’t attached to their bellies and gave him a little squeeze. I licked at his tip, enjoying the two different textures—lightly furred on the edges but bare skin on the line down the center—encouraging him to come out and play.

With my left paw, I reached down between my own thighs.

The first few times that I had no useful intel to share, I’d worked quickly, trying to bring the portly geroo to orgasm just as fast as I could, frightened that he was about to drag me out to the hanging tree. But since then, things had changed. Being trapped alone in this room was eating away at me, and frankly, sucking the governor’s cock was one of the few things I did get to do. I certainly didn’t mind the task. The governor’s slightly salty flavor was quite pleasant, and back when we’d been in space, I’d performed a similar act far more often than just a measly five-times-a-week!

So, I experimented. It was a lot of fun learning E’e’s limits and just how much stimulation he could stand before he got angry. I had yet to make him late for whatever meeting Nasci, his secretary, would schedule for him at 1600 hours, but I’d come close a few times!

On occasion, Nasci would schedule the meeting after mine for 1530 instead of 1600. I suspected that these earlier meetings must have been really important and that they couldn’t be taken at any other time. They put the governor in a foul mood.

I hated them too. I could easily tell when the governor was feeling rushed. Anger was his go-to emotion, and he fell back on it whenever things weren’t exactly how he wanted them to be. Those were the days where he’d grab me by the shoulders and lift me into the air, shouting in my face, “What do you think this is? Some sort of game?”

Pssht. Of course, it was a game! Not only that, but the rules were exceedingly simple and played to my strengths. Despite how he tried to frighten me, there was really only one thing that I worried about, one thing that kept me up at nights: What if E’e lost his next election?

If someone else became governor, then I had no doubt that I could remain useful to them, whomever they might be. But would E’e even give me a chance? That was the real question. If he didn’t get re-elected, that didn’t mean his career was over, but he might feel it was safer to have me executed rather than risk a scandal he couldn’t control.

The first time he’d shouted at me, I’d been legitimately frightened. I thought I’d pushed my luck just a little too far and the governor was fed up with being sucked off for an hour before being allowed to reach a climax. Nah. That was stupid of me. He’d slammed me down on the soft bed and “forced” his muzzle between my legs before licking me with that wonderfully soft tongue geroo have.

Sadly, he never did it particularly well nor did he do it for long enough—just enough to get me started. Then, he’d flip me over onto my knees and push himself up under my tail. He liked it rough, liked to line himself up without my help, to feel like he was forcing me to comply. With one paw, he’d shove the side of my face against the covers and growl in my ear, “Don’t you dare tell anyone what we do during these meetings. Not ever!”

Ha! I’d just roll my eyes. Even though the governor wasn’t particularly skilled at sex, he was the only partner I had—apart from self-love, obviously! There was no way I wanted to sabotage this.

What I really wanted was for E’e to get better at sex—or to invite along a few friends that actually knew what they were doing. Or both. Both would have been good too. Oh well. Such things take time, but so long as he could keep his job, there’d still be an opportunity for him to learn. Personally, I had time in abundance and nowhere else to be.

Once he’d mounted me, he’d grab me by the wrists and hold me down while he worked me over.

I do like the rough stuff, and frankly, that was one thing that I had really disliked about microgravity. Sex in 0g was by its nature a cooperative affair. There were never really any opportunities to get rough, to push a partner around, to dominate, or be dominated. I could almost sort of get what I wanted if the entire crew ganged up on me, but it just wasn’t the same.

When E’e and I had sex on those 1530 days, he’d hold me down and fuck me for just long enough to get himself where he wanted to be. Being held down was nice, sure, but unfortunately it also meant that I had no way to reach down there. Without a little help, there was never any hope of me being satisfied by the time he was. But he would plow on ahead, heedless of my needs, grab ahold of his own knot and cum up inside me until I was full to overflowing.

Geroo were a funny sort of species. The males grew these bulges at the base of their dicks, and while mating, they’d swell up even larger until couples got stuck together. That in itself wasn’t particularly unusual. Lots of species on lots of different worlds had evolved similar quirks. Some did it to increase the chance of getting pregnant. Some did it to thwart sexual rivals. And some did it just to develop a deeper bond with their lover. But what was unusual about the geroo was that they couldn’t actually climax until they managed to set that knot—or at least until it felt like they had.

But with geroo being so much bigger than ringel, it wasn’t physically possible for the governor to tie me. He was simply too long for that.

So, 1530 days were destined to remain sexually disappointing. But when the governor wasn’t so rushed, like today, I could take my time, give myself a half dozen climaxes, and really push him to his limits before I’d finally give his knot a tug.

At that point, he’d blow like a firehose! It was so damn funny; it never grew old.

E’e would rush, rush, rush, clean up just as quick as he could so he could still make his 1600, and I lounge on top of the table, trying to figure out which of the scratches were new.


Reviewer's link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kDuypfygbXjCm05qi486W0sLkZ1pP31L8Y0vJ3Ls67I/edit?usp=sharing




Interesting dynamic between these two. Is this one reason she asks to see Jungo, wanted someone good? :P