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I've agreed to give a talk at Megaplex. Usually, I do this "How to write a great story!" thinggy where I jump around and shout, trying to get everyone excited to run home and write, but this time, I thought it would be fun to try something more interactive.

The problem is that I've never actually tried doing an interactive workshop before. Yeah, so I may fall flat on my face.

So, since I've still got lots of time left before the con (my talk is 8/7/21 @ 2:30pm if anyone plans to attend) I thought I'd offer to give this a try with my patrons! Would you guys like to come to a Zoom call this weekend and try writing a story?

I'm thinking Saturday, 7/10/21 at 3-4pm EDT/12-1pm PDT (those of you outside the continental US will need to work out time zone on your own!). The format will be half an hour of me telling my tricks and half an hour of interactive stuff where hopefully you guys will work with me on making a story. If you're feeling shy, then it might just be me asking for idea and then blathering about what the story could be.

Does that sound like something you'd want to attend? Please comment below. If you want to attend, say so and mention what time on Saturday is best (mention your timezone, too!). If this goes well, I could try doing it the following Saturday as well since more practice is great.

If it's a go, I'll post a Zoom link before the talk.

Hope to see you guys!


Dhaka Yeena

That sounds interesting

Diego P

Nice! I think I'll be able to join


I may be interested, so hypothetically - would it be possible to host/rehost the presentation through something viewable on Chrome, like for example Picarto or anything other than a separate app? Because Chrome has recently added a robust autocaptioning function that I can use on any website. And only if that would be no hassle - if it's any hassle at all to setup, that's fine!

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

I'd love the chance, but can't Zoom. I live so far out in the Boondocks we actually import our Sticks from the Willywags.


I've enabled live transcription. It seems to work decently enough.


It sound fun. I’m on call this weekend but I’ll set it on my calendar and try to attend.

Charlie Hart

Sounds intriguing! Still don't know if I have to work this weekend yet. However!

David Ihnen

Sounds like fun


Sounds really cool, I'll try my best to be there!