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Hey guys! I realize that this month has been a strange one. By this point, I normally would have posted a half-dozen scenes drawn from your monthly suggestions, but instead I gave you a non-stop parade of Tori scenes, and then nothing.

I figured that when I posted my next scene that I'd take a moment to apologize for the lag, but the scene hasn't come. I've been really blocky for a week now. There's a lot of stuff that's hanging heavily on me. I don't want to use it as an excuse, but as you guys have been so great, it's the least I can do to take a few minutes and drop you an update.

So, what is going on? Well, first of all, I've been working with Rafe Beckley to get audio books of the Kanti Cycle. He's doing most of the work, obviously, but I still had to do a bunch of grunt-stuff like going back through the text and making sure I took my last opportunities to make updates before he recorded. I only made tiny tweaks, but since we've since decided that the geroo have pouches, I wanted to mention that early on so it looked like they were always that way.

Also, I've been doing a lot of research on retirement. I'd really like to stop working my day job so that I can spend my time writing. I don't think I'm quite there yet, but I think I'm getting close. And as retirement approaches, I need to spend more time making sure I have my ducks in a row, y'know?

Finally, I've got two trips approaching, and I'll admit that both have me a little stressed. First, I have to take care of my in-laws for two weeks while my MiL gets a knee replaced. She's not going to be able to drive and as my FiL is blind, it's not like he can take over driving for her. Then when I get back, I've gotta go to Megaplex. I will be in the dealer's room this year and I hope some of you will be able to attend. It's going to be great fun, even if it means pre-travel stress for me now.

Edit: Also, I'm finding myself surprisingly rattled by Draconis's death. We were friendly, but I wouldn't say we were close. But he really wasn't that much older than me and I'm finding my brain pondering the time we spent together a lot more than I would have expected.

Long story short, things are going well, but I'm making piss-poor progress on the scene requests. Sorry about that. I haven't given up and I've still got some time left, but if you're one of my $5 or $10 patrons and you're disappointed enough that you're considering reducing or dropping your support, please message me first. If I've let you down, I'd much rather refund the month than lose you altogether.

Thanks tons for your continued support and hopefully this block will end soon so I'll have more fun to share with you!





No sweat Gre7g, I enjoy your updates and totally understand. Reading your books and posts has inspired me to begin writing again. Working on some fan fic to warm up but ultimately working on a couple of transcripts to put out to gauge interest. It was always a dream. As the world has been stranger and stranger the last few years. I’ve given consideration to retirement myself. Hope you are well and those of us that have been here will continue to be here. Hoping to catch you at a con soon. Good thoughts sent your way.


Life happens, I hope to all goes well! Maybe you will get a bit of time or inspiration for your stories. But the important thing is eveyone's health and sanity.


It's ok Greg! Most of your fans know life comes first for sure. It's always hard to loose someone you know, especially if they were like you/similar aged. The creative juice will come back & I hope your trip goes well :3


No worries! Take care of yourself, and that's cool that you may be able to retire soonish :)

Diego P

I've been enjoying the new Tori spam so much that I forgot what I requested XD, Pay no mind to that if it doesn't inspire you, and take a break if needed, you already gave us lots of stuff this month!


Don’t stress too much over it. Life happens and gets complicated. Blocks happen, and motivation can be hard to hold on to. I hope things go well while helping to take care of the in-laws, and I hope megaplex goes well. Just be sure to take some time for yourself to destress.


I don't think you've got anything to be sorry for, really. You put a lot of hard work into your writing and thinking of us, and the least you deserve is a break when it's sorely needed! Take care of yourself and those that are close to you, and know that we'll be here to happily support you all the while!