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This month, @Rick Griffin requested some montrose sex and I'm really digging the idea. He made this cool character sheet for them, in case you haven't seen it yet:

He's also been writing about Rees's adventures over on his Patreon, so check them out if you haven't yet.

This story is about Trace and will be set a bit earlier. Maybe Trace is Rees's grandfather? I'm not certain. Anyhow, this scene will set up the NSFW bit which will probably take place in the next one.


Trace perked a petite rounded ear when he heard the doorbell ring. Alexana wouldn’t have rung the bell and all the neighbors would be busy making supper for their wives. So, who could it be?

He raced to the door and opened it a small way, timidly looking out. “Yes?”

Then, nearly had a heart attack when he saw who was there! “Jassina?” he squeaked. “Uh, uh, uh… I’m so sorry, but Alexana isn’t home yet. She called to say she would be working late.” He swallowed with a dry throat as he stared up at his wife’s boss. “Was she … expecting you?”

“It’s fine, fine, fine,” Jassina huffed as she started to walk in, past Trace. She paused for a moment and cupped a paw to the little male’s cheek. “Were you going to invite me in?”

“Of course! Of course!” Trace peeped, taking a panicked step back and giving her a polite curtsey. “I just… I just… Alexana must have forgotten to remind me that you’d be coming over. I don’t… Dinner won’t be ready for another hour. Um… Can I get you a drink? I just made some lynninaid…”

“Oh, don’t bother your poofy tail,” she said with a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “I’m quite capable of … helping myself.” She stepped over to the sideboard and Trace watched nervously while he listened to the tink tink of freshly made ice cubes as she dropped them into a glass tumbler.

She turned, took a sip of Alexana’s whiskey and scowled. “We need to get your wife promoted,” she said with a wink, “so she can afford a single malt.”

“Oh, heh,” said Trace. He covered his mouth, unsure how he was expected to respond. Trace was still too young to drink. He’d only moved from his parents’ home a few months ago and had yet to learn the complexities of his wife’s new corporate life. “Uh… Uh, Jassina… How could I…?”

“You remember the New Year’s office party, don’t you?” she asked.

“Of… Of course,” said Trace. How could he not? Alexana had only been working for the company for a few weeks at that point—not to mention that it was the only time he’d ever spoken with Jassina! “It was so kind of your company to throw the party, and it was lovely to meet your sweet husband, Kees?” He winced as he said that. It had been a few months, and he’d only spoken to her husband that one time. He could have been way off on his name.

“Keesh, actually,” she said before draining the rest of the cocktail. “My third husband, actually. He’s so young… Not as young as you, of course, but I’m sure you two had lots to talk about.”

Trace just smiled and nervously fidgeted with his tail. He was only eighteen and he couldn’t even guess at how old his wife’s boss was. Ancient certainly. Maybe fifty? And Keesh was such a piece of tail-candy. There had to be at least twenty years of age difference between the two, if not more. “Third! Wow,” said Trace. “Alexana and I, we both grew up poor. I don’t think any of the pups on the block even had a second dad.”

Trace gasped and covered his muzzle with both paws. “Oh, Jassina! Please say you won’t tell Alexana that I told you that!” His throat constricted, and he thought he might start crying. “She’s trying so hard to be a success and rise above the old neighborhood.”

“No. No,” she scoffed, cupping his cheek once more. Then she promised, “Our little secret. But during the party, you said that I had to come by and see your new house, so here I am.”

“Oh. Heh. I had really meant sometime that Alexana—”

She set her tumbler down on the radio cabinet and then peeked in the swinging door that led to the kitchen. “And it’s a lovely little place,” she said. “So very tidy!”

“Yes, well, a small home is so much easier to keep up,” said Trace as he slipped a coaster beneath Jassina’s glass.

“I think you should give yourself full credit, Trace,” she said as she roamed about. “My husbands … ugh … admittedly, they have a much larger home to maintain, but gys, there’s three of them! How there can be any of the pup’s toys left out or beds unmade is really beyond me. I honestly have no idea what it is they do with their days!” She laughed as she peeked into the utility space that Trace used as a laundry room.

“They must keep very busy, I’m certain.”

“So, tell me about you,” she said. “We didn’t get to talk long at the party. You two must have been high school sweethearts, right? Young love, married young…?”

“Well, almost, I guess,” said Trace. “Alexana is—don’t tell anyone—four years older than I am.”

“That cradle robber!” laughed Jassina as she peeked into the bathroom door.

Trace sighed. “Yes, well, she always hung out with pups her own age, and I was left … I dunno, admiring her from afar, I guess? Then she went off to college, and I thought I’d never see her again. But she came back home after school for a month to begin her job search. I was still preparing to go to school in the fall, but I guess she finally noticed me. I suppose you could say that we had a whirlwind courtship, wedding, and honeymoon before we moved here and started our new lives!”

“Aww, that’s sweet,” she said, sounding a little more sincere this time. She opened the door to the guest room and peeked inside. “A guest room is nice,” she said.

“Or possibly for a pup,” said Trace. “We’ve agreed to wait a while longer to see if we can afford to start a family.”

“Oh, I’m certain you can,” said Jassina with sincerity. “Your wife may be new, but she’s clearly got a real talent with numbers. I think she’ll move up quickly in the accounting department.”

“Do you?” said Trace excitedly. He clapped his paws together. “You see, I’ve been telling her that all this time, but she’s so conservative, so careful. But all accountants are, wouldn’t you—”

Jassina opened the door to the couple’s bedroom and stepped inside. Trace gasped and hurried after her, squeezing his long fluffy tail to his chest like a security blanket.

“Well, this is lovely,” said Alexana’s boss. “I love how you’ve decorated this room.”

“Oh, uh, thank you,” said Trace nervously. “My wife… Uh… Alexana… I’m sure she’ll be home soon. Wouldn’t you rather—”

“Oh, I doubt that,” she said as she stepped over to the nightstand. “If you had seen the stack of paperwork on Alexana’s desk when I left the office, you’d understand.”

Trace’s jaw worked but no sound came out. Though when Jassina picked the brush up from its spot on the nightstand, he rushed over to her side. His paws grabbed timidly at the air, but he resisted his desire to snatch it from her.

“Well, this is lovely,” she said as she inspected the silver and herrik-bristled brush. “And it’s engraved, too! ‘My eternal love.’ That’s just adorable.”

“Yes, well,” Trace said, nearly snatching it once more, “she got it for me during our honeymoon.”

“That’s such a considerate gift,” she said, gesturing casually with it as she talked. “It seems like my husbands are endlessly brushing their tails. They have this little ritual they do each night. Meena will play with the pup while Keesh brushes Aden’s tail. The two of them will sit at the dinner table for like half an hour, Aden sitting backward on a chair while Keesh makes him beautiful. And they jabber on endlessly about…” Jassina rolled her eyes. “Honestly, I have no idea. Gossip, I suppose.”

Trace curled his paws together in front of his chest, shrinking down slightly. She towered over him, like any female montrose would. He was of average height, golden pelted with a dark belly and his huge fluffy tail was dotted with gorgeous rosettes of tan and cream. But if anything, Alexana’s boss was taller than most, and he only came up to the middle of her broad chest.

She had bright cinnamon fur, and her tail was splashed with darker russet spots. But standing so close now, Trace really got a sense of the muscles beneath her pelt. She was heavy, but not nearly so fat as she was bulky. Trace’s wife was just a bean pole in comparison.

He swallowed.

“Then, when they finally finish, Keesh will go check in on the pup, and Aden will brush Meena’s tail for like … forever.”

She reached out with the brush, and with a tiny flick, she ran the natural bristles lightly through the fur on Trace’s shoulder. He gasped once more, knees bending a little more.

Jassina didn’t seem to notice his discomfort. She just kept talking, “Then, at last, Keesh will come back from washing up the pup, and Aden will tuck her in, read her a story or whatever, and Meena will brush Keesh’s tail.” She dragged the brush down the center of his chest. “At this point, the news will be over, and there’ll be nothing left to watch on the tube. I’ll have finished my third highball of the night. So, I’ll usually join them.”

She reached her big arms around him, crowding him with her chest. He closed his eyes and felt the gentle tug of bristles against his tail. “I’ll stand there in the doorway and watch. That’ll bring their prattling to an end, but you’ve seen Keesh’s tail. It’s gorgeous. I love watching Meena work through all the little mats and knots in Keesh’s fur.”

Jassina pushed a little closer and Trace felt his tail press up against the edge of the bed. He couldn’t back up any farther without climbing up onto it.

“Though,” she whispered, “his tail isn’t quite as pretty as yours is, Trace.” And then she started brushing it with more intensity—holding it still with one strong paw and making his golden fur shine with the other.


Reviewer's link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dasLnvOB08VkSlPxRbFUXCo4Ib1lIjOJFXfGUA-iSrg/edit?usp=sharing



Dhaka Yeena

Oh trace....buckle up


I like the start. Feels very porn-movie plot, but I guess that's the idea :P


Hehe, nice title :) (I've never actually watched The Graduate, but I've been meaning to)


Love how awkward and sweet Trace is, and how porn-setup-y this feels Was just thinking - if Trace is Rees's potential grandfather, and given the montrose are in the 80/90s technological/social equivalent of Earth, doing something in the grandparental generation with all the associated technological level would be p interesting too, if you wanted to play with that a little bit, besides the silly porno fun


Yeah, I'm trying to set Trace's story with more of a 1950s feel with all the sexual disparity it carries.


True story: I listened to the song all the time growing up without any idea whatsoever of its origin. When I finally saw the movie as an adult, I was still blissfully unaware. I was fascinated that the movie had used a song I loved and didn't realize it had been written for the movie until the plot unfolded. I was horrified.


Well... that was the request. I'll put my own twist on it, of course, but ask and ye shall receive...

Diego P

Oh damn! Why do I suspect that Alexana made a deal with Jassina?

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

Ditto. Except I still haven't watched the movie, while I know all about the plot. I read the script for some class in college that I can't really recall. I guess The script was more memorable than the class ;) But Simon and Garfunkel's Greatest Hits was the soundtrack of my Freshman year of college, and I loved "Mrs. Robinson".