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Geez Louise! I have no idea what my problem with this one was. I just couldn't get motivated and I put it off time and time again!

Oh well. It's done now. I think I might write some anthro-shark fiction next for a change.



Karkachan grabbed Mai under each armpit and lifted her up in his strong arms—his back against the sheets and her muzzle hovering above his own, held just far enough away that she couldn’t kiss him. Instead of complaining, she hung there with an agreeable expression and stroked her fingertips over his biceps. “So strong,” she whispered. “Even shrunk down to my size, your arms are so muscular … as thick as my thighs…”

Holding her there, he suddenly became aware of just how warm she was. He knew that mysa body temperature was less than one degree warmer than his own, but the fur under her arms was so thin that she radiated heat into his palms like a steaming mug of javea. And her legs! She straddled his hips with her thighs, and the fur between them was so fine that the skin was practically bare. The warm spot pressed hard against his belly, impossible to ignore—impossible to keep his own parts from responding.

“Uh, Mai,” he whispered. The room had grown so quiet that he could actually hear his breath as it struck her lips. “I… I don’t know if I’m comfortable with this.”

“No?” she whispered back. “I say that because you’ve always taken my teasing so well in the past, and you’ve never mentioned a girlfriend or even dating.” She grinned, her chiseled front teeth looming large above him. “Is my crush pining for another? Or perhaps it’s just me? Would you rather I see if one of my roommates is interested?”

“No, there’s no one—” She silenced him with a pad against his lips—not shushing him but just barely touching, feeling the softness of skin against skin.

“I should probably warn you; they are pretty big gals. But maybe you’d like that? You, rock hard and with muscles of iron, and them, so round, soft, and squishy.”

“No, Mai,” he sighed.

“Because if so, there’s this gal down on first who I swear weighs upwards of a kilo. I’m not joking! She never leaves her apartment—”

“Shush,” he said at last, bringing her rambling to a halt. “What I’m trying to say is that if you need to open the window to get yourself in the mood, then maybe a physical relationship between us is just not meant to be.”

“Oh, Karkachan,” she whispered. With her fingertips, she gently traced his brow. “Haven’t you ever been nervous—maybe wanted to call that gorgeous gal up or apply for that dream job? Didn’t you feel those insects buzzing in your stomach? Perhaps need a drink to calm your nerves and help you find the courage?”

At last, he smiled. That explanation helped a lot, and though his arms weren’t yet tired, her lips were already looming closer to his own. “I don’t suppose…” he whispered, “that you have a little liquid courage for me?”

She smiled and shook her head. “Not at the moment, no. But I can swing by the black market tomorrow if you’d like—look for something special…”

“Yeah, that would probably help a—”

“Mmm,” she sighed as their lips met. Ever so gently, she pressed a kiss onto them—first in the center and then working her way slowly around them, kissing the line where black skin gave way to tawny fur. “Lio have such expressive lips…”

“Well… um…” he whispered as sweat blossomed beneath his fur, “my people evolved to emote with … our … lips…”

But then her tongue was inside his mouth. His eyes closed and he breathed in her breath—it reminded him of a hiking trip in the woods: the leaves and roots giving the forest its scent, the sweet grain-and-nut bars he’d pack as a snack.

Her tongue was stubbier than his but as soft as a spring breeze. She focused on his lips, running back and forth across them, and probing where they rested against his fangs. She toyed with his lips, pressing them gently between her tongue and incisors, seeing how he would react.

At last, he asserted himself, inserting his tongue deep into her muzzle and tracing her upper molars as he reeled it slowly back in.

“Whoa,” she gasped when his tongue had finally cleared her lips.

“Rough?” He frowned, worried this experiment was already doomed.

“Different,” she conceded. “That’s … gonna take some getting used to.”

He was about to apologize, but then she was kissing him again. Karkachan was more cautious this time, and in turn, Mai was more assertive.

When he started to swoon, she got up off of him and knelt beside his body. He panted and she stroked his face. “You’re holding your breath while we kiss,” Mai pointed out. “Does my breath smell that bad to you?”

“No, Mai,” he said, feeling abashed, “but I was afraid you might feel that way about mine. There was meat on the sandwich I had for lunch.”

“It’s salty and strange, minerally,” she said, kissing him once more, “not as gross as I thought it might be.”

His heart sank at hearing his breath was “gross”, even if not as bad as it could have been. “I’m sorry—”

“It makes me curious more than anything,” said Mai. “If I can find you some meat in the black market, I’m going to have to try a nibble.”

He stared at her in surprise, but her attention had already moved to other things. Her fingers trailed down his chest, over rock-hard abs, and to the pink post that stood hard and proud from the longer fur that covered his crotch.

“And I imagined it would be tougher to find this in all that thick fur of yours,” she giggled.

“And I imagined—” he started to say before abruptly closing his muzzle.

The room fell silent.

“Oh?” she asked when he failed to complete the thought, her tone rising with curiosity. “So, you have imagined … you and me…”

Karkachan grinned sheepishly, the insides of his ears blossoming red as blood rushed to them. He felt ashamed. “I might have…” he whispered. Then more defensively, “It was kind of hard not to, considering how hard you flirt at me. But of course, I never imagined that I might be your size.”

She hooked a finger behind his shaft and pulled back slightly, angling it away from his belly. His breath caught at the intimate contact.  “I never got to see this guy before the shrink ray did its job on you.” She bent lower and trailed her soft tongue up his length, and damn that felt amazing—so much nicer than any lio tongue had ever felt! “But it must have been out of my league.”

“Well yeah,” he whispered, his voice cracking unexpectedly. He cleared his throat. “I imagined you’d have to use both of your paws—”

She giggled. “So, you didn’t imagine impaling me, like food roasting over a fire?”

He started to reply but then gasped when she began putting her lips around him.

“What’s wrong?” Mai asked.

“I’m… I’m a little apprehensive about those teeth of yours,” he admitted. With a finger, he raised her upper lip and stared at them for a moment. They’d seemed small when she was tiny—she still was, actually, but now that he was too, they seemed huge and dangerous.

“I can be careful,” she promised, but instead of returning to the task, she slid her fingers inside his mouth and peeling back his lips, she grabbed the big ivory fangs that framed his smile. “But these… I’ve dreamed about what it must feel like to have your mouth around me—knowing you could chomp me in half but wouldn’t.”

He stared wide-eyed, not sure how to react, but Mai just played with his teeth. Karkachan considered pulling her paws away, but instead, he let her play for the longest time. Until finally, around her fingers, he huffed, “Okay, enough of this!”

He grabbed her by the hips and lifted her straight up. Squealing, Mai’s claws dug into the wall, steadying herself, then he lowered her back down—face against the bedroom wall, weight on her toes, her knees almost touching the covers.

Karkachan slid his head between her legs, his lips just barely touching her own. His muzzle crinkled in a snarl and he drew the air in and out, flehming, so he could enjoy her hot musky scent. “Oh! Oh!” she nervously gasped, but he paid no attention. He was focused only on the smell. He had noticed her aroma before when she was stressed or sweating, but never had it been so intensely strong as this!

“Care...ful with that tongue…” she whispered, but the words tapered off as he ran his tongue’s velvety underside across her skin. Mai gasped and moaned. She dragged her claws down the wooden wall leaving ten raw scratches in the shabby surface.

He hated licking her this way, tilting his head back and forth to stimulate her. He wanted to taste her, to explore the tender folds of wet skin between her thighs, but from the way she moaned, he didn’t dare. Clearly, she was far more sensitive down here than any lio gal.

“Oh…” Mai groaned; face pressed against the wall. Now, her hips were bucking slightly, grinding against him. Soon, she couldn’t even form words, Mai just chittered, lost in the sensation.

With one paw, she reached down between her legs and grabbed his upper incisor once more. He froze and let her guide him, let her move his teeth where she willed. She pressed his ivory points against her—against the taut tendon in her inner thigh, into her folds, against naked flesh.

Mai’s juices flowed freely now—into his mouth and down his cheeks. He’d been hard this whole time, but now he felt so much more, desire, need.

She squeaked as he lifted her into the air, and with an echoing flompf, he slammed her down on the springy mattress. She bounced once and then again before laying still, eyes and legs spread wide.

Mai stared at him as he loomed over her, panting, his long pink tongue cleaning the wet fur around his mouth. His golden eyes were locked on her, a predator targeting his prey. Between his legs, his dick throbbed slightly with each breath.

She didn’t wait for him to come to her. She reached forward, putting her fingers atop his shaft, slowly angling him down, leaving him little choice but to accommodate her if he didn’t want to be bent too far forward. She guided him between her thighs and the wetness waiting beyond. Her breath caught; her face pressed against his chest while he readied himself.

Karkachan pushed into her slightly, slippery flesh stretching and sliding out of the way, encompassing him. Mai gasped and clutched at him, digging her nails into his pelt. He paused, whispering, “Okay?”

Without opening her eyes, she nodded hurriedly, face still buried deeply in his chest fur.

So, he forged his way ahead, sliding smoothly inside her, her skin so warm it felt feverish. And then, at last, he was all the way inside, his thighs pressed snugly against her labia, his balls resting under her tail.

“Like that?” he whispered, a tremble of excitement in his voice.

“Almost…” she whispered back. He rested his weight on his palms—one to either side of her shoulders. Mai reached up between them, gently cupping his face in her paws, guiding his mouth down to her.

Karkachan tilted his head, but instead of tilting hers the opposite direction to meet his kiss, she turned her head away from him and eased his jaws around her throat. He was her size now, so he could hardly “chomp her in half”, but his jaws were far bigger than hers, and his mouth easily spanned a quarter of the way around her delicate neck. One of his upper fangs pressed against the back of her neck, near her spine. One of his lower fangs dug into the soft flesh near her voice box. And in the middle, her pulse hammered hard in her jugular, so he felt each beat in his tongue.

“Like that,” she whispered. “Please!”

Karkachan nodded slowly against her, and she gripped him once more as he slid out. He pushed himself forward and she gasped. His brain told him it was perverse to have a submissive mate who wasn’t trying to dominate him, but it felt so wonderful. It tickled a dark corner of his mind that he hadn’t even realized how badly it was itching.

Karkachan repositioned his paws so he could get a good grip on her—grabbing her shoulder with one and her head with the other, holding her still. Mai gasped harder and scrambled frantically with her own paws. She ripped the elastic from his braid and nearly in a frenzy pulled his hair loose, so it draped over them like a blanket.

Now, he built up a good rhythm, sliding in and out, enjoying the heavenly sensation. He squeezed her harder, trapping her, growling deep in his throat with each thrust. The vibrations making her throat tremble.

Mai gripped his chest with her claws, pushing at him as if trying to struggle free, gasping each time his thrusts reached the end of the line, but her hips told another story as her legs squirmed around his waist, trying to make the most of every stroke.

His head was feeling light and his pace increased with his urgency. Mai started squeaking on both the in stroke and the out, her voice rising, her claws digging harder into him.

At last, she gasped, and all her muscles stiffened. He had nearly caught up with her and couldn’t wait a moment longer, so he pounded mercilessly against her hips, pushing inside her as hard as he dared.

At last, he froze—not climaxing, but on teetering on the verge, trying to hold himself there as long as possible, applying steady, unyielding pressure into her depths, frozen, waiting, until he could no longer stop himself.

The spasm started in the middle of his back and gripped him under his tail. He pulled his mouth from her neck and roared as the sensation overtook him.

It was incredible, like nothing he’d ever felt before! His skin tingled and his ears rang. His loins spasmed until the sticky mess between them stretched from his bellybutton to around his scrotum and the underside of his tail.

He gasped for breath, panted, every nerve fiber standing on end and afraid to move even the tiniest amount.

For a hundred heartbeats, the two of them laid there motionless, trying to recover their breath.

At last, the two heard the most timid scratching at the bedroom door and a quiet, feminine voice. “Uh … Mai?” her roommate whispered. “Are you … okay?”

Mai gasped once and then again, trying to form words but managing only to sound like she was suffocating under a lio-shaped rug.

Only on the third try, did she manage to croak, “Never better.”

The laughter that overcame them both was so infectious, they nearly spilled out of bed.


Reviewer's link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1b0Gvumz60mWfJldDptG9vBWWdZ4cEy7VMSf9bnM2k3Q/edit?usp=sharing




Really good on multiple levels - it's interesting to explore more specific kinks, and characters responding to them, and not just regular sex. And all the accompanying sensory details really work well. And all the little details about meat, about Karkachan being considerate and still retaining his personality -- it's all really good! Really looking forward to something Tryonn, too!


Oooh what a fun scene! They really got going here. This was laid out wonderfully! Glad this scene got out before you switched tracks.

Diego P

This one was really fun!


Yeah, no idea why I kept stalling on it. I certainly enjoy this sort of stuff. Brains are weird.

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

Maybe this one will become your next "Long Way Home.". ;) Well, *this* scene will certainly make for an interesting illustration, anyway!


I hadn't intended it, but I have to admit I was kinda getting into it as it evolved.

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

Just an aside... I got my shipment of the "Skeleton Crew" book today I ordered off the website. Thanks. I'm one of those, even tho I've read all your stuff on Kindle, I'll never be happy until I've got the dead-tree versions in hand.


Awesome and I hear ya. When I find an ebook I love, I have to make sure I keep a paper copy too!

William Seal

Loved it :) (also like the idea that the lil mysa have a dom/predator fetish)


Sorry to hear you had a hard time finding motivation to write this. I hope it wasn't because of the path the story took. I think it came out very cute and adorable, I love these two's interactions. Maybe because I relate to Karkachan a bit? I'm not sure if he would call himself demisexual but the caring about feelings and thoughts towards everyone's motivation is nice to read. I so want to suggest to Rick he draws end of 6 start of 7 where Mai pounces Karkachan or where Karkachan was holding Mai up by under her arms being his theme this month is PRECARIOUS SITUATION. But of course respect it's your story and characters. I know there's probably a couple other precarious things but I don't want to give too many spoilers. :) :p