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Do you guys remember the Max story about the mysa sneaking aboard a lio spaceship? It's been a long time, but @William Seal was asking if I'd be writing more, so I thought, why not.

You might return to the index and refresh your memory of parts 1-3, but when we last left off, Max was sneaking around the access spaces inside the ship's walls and he found himself peeking out on a sleeping lio gal.

But I'll let Max take it from there...



Max’s mother would never have forgiven him if she only knew that he was standing there—with a raging boner—peeking in a sleeping gal. His mom was old-fashioned and a staunch believer that he needed to treat everyone how he would want to be treated. She reminded him of this often while growing up, telling him that her heart was breaking whenever he fell short of her expectations.

And yet despite this, he didn’t seem to be leaving. Guilt aside, this was the straightest experience he’d ever had. He had nothing against guys and had slept with plenty, but he was pretty certain that he preferred gals—well, as certain as a guy could be when the closest they ever came to a female was staring at them from the opposite side of a river—and he was really enjoying staring at this lio’s gigantic ass.

So instead of marching him away from the crack between the access panels, his brain began trying on different rationalizations to see which might be the best fit.

All you’re doing is admiring how she looks! said his grey matter. If someone liked how you looked, you’d want them to admire you, even if you didn’t know about it, wouldn’t you?

He wasn’t entirely certain about that. It would be great if someone found him attractive, especially a female someone, but he wasn’t convinced that spying on him would make him feel particularly wanted.

You wouldn’t even be in this mess if it weren’t for the lio. They’re the ones who separated the ghetto into male and female halves.

That was definitely true. The lio had been trying to help, but as usual, the solution they had settled on was their typical this-will-have-to-do-because-we-have-far-more-important-things-to-deal-with-right-now sort of compromise. Allowing the males and females to live together without predators to thin their numbers would have been chaos, but keeping them separate and never giving Max a chance to find a mate, a career, a life? That was cruel. If he could have a female in his life, he wouldn’t have had to stow away in the first place.

But then again, the lovely lio gal before him probably had nothing to do with segregating the ghetto.

I never claimed to be a good guy! shouted his brain when reason struck down the other excuses.

True. Good guys didn’t steal rides on spaceships.

But that was a sign of his desperation, frankly. He did try to be a good guy. Apart from that one crime, he’d never really broken a law. So why wasn’t he trying to be a good guy now?

Around and around his brain went, thinking endlessly about what was fair, what was right, what was moral, what could have been, and what should have been. And all the while, he stood there, admiring her golden butt, sporting a “second tail, stiff as a nail”, and wishing he had the balls to sneak from his hiding place so he could touch her.

Max lost track of time. Had he stood there a minute? An hour? He had no idea. Had someone not scratched on her door, he could have stayed put until she’d gotten up for work.

Beyond the thin door, Max could hear someone whispering with strange Lio words. Was it her name, perhaps? Her rank? It sounded like a question but too short, too gentle to be coming from her commander. It clearly wasn’t, “Are you coming to work?”

The door cracked open and a dark lio paw reached inside, touching the light controls and bringing the room’s brightness up a few notches. The gal on the bed stirred slightly, stretching and raising her head. She replied with a question of her own in a similarly hushed tone. “Yes?” perhaps, or possibly someone’s name.

The door opened a little wider and a male slipped inside. He pulled the door closed behind him until the latch clicked shut. Then he stood motionless, straight and tall like a lio skyscraper. Max craned his neck to try and see all the way up to his face.

Jeez! Max had thought that the female was muscular, but this guy looked like he could have tossed the ship into orbit all by himself. His charcoal pelt contrasted so sharply with his loose, tan mane that it made his hair look almost white. His shoulders were so broad that Max would have wanted a safety line before trying to climb from one to the other.

Strong legs, chiseled abs, and … a ridiculous, impossible-to-ignore pouf of tan fur over his crotch, obscuring his genitalia—a third mane to match the ones on his head and the tip of his tail. What a nuisance, thought the mysa, trying to live with that much hair!

The male spoke, but of course, Max couldn’t understand his words. So instead, he made up his own translation based on the lio’s tone of voice and body language. “Tahren, you golden goddess,” he must have said, “when you didn’t show up for your shift, I thought I’d check on you. Are you okay? Can I get you a mug of javea?”

Max knew his translation was deeply flawed. “Tahren”, for example, wasn’t even a lio name. But if he were going to make up the rest of it, he felt he might as well assign her a pretty name, and he’d never heard a lio name that wasn’t as ugly as a tumor.

Tahren purred and stretched. With a paw, she touched his muscular thigh. “That’s so considerate of you,” she had to be replying. “I’d love a mug.”

He put his paws on his hips, tilted his head, saying nothing for a moment. “How do you take it? A little milk, a little sugar?”

She laughed an almost musical note. “Do you suppose there’s any bar-bar berries in the galley?” asked Tahren. She slid effortlessly to the end of the low bed and sat up on the edge, so her knees straddled either side of his calves. The big dunce was occupying all of her floor space and leaving her no place to stand.

“I could look,” said the oaf. “If that thieving mysa crew hasn’t taken them all…”

She ran two pads down the edge of his paw to his forefinger, then ever-so-gently guided his finger between her lips and into her waiting muzzle. She closed her brilliant green eyes and then slowly pulled away, drawing her lips down his finger’s length. She finished with her tongue, tilting her head back as she went, guiding him until his finger pointed up, like an erection. A grin slowly spread across her face.

Max stared with jaw hanging askew.

Clearly, he had mischaracterized their conversation.

With his other paw, the male brushed his fingers through her bangs, brushing her lovely hair out of the way so he could see more of her face.

Tahren ran her fingers up the inside of his thigh to his third mane and pulled it aside to reveal…


Tahren grinned, but Max’s jaw dropped even farther, and his erection lost a little spunk at the humbling sight. It was huge! Of course, it had to be to satisfy the goddess Tahren, but the thick, pink thing emerging from the lio’s prepuce just kept coming until the gently curving monstrosity rested across her forehead, between her eyes.

If that thing had legs, Max thought, I could ride it. And he meant that literally, not figuratively.

Tahren closed her eyes and nuzzled with the thing. She cupped his scrotum in one paw and gripped his dick with the other, keeping the brute from going anywhere while she lavished affection on him with both licks and kisses.

And as Max stared, his own erection returned with a vengeance. This isn’t really happening, is it? he wondered. I’m not about to really witness… But oh yes, he was. There was no doubting just where this lio encounter was headed.

Max’s conscience nagged at him, reminded him that if he didn’t leave immediately … something, something, something, mutter, mumble. His conscience had grown quiet, dropping from a shout to the annoying buzz of an insect. Without turning his attention from the foreplay in front of him, he deftly kicked his conscience in the face, shoved it in the closet, and locked the door behind it.

I’m a bad person. I admit it, thought Max. Right or wrong, fair or unjust, he wasn’t going anywhere. Ever since puberty, there’d been nothing he’d wanted more than to make love to a female. He’d fantasized about them endlessly. He’d climbed the tallest buildings in Bucksburg and stared at them from afar. He’d weathered the occasional musk fight and given as good as he had taken. But this big dolt was about to give this beautiful goddess the deep dicking that he’d been imagining for all these years, and there was no way he was going to miss it.

I’ll hate myself tomorrow, he told himself, but I’ll cope.

So, he reached down and took his own member in paw, bit gently at his lower lip, and gave himself a little stroke each time she bobbed her head down on him, sucking his entire length deep into her muzzle until her lips were circled around the monstrous thing’s base.

She was amazing; strong, confident. She clearly knew what she wanted and was out to get it.

After a long minute of making sure she had his complete attention, he staggered slightly, slamming his palm into one of the cheap, plastic panels two stories over Max’s head. The mysa jumped as his world shook, but he didn’t pull away from the crack between panels. He understood exactly how the male felt. Max was a little dizzy as well!

Tahren giggled, clearly pleased with the effect she was having on him. And then, giving him a moment to catch his breath, the two giants performed a surprisingly delicate dance that was punctuated by more giggling and some worried shushing when one of them made more noise than they had intended to. The oaf ended up on the bottom, laying on his back with a swollen dick pushing his third mane to the side, while Tahren straddled his hips with her knees.

She lifted her tail up just as high as it could go, and then reaching down between her legs, she used her fingertips to angle his penis until it pointed up into her own third mane. With one long finger, she pulled the veil aside, then began rocking slowly back and forth.

Max watched in fascination how his monstrous member rubbed slowly into the wet, pink groove between her legs, sinking a little deeper between her lips each time as her juices lubed him up.

Oh, no way! the mysa almost whispered aloud. He slapped his left paw over his muzzle while his right kept time with her motions. He bit into one of his fingers, trying to keep from crying out.

Then Tahren leaned far forward so her face was nuzzled up into his neck. She turned her hips, propped his dick up a little farther, and eased her way back, letting the slippery shaft sink deep inside her soaking-wet fur.

The three of them let out a tiny gasp of joy.

He moved his paws to her hips, but she batted them away. She was making love to him, not the other way around.

So, Max watched in silence, stroking up each time Tahren’s perfect, golden bottom rose to its zenith and then back down as she took his giant rod up inside herself. Over and over, the two repeated this ritual, her setting the pace, and Max imagining that he was lying on the bed, letting her do whatever she wanted to him.

Unfortunately, it became quickly apparent that the mysa wasn’t going to last as long as his lio proxy. Max could feel himself rapidly approaching the point of no return, despite how the couple before him seemed like they were just getting started. Abruptly, he could wait no longer. It felt so good and he could hold it no longer. The convulsion started deep up inside his tailhole before radiating outward in all directions. He climaxed hard, eyes shut tight, the muscles in his back stiffening rigid, and he blew his load all over the inside of the plastic panel.

Max sank slowly to his knees, dick still wrapped tight inside his paw. He gasped, gulping air, and trying to catch his breath.

His heart pounded in his oversized ears for a long while, then eventually his erection retreated back inside. He dragged himself up onto his paws, his panting beginning to slow, light-headedness fading, and his clarity returning.

He looked back out through the crack one final time at the two giants grinding away, still keeping an even pace. The scene hadn’t changed, but Max had. Spent and needs sated, he was no longer pent-up, and couldn’t see the display as sexy or stimulating. It was just lio doing lio things, and a reminder that he was a bad person.

Max’s sticky mess ran slowly down the panel, and he left it without trying to wipe it away, padding off into the darkness and looking for a bite to eat or a distraction from a conscience that had finally figured out how to unlock the closet door.


Reviewer's link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pYExacfI8DF63V_VXLkCXnBRuk3oxY5JCFJjdzSgenY/edit?usp=sharing



William Seal

Honestly, it's better than I expected :) Now im truly hooked. Will they discover the tiny stowaway? And what will they do to him when they find him? Will Max find love?

Diego P

This was really hot, such a shame Max couldn't hold it longer lol


That was great! Glad to see more Max ^w^

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

I'm now waiting for Max to take any opportunity to do the "full-body motorboat" on his sexy Lio goddess. :D


ROTFL! I hadn't planned that, but it would be funny.