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Whoa! What a month October has been for my Patreon. I put up an audio chapter, did four scene requests—including two of gay porn, which is waaay out of my comfort zone—came up with a title and ship name for the next Tori book, brainstormed with you guys, and finished up the main thread to my next mystery. I posted a whopping 36k words this month.


While I'm talking about Tori, I want to mention that I hope no one is disappointed in the Tori scenes I've posted. I know that various readers replied with things that they didn't like about the ending, but to reiterate, this is a perfectly normal part of the process. No one ever likes the first ending I come up with for a book, but it's incredibly valuable for me to get a mediocre ending out there first, get feedback on it, and then bang it into shape. This is how we do it. Editing is where we turn an okay story into a great one, and we will make it great before it lands in print.

So, what's up for November?

Scene requests, obviously. I'll post the prompt in a moment and I'll work my way through them. So far, I've managed to do one for each requester every month. I do hope I'll be able to continue completing them, but obviously I can make no promises. If I get swamped by requests or other responsibilities (or suffer burn-out) then I may fall short, but I will always try.

The second thread for the Tori story will be the Boots tale. Now that I know where Tori's story has gone, I'm hoping I'll be able to write a second thread to compliment it and plan to work on that this month.

Voting! All adults in the USA should go and vote on Tuesday if you haven't already. Please. This country is in desperate need of a regime change.

Thanks again for your unending support. I've been having a great time entertaining you and I'm looking forward to doing it again in November. Stay safe and wear a mask that covers your nose.


Rick Griffin

I'm sorry, I should reiterate that I wasn't disappointed by the Tori scenes, and anything I felt was wrong was more a matter of omission than anything. I absolutely loved the direction things went in regards to the whole ship lockdown and sabotage; the book needed a setpiece at least as engaging as the first Tori book and I believe that delivered.


I have complete confidence that the next draft is gonna rock!

Diego P

Last month was awesome, I was so excited with every new Tori entry and it never went where I was expecting, even the only thing I got right had unexpected aspects to it, I cant wait to see next draft! seeing you work this month really inspired me into writing, I am still really slow but at least I have been writing every day, Congratulations for the job done!

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

Regarding the ship itself; I don't know about anybody else, but I sometimes get a bit confused about how the Gateships are set up. It might be nice for some upcoming book to come with at least a basic idea of what the Fleet ships are meant to look like and how they're laid out. It seems to be a major missing bit of the HC Universe.