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Once you catch up reading all of the Tori scenes, now you can help me brainstorm out ways that Tori can get herself out of this mess.

To recap:

  • Tori has figured out that Thojy is our murderer, but he hasn't been apprehended yet. He's hiding somewhere aboard the ship.
  • Commissioner Troykintrassa acted unexpectedly when he came aboard.
  • Someone (presumably Thojy) has poisoned the commissioner. Motives—and whether he had been targeting Troykintrassa, Daskatoma, or whether he cared at all which he killed—has not been established.
  • Captain Gutassi murdered the commissioner with a shuttle wreck.
  • Officer Jintauro interviewed the captain, missed a clue left for him by Troykintrassa, and demanded to interview Tori.

Now, how do we get her out of this? Here's some things I'd like to accomplish:

  • It looks really hopeless for her.
  • Daskatoma comes aboard the ship unexpectedly.
  • Tori figures out something or says something clever that convinces Jintauro that there's nothing to find here.

So far, the best I have is her pointing out that no one has a motive for killing the commissioner. It's a good point, but it's far from proof.

How can you help? Easy! There's three great ways:

  • Leave comment(s) here.
  • DM me.
  • Join the discussion on my Discord at https://discord.gg/fAQEzSt and jump into the #spoiler-tori channel.

Thanks in advance! I can't wait to read your suggestions.

EDIT: Oh! I should mention that it's no big deal for me to go back to an earlier point and plant something that can be used now to get Tori off the hook, but still, what?


Aaron Mandelbaum

Could she shift the blame to Daskatoma? Because I'm totally suspecting Daskatoma.


Only if she could do it in a way that didn't implicate the captain, and I don't see how she could do that. Her best option would be to convince the investigator that it was an accident somehow.

Hannah Wallenbrock

Yeah I have a sneaking suspicion that Daskatoma may have orchestrated his uncle's poisoning, or at least attempted to push events in that direction, so I agree with finding some way to have her shift the blame, or at least make Jintauro less suspicious of her/the crew and more so of Daskatoma.


Note, this is just any ideas I had, I'm sure most of them will make no sense or really work but hey brain storming can sort out the bad latter :) For bribing investigator, I'm sure every Krakun has their price, especially if it helps advance their career, and ya I doubt it would be easy. I agree, I can't think of a single thing the Geroo would be able to bribe with. But maybe it's Troykintrassa trying to do the bribe, maybe behind the Geroo's backs? I don't think it was any Geroo that killed the commissioner, well the first time with the position anyways :p. I think It was Daskatoma that poisoned Troykintrassa as a way to advance his career. The previous murders and films were a plot by Daskatoma (enlisting a few Geroo of course) to get Troykintrassa on the ship in a subpar shuttle that was hopefully going to crash on the way back and poison as insurance that Troykintrassa wouldn't make it back. Random idea it was Daskatoma that scratched poison onto panting to incriminate the Geroo, what better way than a purge to get rid of evidence and his accomplices? Another idea Daskatoma is overly concerned about saving his own tail, tries to enlist Tori into making sure nothing points to him, whether he is guilty or not of anything. But we will eventually see how we get from here to there, maybe Tori figures out what was really going on maybe realize she's been played, and gets the heat put on Daskatoma? He booked the substitute shuttle no?

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

That was my suspicion as well... But if he manipulated Thojy into poisoning him (and/or killing others), he's a next-level plotter... On the level of a Moriarty. But, of course, Tori is not yet a Sherlock by any stretch.